glowingcactus Member


  • I go late at night 8:30 or 9:00 pm. When the kids were little it was after they were in bed, now they put themselves to bed by the time I get back. I'm much better at night, even after a full days work, than I am in the morning.
  • I use a set of scales (Tanita) that also measure body fat. From digging around the net it seems that it is virtually impossible to get domestic scales that can measure body fat to within 3% accuracy - and lets face it most of us are looking for changes much smaller than that! Also, because they measure BF using impedence…
  • Are you in control of the food in the house? Can you not ensure that there is no sugary food available for you to eat? At least then you would be snacking on something wholesome and that would prevent the sugar peaks. Not being able to get a full nights sleep is a dreadful thing.
  • Losing weight is a long term thing, not blown by what happens on one day. I average my calorie intake out over a week so if I go over one day then I go a bit less on following days. I have been losing weight like this since March
  • June is not too bad for me actually, I'm worse later or earlier in the year. The anti-histamine that really works for me is Acrivastine, sold as Benedryl 8 hour. Sadly you can't buy it as the generic medicine so it isn't cheap. I'm sure I could get it from the doctor if I ever got myself organised enough to make an…
  • That was the first thing I had to get over when I started running, the effect of gravity on my body. I didn't like it - I still don't like it, but I am big and I just realised I had to accept that this is how it was going to be until I lose more weight. You need a sports bra which you strap up tight and I would just…
  • I'm a 40G - really???? But on the basis I don't like the fit of my current bras I can only give it a go!
  • They sell them in health food shops. So Holland and Barrett will have them. Ocado sells them on-line as well!
  • What does NSV mean?