Only lost 7lbs in a month - getting very frustrated!



  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    At your weight it is unrealistic to think you could lose more. 7 lbs is a LOT.

    If you don't want a wobbly body, only diet and cardio will not help. You need to add resistance training, and that will help you get a more lean body. Look here for my progress in only 4 months (including christmas, could have done more if it wasn't for the holidays lol)

    Keep working hard but getting to 117 will probably not happen. You can however do your damndest to look like it did.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Firstly I didn't mean to be "borderline offensive" to anyone. I was just down because I weighed myself this morning.

    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm on Weightwatchers & eating what the points allow me. I just so happen to put them onto here to see what it equated to & it came out at under 1000 calories. I didn't sent out to only eat that much.

    Maybe I've just read the wrong stories where people have lost loads.

    Sorry if I've annoyed anyone :(

    Does that include the fruits and vegetables that you don't count on WW?

    IIRC, WW doesnt count fruits to make up for their large deficits. But two fruits and veggies will come in at 300 to 500 calories which will put people in a healthier range. There is a reason its 0 points... but there really isnt any 0 calorie foods.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    First, all trolling comments are unnecessary and have been removed.

    Second, do you want to be 117 or fit and toned? You most likely wont get both with your current plan. If you care more about weight, continue your plan.

    I can tell you the average woman I know us eating 1700 to 2100 calories while doing resistance training and cardio. Once you make a choice, then we can help you develop a better plan and you can drop ww.

    Is both an acceptable answer? *sheepish grin*

    I used to be this weight when I was a lot younger & fairly toned because I used to dance. I want to get back to this if I can.

    I do a lot on the rowing machine because I think it'll tone my legs, sort my tummy out & strengthen my back a bit. I'm getting a nerve tingly feeling between my shoulder blades.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    Firstly I didn't mean to be "borderline offensive" to anyone. I was just down because I weighed myself this morning.

    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm on Weightwatchers & eating what the points allow me. I just so happen to put them onto here to see what it equated to & it came out at under 1000 calories. I didn't sent out to only eat that much.

    Maybe I've just read the wrong stories where people have lost loads.

    Sorry if I've annoyed anyone :(

    Does that include the fruits and vegetables that you don't count on WW?

    IIRC, WW doesnt count fruits to make up for their large deficits. But two fruits and veggies will come in at 300 to 500 calories which will put people in a healthier range. There is a reason its 0 points... but there really isnt any 0 calorie foods.

    I hate fruit as well so have been juicing it & going to start making smoothies soon, just so I get some goodness.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    First, all trolling comments are unnecessary and have been removed.

    Second, do you want to be 117 or fit and toned? You most likely wont get both with your current plan. If you care more about weight, continue your plan.

    I can tell you the average woman I know us eating 1700 to 2100 calories while doing resistance training and cardio. Once you make a choice, then we can help you develop a better plan and you can drop ww.

    Is both an acceptable answer? *sheepish grin*

    I used to be this weight when I was a lot younger & fairly toned because I used to dance. I want to get back to this if I can.

    I do a lot on the rowing machine because I think it'll tone my legs, sort my tummy out & strengthen my back a bit. I'm getting a nerve tingly feeling between my shoulder blades.

    Maybe for both but not in the time frame you want. But if we could have you fit and trim at 125 would you care about the number? Without knowing your body fat, its hard to tell what your current lbm is which makes it difficult to figure out an end weight. I would honestly tell you to increase your calories (especially protein and fats) to help with your satiety and muscle retention. Second, I would try to incorporate more weight/resistance training to help muscle retention and third, start with a smaller weight goal and readjust as necessary. I have more of a body fat goal than weight.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I honestly don't think anyone got a significant loss in 1 month, not at the point that other people might notice, especially if not eating healthy and trying to exercise... when I started I wasn't only fat, I also wasn't able to exercise much and I had everything to learn. So, unless you've been just putting up some lbs during the last months, losing weight that has been there for a certain time requires patience and dedication. Losing more at the very beginning is normal, but it's not like you can lose everything at once just because you're trying hard. Don't be impatient, results will come, and you've already been quite fine if you've lost that weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Btw... based on your stats I would put you around 1700 calories a day, macros around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. And make sure you have a food scale. This is based on 5 to 6 hours of exercise a week.

    Also you might want to look into adding body weight training programs... push ups, squats, lunges, etc
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    First, all trolling comments are unnecessary and have been removed.

    Second, do you want to be 117 or fit and toned? You most likely wont get both with your current plan. If you care more about weight, continue your plan.

    I can tell you the average woman I know us eating 1700 to 2100 calories while doing resistance training and cardio. Once you make a choice, then we can help you develop a better plan and you can drop ww.

    Is both an acceptable answer? *sheepish grin*

    I used to be this weight when I was a lot younger & fairly toned because I used to dance. I want to get back to this if I can.

    I do a lot on the rowing machine because I think it'll tone my legs, sort my tummy out & strengthen my back a bit. I'm getting a nerve tingly feeling between my shoulder blades.

    Maybe for both but not in the time frame you want. But if we could have you fit and trim at 125 would you care about the number? Without knowing your body fat, its hard to tell what your current lbm is which makes it difficult to figure out an end weight. I would honestly tell you to increase your calories (especially protein and fats) to help with your satiety and muscle retention. Second, I would try to incorporate more weight/resistance training to help muscle retention and third, start with a smaller weight goal and readjust as necessary. I have more of a body fat goal than weight.

