

  • the key to success is not focusing too much on failures but allowing that energy to push you toward success instead. each day is a new day and you ABSOLUTELY can do this. i have 7 herniations in my back and i gained 90 lbs after i hurt my back. i used the pain as an excuse not to exercise for way to long. i no longer do…
  • do your kegal exercises religiously. they make incontinence pads that are not huge and bulky. also, there is a med (i can't remember the name) to help control this....talk to your doc. many, many women have this same problem...especially those who have given birth. i laugh about it and tell people i am multitalented. i can…
  • ANY reason to lose weight is a GOOD reason. I researched bariatric surgery 3 years ago and backed out of having it done. I struggled for 2 more years to lose weight on my own and then I injured my back. I gained 80 more lbs after the injury and it took a neurosurgeon telling me that I was looking at back surgery to make…
  • first of all, to jennifer, i congratulate your loss, i should have said that in my first response. Losing weight is a victory no matter how we do it. now, to dixie...if i have it right, you have not ever had bariatric surgery and you only have the word of others to go on. i can only speak about lab band, since it is the…
  • Speaking for all those who have had bariatric surgery, it is in no way a COP OUT or easy. Life is in no way wonderful because of the surgery nor is the weight loss easy. We spend days unable to eat no matter how bad we want to. We can spew food in social situations. Are you aware that it is possible to gain weight after…
  • do you have stairs to do stair laps on?
  • Welcome and best of luck on your journey!!!
  • you may gain and lose the same lbs several times as you replace fat with muscle, but do NOT quit. The more lean muscle you have, the quicker your body will eat that fat you are wanting to get rid of.
  • I cannot help but notice that most of the negative comments on this thread are made by people who have not even had the surgery. I LOVE the one comment by the lady who stated...now, from someone who has had it. I was banded on 5/16/11. I am still a baby bandster, but I would do it all over again. I went through 9 months of…
  • welcome and best of luck on your journey, norse. congrats on the loss so far!!!!
  • welcome and feel free to add if you like. best of luck on your journey!!!
  • i have had gastric banding and noone who is educated about bariatric surgery says anything because they know how much work it still is. it is hardly a cure. try eating the way we have to and then talk about it. exercise is a given no matter what tool you use, but i can assure you, it is no fun or in anyway easy to be a…
  • I guess that is a personal choice. I had gastric banding done in May and I do log all fluids i take in. Your example was orange juice. For me, yes, i would log it in my calories but i also consider it as part of my liquids. I have to get in 64 ozs of fluid a day and that isn't always easy. If i was having a bottle of water…