mitsimr Member


  • 3.8 lbs lost
  • I like weighing in. It helps keep me accountable.
  • I lost 1 lb this past week making a total of 35 lbs lost so far.
  • I lost 1 lb this week. I was expecting to gain after the 4th. I had a binge that day. The next several days after that though I cut my calories even more to make up for it.
  • That is awesome. Leaving the 200s was an amazing feeling girl. Keep it up you are doing awesome. All of you are.
  • Ok I was trying to post my before and current in here but am unable to figure out how I posted pictures before. Maybe I did it from a computer but it is on my profile now and if anyone can tell me how I will post it here.
  • I lost 5.8 lbs this week. I am super suprised because I haven't logged as much this week. It has been super crazy. I am in tears because I have been fighting hard for this. I deny myself nothing but it's been hard at times not to give in and binge. When I met my below 200 goal and reset my goal I played with MFP and found…
  • Dang girl...that does sound like a workout
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • Great job everyone!!!!!
  • Lost 1.4.....freaking Tom is visiting so I think that held me back a little but 1.4 is still a great number.
  • I would but I am 3 days in.
  • It's ok. It's not going to be for everyone. I am doing it because even though I struggle it's easy to follow and doesn't last long. If you find something good though let me know because I am going to be looking for something new when I am done with this.
  • Ok thank you everyone. My reasoning for this (which I probably should have put in the op) is I am trying to get everything together so I can do 5X5SL. When I started that I wanted be properly educated about the nutrition I needed to sustain the heavy lifting. All of your advice has been really helpful.
  • @hoovhome I just saw the earlier post you made about the pushups. I do the pushups off my dresser. I have read (do not know if it is true of not but the reasoning seems sound) that starting off the wall (which is too easy for me so I had to move on from that. I do my pushups from a bit of a lower surface on my dresser. It…
  • @hoovhome I can't do it without modifications either. I did do the jumping jacks and butkicks (though I was nowhere near kicking my but lol); however when I would go to do the jump ropes my feet could not come off the floor both at the same time so that turned into kind of another set of jump roping one…
  • I think I would enjoy free weights if I had some or could join a gym. I used to love it when I was younger. I am trying to stick to 30 day shred right now.
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • @fwitsend1277 oh my goodness does your arms hurt as much as mine do? When I lift my arms up they really hurt in the arm pit area.
  • Yayyyyy so many other people joining. I haven't done it today. Jury duty ran really late. I might still work it in but I am mentally exhausted because it was stressful and things got pretty heated.
  • On my way @FitMeBetter sounds like a plan lol
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • Thats great I am happy to hear you started with me. I just finished day two and I have to say I read about how bad it was on your legs but no one mentioned the arms. I swear they are more sore than my legs are. Look forward to hearing how it goes for you tomorrow. I think I like it. I say alot of not nice things to Jillian…
  • Day one is done. I had to stop alot and modify but I did it. My legs are jelly and my abs (they are not a myth ladies I feel them) are on fire but it's done. I look forward to others joining me on this challenge and sharing their first day; whenever it may be.
  • I would eat something filling and we'll balanced before. Maybe a chicken wrap with avacado on it. Afterwards it depends on your needs. If all you need is a snack to tide you over till you get home the cashews should be fine. If you need something more filling another of the above or I like a boiled egg (if I am home its a…
  • Thank you everyone and those who aren't there I have full faith I will be congratulating you soon. A little bit at a time with an occasional step or two back we are making it there. Great work ladies you are awesome.
  • The support is amazing. I especially like how , unlike the message boards, no one gets up on their high horse on what you should and shouldn't do. For example I was asking people to share healthy swaps one day and I posted some of my favorites. Well many of them involve cauliflower though I am not doing low carb. I have…
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • I am down 2.6 dropping me in onederland.
  • Thank you everyone for your advice. You are all awesome.
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • I can't afford classes right now and my friends have no interest in working out. I keep asking though. I know I would do better if that was the case. I have one friend I hope I've about got convinced though.
    in consistency Comment by mitsimr June 2016
  • I am down 1.3.....@Valerieblaydes are you able to weigh your food? If not maybe your calorie count is off. You said no more restaurant food so maybe if you tacked on a few more calories to it to cover where the count may be off. You may be right too. All that sodium could have you hanging on to alot of water. I am sorry if…
  • Girl put a picture, pair of jeans, anything that will motivate you where you can see it often. That way you can literally keep your eye on the prize. Also remember you are a rockstar! You have this in the bag.