

  • Welcome and we are here to help and support you
  • One of the most imporatant things to remember to eat at least six times per day and avoid bad carbs high in sugar...becuase that can lead to weight gain... Try to avoid your fast foods and sweets.....I know for me I try to eat my largest meal at lunch...my pre mixed protein shakes are great way to relieve hunger especially…
  • Great Job.....
  • Enjoy your vacation and exercise by just taking an hour to walk or swim in the mornings or evenings:bigsmile:
  • Hello Everyone, I have learned there good calrories and bad calories....good caloreis consist of your fruits, veggies, starches, and lean proteins w for example bananas, pineapples, pomergrantes, broccoli, leafy greens, carrots, greans beans, potates(baked or roasted) and chicken, fish, and beef are considered good…
  • Insanitity works...I know someone whom is using this to lose weight and the results are great....try muscle milk and lean body shakes pre-mixed shakes...gnc or the vitamann shoppe have great products....also if you print the coupons off the vitaman shoppe website they will honor the price difference online vs in-store
  • Go ahead indulge and enjoy yourself....a piece of cake will not hurt you.....but drink plenty of water with lemon to elimnate the sweet tooth cravings....:bigsmile: