

  • LOL. We met online September 2nd, 2010 We had our first date September 10th, 2010 We made it official October 28th, 2010 Moved in together - May 6th, 2011 Married July 23rd, 2011
  • You are so cute.. I'm sorry if that offends, when I see your pisture, I think.. How adorable! You are doing wonderfully! Keep it up!
  • Congrats.. I cannot wait to do my first weigh in next Sunday!
  • My step daughter (4) tells her mother that I talk crap about her all the time. Inf fact it is just the opposite. I bought her a digital photo keychain for Christmas last year (she loves photography) and she toook it home. Mom put a bunch of pictures of her and her boyfriend on it, and SD wanted to show me. I commented on…
  • LOL, yes, it's slightly chaotic ! My step daughter is at her grandma's this morning, and my husband is doing laundry, so I figured I could get a work out in.. Get my water together, get a cardio work out put on the TV and my son wakes up and is very needy for attention today, and doesn't feel well, so he just wants to lay…
  • I'm 22, married mom of an almost 4 year old and step mom of a 4 year old. My life is so chaotic. I work full time, in the postal field, and between work and transportation, picking my son up from school etc. I am out of the house for 12 hours a day. Then I get home, cook dinner, bathe my son, and spend time with my…
  • I am so sorry for what you are going through, and I understand. I lost 90 pounds before meeting my husband, and in the past year I've gained back ALMOST FORTY!!!! I feel like a fat cow, and I just want to lose weight. I wish he would be more supportive.. for instance.. He'll ask me if I need anything, while doing laundry…
  • Thank you! I'm so happy to be back to MFP. I initially lost the weight I did, using this site, under a different name (cannot remember log in). This time, I KNOW not to leave once I've lost the weight I wanted to lose. This time I know to stick around until I learn to maintain at least.. if not longer. I loaded the app on…