How did you meet your SO?



  • Ashley5704
    Ashley5704 Posts: 50 Member
    High School. We met in 10th grade, and started dating in 11th grade. Been together 7 years now, married for 2. :)
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    Options, it does work :). We met in August of 2004, engaged at Thanksgiving of 2004 and married January of 2005. We will be celebrating out 7 year anniversary this year. Best thing that ever happened to me.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    We went to school together....I was not allowed to date him because he was wild in High school and would not meet my parents. After he graduated he enlisted into the Marine Corps. That was enough for my parents....I was allowed to go out with him when he came home for his two weeks during the summer and at Christmas time. When he would leave...I would be so sad....but I was still in High school. We kind of lost contact...I keep up what was going on with him through his mom who worked at the school.

    When I was in college, I was working at Casa Ole and while I was waiting on table....he walks in.....sit in my section....and ask me out....we go out that night.....and he offers to fly me to California to be with him......He then left again...we were going to make the plans for me to go out there!!!

    My parents being old school...told me I could not go with their blessing unless I was carrying his last name with me....I called him and told him what they said....He said well...plan us a wedding around Christmas time.....three months later we were married!!

    It will be 16 years on December 22nd, and 4 kids later....we are still in love!! I think we are even more in love than when we started!!!

    That's our story!!!
  • hockeyd11
    hockeyd11 Posts: 92 Member
    I met my hubby at a casino too

    How can you yell at someone and tell them they have a gambling problem if you met them at a casino?!?!?
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    In the bank. Social security checks arrived in the mail that day so I was in a long, long line to make my car payment.

    He was the personal banker. He saw me in line and came over to introduce himself. He took me to his desk and took my payment coupon and my check behind the teller line. He was back quickly with my receipt. Same story the next month. By the third month, I just went straight to his desk. And he invited me to lunch.

    Sixteen years later, he still swears it was my skirt and heels that first caught his attention. And that I asked him out.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    High school. Been together 9 years, married for 3.
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    I wrote a blog post about this a little while back.....I bet I have the best story here!!!!!
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    At an Orioles baseball game.
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    at work when i was 18, he was my boss we've been together 8 years now.
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    in school like all my other boyfriends but we started talking because i kind of knew the guy he was sitting next to so i just joined their conversations lol
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    In an alley 10 years ago. Now married for 5 years.
  • MrsAndrews723

    LOL. We met online September 2nd, 2010
    We had our first date September 10th, 2010
    We made it official October 28th, 2010
    Moved in together - May 6th, 2011
    Married July 23rd, 2011
  • abracasqueak
    High school. I was a freshman and he was a junior. :)
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Through a friend. I thought he was the biggest *kitten* I'd ever met. A few weeks later the same friend and I ran into him in a bar. We've been together since that night and it was almost 5 years ago!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    freshman year of high school
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    he crashed one of my parties :)

  • Salamanda425
    Myspace! No lie! Turned out he only lived 5 miles from me and we had worked together at some point but never knew each other! I lived two red lights apart from him and never knew it!!!! Funny how things work out! Been together for nearly 5 years now!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    threw smarties at her, tried to get them down her boobies

    been together since 1987
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    We worked together for 2 years.. I was convinced he hated me cos whenever i tried to talk to him he'd ignore me and walk off or just give me short answers.. he then started speaking to me on facebook and told me to give him a ring sometime if i get bored (at this point i didn't have his number so i made a joke about using his direct dial number at work - so he gave me his number)

    It then turned out that he had actually had a huge crush on me since the day I started and he was too shy to talk to me. :heart:
  • Salamanda425
    At an Orioles baseball game.

    Hope she wasn't a Yankees or Sox fan! :laugh: (j/k)

    I never seem to be seated next to fellow Orioles fans!!!