Amethysta79 Member


  • I've started on 26 points & I found out that it sometimes works out to only 1,000 calories (ish) on here & I've heard that the points drop the more weight you lose. I don't eat back my Activity Points, & occasionally delve into my weekly allowance. Some days I'm hungry & some days I'm not. I'm aware that I probably don't…
  • I'm the same, I think in stones & so it's annoying that even though I've lost pounds, I'm still over 10 stone & it's that big double figure that I want to get under. I think it's what I was brought up with so I'm hardwired to think that way.
  • I know, but I was already feeling too big & it was a massive kick in the teeth. I'm not always eating under 1,000 a day, just sometimes & I only found out purely because I mirrored what I'd logged on the WW app, on here just to see & on here is better if I'm honest as it breaks it down into carbs etc. Once my WW 3 months…
  • People are so mean sometimes, I'd never dream of insulting anyone - it can seriously affect them! I think I might just avoid anything involving lifting, as lifting heavy boxes is what damaged my back in the first place. I have tried doing the leg press & lifting small dumbbell weights as want to tone my thighs & arms too.…
  • At the moment my fat percentage is 30.1% or 43.6lbs according to my magic scales. To be honest, I just want to look good. If the figures are perfect, I suppose it doesn't matter :)
  • I hate fruit as well so have been juicing it & going to start making smoothies soon, just so I get some goodness.
  • Is both an acceptable answer? *sheepish grin* I used to be this weight when I was a lot younger & fairly toned because I used to dance. I want to get back to this if I can. I do a lot on the rowing machine because I think it'll tone my legs, sort my tummy out & strengthen my back a bit. I'm getting a nerve tingly feeling…
  • It upset me a lot because I'd had a bad day anyway then I was innocently sitting at a table when him & his friends came back in & accused us of taking their seats (we hadn't). His exact words were "that fat c*** with her fat *kitten* is in our seat". I promptly burst into tears. Shouldn't have let it get to me, but it did.
  • I was already a member on here & only belong to WW online, so thought I'd use both.
  • Thank you for all the people giving me encouraging messages. I didn't realise I wasn't being realistic with my ideals.
  • I've been sticking to my daily points & not going over, even when I'm hungry. My boyfriend who is very supportive & helping me through this thinks the amount of points I'm allowed is ridiculously low. I'm only left with 7 points for dinner in the evening so I can hardly eat anything. I know veg is free, but most veg makes…
  • Have been told that cardio burns fat more, so that's what I've been concentrating on. Plus I started to feel really unfit so feel this is the way to get my fitness levels back up. Only thing that worries me is my heart rate hits 200 after about 2 minutes on the cross trainer which seems a teensy bit high. I would do…
  • I'm 5'3"/4 & want to be about 117lbs because that's that is was when I was about 21 & happy with my size. I'm now 34 & don't like what I see in changing room mirrors. I swear they are lit to make you look horrific! Want to enjoy buying clothes again instead of getting depressed. I'm also quite top heavy (even when I was…
  • Firstly I didn't mean to be "borderline offensive" to anyone. I was just down because I weighed myself this morning. I don't have an eating disorder, I'm on Weightwatchers & eating what the points allow me. I just so happen to put them onto here to see what it equated to & it came out at under 1000 calories. I didn't sent…
  • Hate fruits & vegetables (always have since I was child) so have been juicing them to get some goodness into me because I know it's not right that I don't eat many of them (although I have discovered a LOVE for butternut squash). To try & explain my frustration, at my work leaving do a couple of months ago I was called a…
  • I did put it all on quite quickly, a stone & a half in 2 months as I snacked a lot because my life felt like it had fallen to bits (had to find somewhere to live, relationship breakup, nasty online stalker). I guess it's because my clothes don't feel that much different & only lost 0.7lbs the last 2 weeks & I'm not…
  • I'm working out my food with the points system & some days it's working out at less than 1000 calories. Combined with the gym & feeling hungry a lot & eating about a quarter of what I used to, I thought I'd have noticed a tiny difference by now, but nothing yet & people who haven't seen me for over a month haven't made any…
  • Well the individual fruit is free, & I'm just juicing it raw so I don't think it adds points? However, just weighed myself after 2 weeks on it & gained weight. I've been in tears because I haven't cheated & have gone to the gym every night for an hour. I weigh more than when I started :(
  • I am thinking positive although I do have slip ups. Never turn to food though, just get a bit depressed. Thank you for your support, I want to look fabulous primarily & the fit will just be an added bonus!
  • Definitely don't weigh yourself every day. I made that mistake the last time & ended up giving up as I was gaining a pound, losing a pound, gaining 2 pounds etc etc over a day & got myself into a right old state.
  • I'm doing WW Online & have lost 3 lbs so far in a week. I do find myself hungry all the time & spend my points in no time. To be fair I HATE fruit & vegetables & the only way I can eat them is by juicing them. So I am having a juice dinner (sometimes made up of 10 fruits!) & thought this was healthy but from what other…
  • Thank you Lauren! Yeah, a lot of the wedding party are REALLY tiny blonde girls & I don't want to look like a whale next to them. I want to be able to walk about with confidence & buy clothes that look nice. I am so determined to do it this time - we will be skinny minnies! :)
  • I'm hoping when I get to my GW then my "attributes" would have shrunk too & I won't look out of proportion! I think they make me look bigger than I am :embarassed:
  • Sometimes it's what they don't say! Me: "I'm thinking of joing Weight Watchers" - just to see what people say. Everyone else: *silence* - no "You don't need to, you've got a lovely figure" Hmmmm....guess they're too polite to say I'm a bit chunky :sad:
  • Yep 7lbs in half a stone :smile: I have no idea how they are doing it. It makes you feel lazy even though I walk every day & do my daily work out. I suspect one of them is using diet pills which I will NEVER use as I don't believe in putting chemicals in my body. I was hoping I'd have lost half a stone in the 4 weeks that…
  • I have those type of scales & mine do that as well. They have these feet things so you can use them on carpet but I can put on a pound from weighing myself in the bedroom to weighing myself on the bathroom floor! Very very frustrating! I don't know which ones to believe! :grumble:
  • Thank you! I feel a bit better now, I was thinking my body must the only one that doesn't respond to diet & exercise! Still no idea how people I know are losing half a stone to a stone in a week - If I could do that, it would be amazing!
  • Playstation Active tells me I've only burnt about 130 - 180 calories, but when I try to add it on here, it says 200 & something so I have to adjust it down. I swear the PS is wrong though, I sweat like mad & my heart rate has hit over 200 before so sure I'm burning more than it says.
  • I hardly ate at all on Thursday as it's my first week back at work & I don't have time to eat when it's busy as we're expected to get our work done & not take breaks. I was incredibly stressed all week (like my head was going to pop!) & so wondered whether stress was anything to do with it? :explode: And yes Mother Nature…
  • I want to get smaller up top too! They make me looke bigger than I am & I can't get tops or suit jackets to fit! I think I'm about a 36DD at the moment & it's hard to get bras that don't look like something a Russian shotputter uses to carry her balls haha! Plus bikini shopping is a nightmare. They come in clothes sizes so…