ncytiz Member


  • 5'-3" Starting weight: 188, size 16/18 Current weight: 125, size 4/6
  • I'm 5'3" and I'm older too. I started at 188 and my goal was originally 135, but when I got there I decided to go to 125. At 125 I wear a size 4-6 and I look healthy. I don't think women my age look very good when they get too thin, Hubby thinks I'm a little too thin right now, but I think he needs a little time to adjust…
  • Look for the ziploc steamer bags. They're amazing!
  • I cook an egg in a coffee mug in the microwave and it's perfect size to put on a whole wheat english muffin. I cook it for 40 seconds in mine and it comes out just right. I guess you could scramble it and cook it that way too, but I just poke the yoke with a toothpick so it doesn't explode and it's like a fried egg. This…
  • Absolutely! I think I'm at around 265 days in a row logged. If I didn't do it, I'm sure I wouldn't have been as successful with my weight loss. I'm only a couple of pounds away from my goal and I'm going to continue to log when I'm on maintenance. It helps me to see both the good and the bad and to stay honest with myself.…
  • When I did it, I alternated with running. I did RI30 3 days a week, so I did each level a total of 6 times over 2 weeks. It took me 8 weeks to finish instead of 30 days, but I still got good results. I think you can adapt it to whatever works for you. I hope that helps!
  • I find that even though I'm buying the sizes that fit me, I'm still looking at the same styles that I wore when I was heavier. Now I'm making it a point to try on things that I would have never worn before I lost weight, and I've been surprised by how nice they look. You have a whole new body to dress, so experiment and…
  • Thank you all for your kind words! Since I started on my own, I just cut down on my portions and tried to eat right. After I discovered MFP, I was very careful with my calories and rarely went over. I got a little obsessive about it and had to convince myself that it wasn't good to be under on calories. I exercise 5 days a…
  • Actually, I had a full hysterectomy about 10 years ago, so that's all over and done with :smile:
  • I went on a cruise in October and we were gone a total of 10 days. I tried to be careful with my choices and not go completely crazy, but I didn't want to miss out on the fun of "vacation foods" either. I gained a total of 3 pounds, but I got back to eating normally when I came home and it was gone within 2 weeks. It…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 137.0 03/19: 135.6 03/26: 135.8 04/02: 134.4 04/07: 133.2<<< Challenge…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 137.0 03/19: 135.6 03/26: 135.8 04/02: 134.4 04/07: <<< Challenge goal…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 137.0 03/19: 135.6 03/26: 135.8 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>>…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 137.0 03/19: 135.6 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 So…
  • I turned 50 this past June and it hit me really hard. I used it as my motivation to get my act together, and since then I've lost over 50 pounds and I'm running my second 5K in a couple of weeks. I'm in the best shape of my life, and now I think 50 is fabulous!!
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 137.0 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135
  • Yay! Even if it doesn't work out, we're trying new things so we have more of a chance to find healthy foods that we like. I started eating raw spinach lately in place of lettuce and I was pleasantly surprised. Last night I tried to steam it and I didn't like it at all. I guess that doesn't really matter, I'll just keep…
  • Here's a mini challenge for the week: I'm a very picky eater and have been trying to incorporate new and different healthy foods into my eating plan. There is such a huge variety of food that I've never tasted and been afraid to try. So my challenge is to incorporate at least one new healthy food (or several!) into your…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 136.8 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 I can't believe…
  • My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at age 39, and we lost her 6 years later. I just had my 3rd colonoscopy done and it was all clear, but I have to be rechecked every 5 years. It's really not that big of a deal to have it done, and it's SO worth the peace of mind. The worst part is the "clean out" before you…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 138.4 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 I haven't seen the…
  • Thank you for all of your comments and advice! I ordered NROL4W and I'm gonna read through that to see what my plan of attack should be. I'd prefer to work out at home but I could join a gym if I need to. I'm really excited now and I can't wait to start!!!
  • Good to know. I'll have to watch out for that one as well. Thanks!
  • You guys are amazing! Thanks so much for the encouragement :happy:
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 140.2 02/27: 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 I was on vacation this past…
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 02/27: 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 Posting early because I'm going on…
  • I'm still plugging along on RI30. I did L3D5 today. I've been doing it 3 days a week for 2 weeks (alternating with running) so I'll finish up L3 this week and start level 4 next week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I finish, but I still have 2 weeks to figure it out :smile:
    in Yay! Comment by ncytiz February 2012
  • Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy Current Weight: 146.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 01/02: 146.6 01/09: 146.0 01/16: 145.6 01/23: 144.0 01/30: 142.6 02/06: 141.0 02/13: <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1 02/20: 02/27: 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135 Wow! I hit my mini-goal early, and after…
  • I've found since losing weight I'm always cold so I drink hot water all day long to keep me warm. It doesn't taste the greatest, but it does the job!