I think if I saw someone struggling with something, I would definately try to help. But to just walk up and say, here, let me get that ..NOPE.
The term 'right or wrong' is all relative to the standards we abide by individually and collectively...not to mention 'legally'. This is what is often referred to as a 'moral compass'. It also depends where the 'moral compass' is centered. Most often, it is in relation to religion .. but not always. Whether or not you…
LOL ... I raised teenagers .. and lived to tell about it .. This is not as much of a 'joke' as you think it is. Life is too short to not be able to look back and laugh at yourself.
I can't say I have ever "NOT" answered the door. I don't have pesky neighbours, I don't often experience 'intrusions'. If had a troublesome neighbour .. I think I would be honest enough to say "If I don't answer the door, don't be offended .. I'm probably sleeping in". Unless it's something REALLY important, come back…
Do not be lulled into thinking that father's have stopped wanting to protect their daughters .. even at 24... Daughters are daughters ... no matter how 'old' you are. Same goes for the 'mama'.
We sound very much the same in this department. I am an avid animal welfare supporter. Animal shelters are my 'pet' charities. I give as often as I can .. and I too am a sap when it comes to animals. That's why I now have two little boys who are a part of our family. They are rescues. They will never see the inside of a…
Pay it forward .. Random acts of kindness .. Call it what you like .. I call it .. Sharing the globe. I admit it .. I am a slave to my conscience. If I see someone in need .. and if I can do something to help .. I do .. In a heartbeat. My hubby is the same way .. and that's one of the reason's I love and respect him as…
I ride a Harley ... Fatboy.
My ideal about my food changed dramatically after seeing a documentary called "Food, Inc." I will now make a huge effort to buy organically grown produce and meats that are 'farm' raised as opposed to factory raised. More expensive, yes .. but that's because people are soooo gullible and believe all the hype we all see on…
So often, people get caught up with the hustle and bustle of real life woes .. working alternating shifts does complicate 'family' life .. no one can argue with that. Sure, it sucks .. but at least you are working and you are both should be commended on your efforts to support your family. Given this new turn of events…
Personally, I think it's absurd to choose others over your marriage. Now, having said that, let me go on to explain. A person should never lose their sense of individualism even when they marry. It is sooo important (and I can't emphasis it enough) to make a huge effort to meld both your individualism and your partnership…
Blue Gold .. World Water Wars, the documentary. If THAT doesn't scare the crap outta ya .. nothing will!
Some babies never crawl ..but they get around. The are very intelligent creatures, and should never be underestimated. If she wants something that she sees .. she will go after it. I've seen some pretty amazing feats of acrobatics when a child wants to get from point a to b.
To take care of the creation we call 'earth'. Oh, did I mention .. WE SUCK AT THIS JOB!
On a forum like this, where people come together to talk and chitchat about any number of topics, It's not about JUST getting a straight answer. Most often people don't JUST want a simple answer to a simple question .. They want a discussion about it .. They don't want to review OLD discussions, they want to be involved in…
I agree 'swearing' has it's place. I've been known to throw out a few 'F' sharps myself, on rare occasions. It's not part of my everyday repertoir. To me, it's about respect and courtesy. Some of you don't think it's a big deal .. they are 'just words'...yet, I highly doubt if you would talk the same way infront of young…
one word .. 'worms'.
double post .. WHY does this keep happening??
LOL, It didn't happen at the the Gym, but I did watch a young lady walk out of the water at a busy beach one time .. just like they do in the movies .. with her arms up and squeezing her hair with with her head tilted back. She seems like she was feeling quite sexy .. until she noticed her bathing suit top was around her…
Feeling 'sexy' is a state of mind .. not body. You can feel sexy one day or moment in time .. and not the next. Not because of a change in body structure or body weight...but mood and attitude. It's about how you feel in your own skin.
I agree to. This is a 'house rules' problem, and the landlord is the administrator of the community rules. To prevent a negative reaction, it's much better to let management handle this issue. It's sad to see that people are still THAT inconsiderate by smoking in a common area. I am a HUGE fan of 'no smoking' laws and…
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. I have always had the mindset if it 'feels' wrong .. it is. If you go there with no 'evil dastardly plan' .. then that's what you will have. A social evening with camaraderie of others. No harm done.
If he is just not that into you, then maybe it is time to move on. Entering into a one sided relationship is never easy. You will be setting yourself up for some real heartache. That's just simply one hellova bumpy ride. He may very well care for you, and maybe even love you .. but, he may not be 'in love' with you. In the…
I wouldn't get too bent outta shape over the lack the bling after only a year. That is not the end of the world. If you love him, as much as you say you do, you have to ask yourself, are you better off with him .. or without him. Now, having said that .. after a year it is not unreasonable to have the disccusion about how…
I don't believe he doesn't know .. It's just not logical for his family to just 'dump' him without a word. There is 'something' .. there is ALWAYS 'something' going on. Personally, if I were me and my family ... I would call .. over and over .. if no one answers or calls back after numerous attempts .. THAT would make me…
Other than finding information on line, the best 'go to' place is your own doctor. You have to find out what is available in your community to get help on the matter. In any event, don't under estimate the need to get help.
I think I might be missing something. I don't think I have ever heard of someone developing a 'committed' romantic relationship on line and that's as far as it went. It's not even logical. Meeting someone, having conversations, getting to know them some .. but without face to face time, that is not really a committed…
Oh my goodness .. now THAT got my attention! I am so glad you gained your freedom from that state of mind. I hope you are past all that and feel better about your bright future. I really wish you all the best. I am curious, what have you decided to do for a living? I hope that is not too personal of a question to ask. Just…
I think my year was pretty good .. considering .. We were blessed with the birth of our first grandchild. SHE is definatety the best thing EVER! Besides, blubbering about "HER" .. I think we fared pretty good. My daughter split with her boyfriend of 3 yrs and has since been dating a fellow that I think might be "the one".…
Because I like to think people aren't that malicious (especially Mothers) .. I would tend to think that was not her intention. Although YOU think it inappropriate, I wonder if SHE thought it to be nice idea for a treat for the whole family that she can afford. There are always options at any restaurant .. even fast food…