weightwatchers opinions please



  • drenee828
    drenee828 Posts: 12 Member
    I lost on the old WW point system but could not lose more than 5 pounds on the new point system. I found I was getting stressed about the point value of everything I put in my mouth.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm doing WW Online & have lost 3 lbs so far in a week. I do find myself hungry all the time & spend my points in no time.

    To be fair I HATE fruit & vegetables & the only way I can eat them is by juicing them. So I am having a juice dinner (sometimes made up of 10 fruits!) & thought this was healthy but from what other people have been saying fruit shouldn't be free?

    Now I'm scared I'm going to gain a whole load of weight when I thought I was being good!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Weight Watchers works great for some people. Depends on your personal style, I suppose. I did it years ago when you had to go to the meetings once a week. Yes, it worked. And after about a month I wanted to strangle the class leader.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I'm doing WW Online & have lost 3 lbs so far in a week. I do find myself hungry all the time & spend my points in no time.

    To be fair I HATE fruit & vegetables & the only way I can eat them is by juicing them. So I am having a juice dinner (sometimes made up of 10 fruits!) & thought this was healthy but from what other people have been saying fruit shouldn't be free?

    Now I'm scared I'm going to gain a whole load of weight when I thought I was being good!
    I haven't done the plan in years but I don't think fruit JUICE was free, so you might want to check that.
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I tried Weight Watchers for 2 years. I got down 20 pounds and then hit a wall. Eventually gave up because it was a waste of time and money.

    They came out with a new program and I feel concerned with counting so many foods "free and fulfilling"... I guess supposedly a can of refried beans doesn't have to be counted? Um, don't know if anyone has seen the nutritional facts on a can of refried beans but...
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Ok, I KNOW refried beans aren't free on points. :laugh:

    They do have some alternative-to-counting programs that have you eat primarily from lists of healthy, filling foods. It wouldn't surprise me if the fat-free canned refried beans were on that list.

    People can and do learn to stop eating at normal portions of healthy foods.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I tried it a few times. Nothing I can't do here for free. Points system, not counting certain foods (fruits and veggies)? Calories are easier than "points" and count every bite, even fruits and veggies!
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    Well the individual fruit is free, & I'm just juicing it raw so I don't think it adds points?

    However, just weighed myself after 2 weeks on it & gained weight. I've been in tears because I haven't cheated & have gone to the gym every night for an hour. I weigh more than when I started :(
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Are they no longer doing 5 zero point foods add up to something like 1 point?

    Because, yes, those 10 zero point fruits could add like 800-1000 non-zero calories to your day.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Well the individual fruit is free, & I'm just juicing it raw so I don't think it adds points?

    However, just weighed myself after 2 weeks on it & gained weight. I've been in tears because I haven't cheated & have gone to the gym every night for an hour. I weigh more than when I started :(

    Yes juicing fruit adds points. Also fruit in recipes counts. Fruits are free in order to encourage people to eat more whole fruits and veggies. The fibre in the whole fruit makes it much more filling than juice. Also, most leaders will tell you right off the bat that eating more than three fruits a day without counting points will sabotage your losses. If I eat more than three fruits, I use the points calculator to see how many points it would be based on nutritional values, and add those points to my journal.

    For the people talking about WW members spending all their points on junk food, those members are doing it wrong. There are requirements for produce, dairy, and healthy fats, and it's pretty hard to meet them without having at least 2 real food meals daily.
    Also the junk is very high in points and eventually you just get too hungry and start looking for lower point options to fill you up.

    Exercise is very much encouraged; the recommendation is to get 4 activity points daily, which is equivalent to about an hour if walking or a 30 minute run.

    It is not for everyone, but it is a sound program. My mom has been on and off for most of my life. When she does regain, it is usually a few years later and it's because she has gone back to eating too many wings and too much beer (her words).

    I am currently using the points app because I find it helps to guide me to healthier choices. I eat a lot more fruit and veggies than before and less processed food.

    The app is much more reliable than it used to be, but sadly the database still sucks.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Fruits are free in order to encourage people to eat more whole fruits and veggies. The fibre in the whole fruit makes it much more filling than juice.
    RIght. You said you get 10 fruits in one juice. Try sitting down and eating those 10 fruits. You can't. Eat three servings of whole fruit a day is a good guideline.
  • wnlbutterfly
    wnlbutterfly Posts: 35 Member
    If you need a meeting setting you might see if there is TOPS group close to you. Much cheaper. And I have done WW, and see family use it. Big secret they don't tell you is their success rate overall isn't any better than going it on your own. It is like anything else...it is a tool...if you use it, then it will work for you...if you don't use it like it is intended and start fudging on it...then it wont.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    My mom has been on and off for most of my life.

    This is what stopped me going to a slimming club. It was very sociable, being weighed and then taliking about whether it was a loss or not with the rest of the group made me feel very accountable and I really wanted to stick to my diet - but more than half of the people had been at target at least once and had then re-gained all, if not more, of the weight they had lost. After a few months I had lost weight but I wasn't convinced it was a long-term solution and stopped going to meetings.
    I'm finding MFP far more sustainable, I've never found a system of healthy eating/weight loss that I have felt I could stick with for life before, I've been tracking my calories for over six months and don't feel deprived and there are so many inspirational folk who have lost huge amounts of weight and have then successfully maintaintained. Love it!