    At the moment my fat percentage is 30.1% or 43.6lbs according to my magic scales.

    To be honest, I just want to look good. If the figures are perfect, I suppose it doesn't matter :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Depending what you lose in terms of lbm during your journey its possible to hit 115 at 15% to 18% body fat. With that said you have around 101 lbs of lean body mass so 120 isnt a bad goal but I personally would work to maintain as much lean body mass as possible to get lean.
  • everstraete
    everstraete Posts: 18 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode. With exercise and meals totaled for a net amount it should be at LEAST 1200. Less than 1000 calories after exercise is making your body too desperate to hold onto anything you have in your body so it's certainly not going to give up anything fat-wise if it can absolutely help it. Move to 1200-1300 calories minimum and stagger your calorie amounts (1200 one day, 1400 another) and you should see more results.
  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    OP, I'll be honest, I've not read through all the responses. I just wanted to say I've felt similar to how you've described in the past. I've wanted to lose the weight and see a difference as quick as physically possible. I did this because I put too much emphasis on losing weight as being important and seeing it as something that would 'fix' my life. Guess what? It doesn't fix a thing! I think with me it was all linked to low self esteem. Now I'm working on my self esteem and confidence I'm not as bothered by being over weight and not in such a rush to lose it any more.

    I think it's quite telling when you say no one has commented on your weight loss. It sounds to me like you're doing this for other people's approval rather than yourself. I really believe so much of weight issues are as a result of under lying issues like low self esteem, lack of confidence, depression etc and until those issues are dealt with, the weight will never change anything.
  • fortally
    OP - just wanted to lend my support. I know how much a stranger's nastiness can sting. I had a complete stranger walk up to me once and say, "You know, I really wouldn't wear your hair like that if I were you." I said, "Why?" and the lady said, "Because you have fat cheeks." Looking back I think she actually believed she was being helpful, but at the time I was just devastated. It made me feel like every time someone looked at my face all they saw was big fat chipmunk cheeks. Sounds silly now, but it took me over ten years to wear my hair in a ponytail in public again. A complete stranger's comments shouldn't matter, but sometimes they just do. But still - try not to let one stupid comment affect the way you see yourself. Think of all the lovely, wonderful things people have told you over the years and focus on that instead. He didn't know you, so he shouldn't get a say in how you feel. But your family and friends? Those people love you to bits, so when they say you are beautiful believe them! :heart:

    Oh, and have you maybe thought about a personal trainer for strength training? I totally understand the reluctance - back injuries hurt oh so much! But maybe a trainer could walk you through strength training exercises that would be safe for your back. Might be worth a few sessions?
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    7 lbs is a great weight loss! If you really want to lose more increase your exercise and add a couple of points each day but I'd be totally satisfied with 7lbs a month.
    Short women just don't lose as quickly as tall men.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    You might try eating a little more. That's a pretty low calorie diet. Add some lean protein snacks and see how it goes.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    OP - just wanted to lend my support. I know how much a stranger's nastiness can sting. I had a complete stranger walk up to me once and say, "You know, I really wouldn't wear your hair like that if I were you." I said, "Why?" and the lady said, "Because you have fat cheeks." Looking back I think she actually believed she was being helpful, but at the time I was just devastated. It made me feel like every time someone looked at my face all they saw was big fat chipmunk cheeks. Sounds silly now, but it took me over ten years to wear my hair in a ponytail in public again. A complete stranger's comments shouldn't matter, but sometimes they just do. But still - try not to let one stupid comment affect the way you see yourself. Think of all the lovely, wonderful things people have told you over the years and focus on that instead. He didn't know you, so he shouldn't get a say in how you feel. But your family and friends? Those people love you to bits, so when they say you are beautiful believe them! :heart:

    Oh, and have you maybe thought about a personal trainer for strength training? I totally understand the reluctance - back injuries hurt oh so much! But maybe a trainer could walk you through strength training exercises that would be safe for your back. Might be worth a few sessions?

    People are so mean sometimes, I'd never dream of insulting anyone - it can seriously affect them!

    I think I might just avoid anything involving lifting, as lifting heavy boxes is what damaged my back in the first place. I have tried doing the leg press & lifting small dumbbell weights as want to tone my thighs & arms too.

    Thank you for your help :)
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Your complaining about a 7lbs 1 month loss is borderline offensive to people like myself who have a hard time losing 7lbs that fast. You need to reset your expectations into the realm of reality.

    Furthermore at 1000 cals or less you are starving yourself.


    Also, I'm sorry to hear about how you got called a "fat c***" but anyone at any size will get called fat. People will insult you however they can. They know that the word "fat" is a swipe at most people's self-confidence so they use it, whether or not it's based in reality.
  • Amethysta79
    Amethysta79 Posts: 37 Member
    I know, but I was already feeling too big & it was a massive kick in the teeth.

    I'm not always eating under 1,000 a day, just sometimes & I only found out purely because I mirrored what I'd logged on the WW app, on here just to see & on here is better if I'm honest as it breaks it down into carbs etc.

    Once my WW 3 months is up, I don't think I'll renew it, as I've got the idea & tend to eat the same things anyway so I'd rather it not cost me anything.