How did you meet your SO?



  • nalaxia
    nalaxia Posts: 5 Member
    I love reading these! We met at my cousin's party. I loved his lip piercings and the way he looked into my eyes the entire time he talked to me. He didn't do the awkward "look at her eyes-look at her boobs-look back at her eyes" thing that most teenage boys do, haha. It will be three years this summer!
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    FACEBOOK FTW!! That hottie just kept popping up in "People You May Know"!!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Newspaper personal ad...I was "the least creepy respondent" to her ad.
  • brittg7
    brittg7 Posts: 146 Member
    on here actually :) and he absolutely gets me the way no one else ever has!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My husband was a security guard for the fairgrounds & I went to the car races they had there. A friend of mine introduced me to him & he soon turned out to be the reason that I went to the races on the weekends. I spent all of my time with him & never saw any of the races for that entire season. Turns out that we had a college class together the previous year, but had never talked. I soon started spending every weekend with him at his security sites, until his boss finally said to me "that if I was going to be out here on the weekends I might as well be getting paid for it" & hired me. Next June we will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary!!!
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    I met my wonderful husband on the day that I left my ex-husband and went to the bar to celebrate.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I met my husband on my first and last day as a waitress. I fell down a flight of stairs and was sprawled out at the bottom laughing and he came over and asked me if I wanted to go dancing Really??? That was it for me
  • jessashcher
    I use to date my husbands best friend, and about 2 years after we broke up I went on a date with him, a few dates later I got pregnant and 6 monthes after our daughter was born we got married. We are going to be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this April.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    BUUUUHHHHMP!! so cool reading these stories!!! :heart:
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    engineering class :wink:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Some goofball sat behind me in our high school advanced bio class. We somehow ended up as really close friends and then realized that our friendship was actually more like a partnership which was actually more like a RELATIONSHIP. So technically...he's been mine from the very beginning! :laugh:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I was in a bad mood and got dragged out to a bar wearing sweatpants and an old tshirt---a friend introduced us that night. We went on a date the next day and have been together ever since <3--getting married in less than 7 months!
    Sounds like my wife and I. She was having a horrible day (Got laid-off from a job) and her friends took her out for drinks to try and cheer her up. Then, to make matters worse, some guy insulted her by asking if she was a librarian or something because she was wearing glasses. So her friends grabbed her and dragged her to the bar for shots before she ripped the guys lungs out with a rusty spoon. I happened to be sitting there when they all walked up so I said "Hi" because I thought she was attractive. Her first words to me.."Hi, I'm Melanie and evidently I'm a f**king librarian...". We've been together now almost 17 years.
    very nice I love sarcasm
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I met my wonderful husband on the day that I left my ex-husband and went to the bar to celebrate.
    HA! :laugh:
  • ChasingHaven
    ChasingHaven Posts: 126 Member
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    My story is somewhat unique.
    My mom invited him to a bbq because she had been trying to set us up. He was her mechanic. He came and we didn't really know what to say to eachother. Of course it didn't help that my stepdad got tipsy and kept saying " look at all this land you could have if you marry her!"( we had 5 acres).
    Anyway, we stayed up talking for hours, and then he went home. We saw eachother a couple times after that.

    This is where it gets unique....

    He called me one day, and said he had an accident and was staying with his ex- girlfriend because he had nowhere to go. What kind of accident? He cut his knee with a CHAINSAW. He lived in a stilt house, and couldn't make it up the steps with his leg in a brace.I brought him home like a wounded puppy and nursed him back to health, and I think he even gained 10 pounds from my cooking! We've been inseparable ever since. We celebrated our third wedding anniversary in november and have a beautiful baby boy.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    met in 3rd grade. She thought I was a dumb jock through elementary, middle and highschool, until I stepped into her honor classes. Been together for about 19 years. 9 of which has been married years. The rest as you say is history...
  • nurse_christieyne
    My date for fourth of July, 1994 canceled on me. I was at work and needed a date quick. There was a guy that I talked to occasionally but I didn't know his name. Asked my friends his name, then went and asked him out. We just celebrated 15 years of marriage!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Online.... turns out he worked literally across the street from my office in the city - I always wonder, if not for the net, would our paths ever have crossed? We ended up having other unusual things in common. We're happily married now :)
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    World of Warcraft. True story.

    Awesome! :)

    I met my husband on a dating website but met him in RL that same day. We stayed up for like 3 nights talking and by the end on the week we were engaged. LOL We married about a year later and we will be celebrating our 11th anniversary in January. If its right, its right :)
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Been with him since HS, we meet when he moved here on our school bus :) Didn't really start dating till a friend in the neighborhood shoved us together.. but in the end we were meant to be <3.

    Was together 9 years before marriage and 3 in marriage in April, so almost 12 years.