How did you meet your SO?



  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
    What is the meaning of SO?
    significant other
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Options 9 years ago..
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I met my husband in the waiting room at Discount Tire...he claims he only bought the tires so he could talk to me!
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    AIM back in the heyday of it where you could search for friends and such.
    I met a girl on there who I became friends with, and she knew him from school.
    She introduced me to him on AIM... I was 15.
    We will be together for 11 years this February. Married for 4.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    We met in 7th grade when I kick him in the nuts for hurting a friend of mine. Started dating a year later and benn together ever since. 11 years together/ 7 years married

    Does he give you any trouble now, or 7th grade took care of everything?
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    My cousin went to the same church as my husband and his family so I knew of him for years. I really got to know him because his sister and I both worked at Gold star chili and became best friends .. the first time she introduced me to him he literally took my breath away. he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. I was married to my ex at the time... well 3 years later after the marriage had fell apart and I was divorced . My now husband and I had become really good day I asked him out.. we were married 4 months later :) In March we will celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I met hubby at a dance club - one of those places "they" tell you never to meet someone you plan on having a serious relationship with. Ha! Well, we just celebrated 14 years of being happily paired up so :tongue: to "them". :wink:
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Uhhh...well....I was friends with his daughter in high school....and things just clicked....we were amazing friends for a few years, then dated for 8, then he proposed....and we've been blissfully married for 2.5 years. :) Not the traditional story, but it's mine.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I worked in the gift shop of a high-end hotel. He drove the hotel courtesy van to the airport, which was accessed from the same hallway as the gift shop. Because it was a high-end hotel, he was dressed in a uniform very much like a military dress uniform. I was in love the second I laid eyes on him. Watched him go up and down that hall and thought we'd never meet, but one day he came in and bought some agate wind chimes, saying that they were for his brother's anniversary. It was a lie - he just wanted an excuse to come in and talk to me. I had to climb up on a chair in a dress to get them down LOL - sneaky little bugger. We just celebrated our 29th anniversary. And yes, he eventually gave ME the wind chimes.
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    My husband and I met when we were 14. We were in Biology class together. He was so cute. :) We also found out our lockers were close together too. One day at the end of school he said how about we go the library (lame I know) We did, the next morning he picked me up (he could drive before me) the next morning for school and that was it. Married at 21 and have been for 38 years.
  • Lozzielol
    I met mine at a birthday party, where he started being cheeky about the fact I dont drink! He could see that I was getting more than a little peeved, so he said in his loudest voice 'RAINBOWS ARE PRETTY, ARENT THEY?!'. I burst out laughing. 3 years tomorrow <3
  • Kellbellftw
    Kellbellftw Posts: 89 Member
    My fiance and I met on myspace! He was a friend of a couple of friends, and when I was just randomly browsing, I would come across his profile often. I thought he was soooo cute, but I wasn't big on myspace creeps, so I didnt want to randomly add him. Finally I got the idea to add him, and pretend I thought he was somebody I met a party LOL I'll never forget he said "No, that definitely wasn't me, but I have heard I look like a guy in the area, so it was probably him" I thought it was hilarious! We started talking, had a lot in common, and started hanging out IRL. After we started dating (I think I was already moved into his apartment at this point) I told him about my little white lie, and we both had a good laugh! Now it's almost 4 years later, and we're planning our wedding for April 2013 :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    A married co-worker's son had some issues with his fine motor skills so she took him to see a Occupational Therapist. Over about a year of seeing the Occupational Therapist my co-worker got to know the therapist pretty well and found out she was looking for a good guy. I guess my co-worker thought highly of me and asked if it would be OK to give her therapist a picture of me and my phone number. A week or two went by and I didn't hear anything and thought maybe she didn't like what she saw/heard, then about a month later she called me.

    We talked about 2hrs that first night and decided we should go on a date. A year later we got married in Jamaica and a year after that we had our daughter.
  • groom
    groom Posts: 23
    My "Mr. Wonderful" was a friend of my older brothers. Thankfully they act nothing alike! Been married 18 years. Older brother than married my best friend. She could have done better :).
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 196 Member
    We met because I asked him for a drink of water for my dog while waiting for pizza to be ready for pickup during the hot summer months. Months later, I called to offer them a chance to bid on a lot of pizza for a big meeting my company was having and HE DELIVERED IT! 19 years later, we both still enjoy pizza!

    This is the one my mom said looked so much younger than me!

  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    I had a friend put a personal add on yahoo without telling me and this weird guy kept calling.. Finally I answered and she told me what she did, we went out on our first date and I knew then that he was the one. We meet Dec. 8 2001, engaged Jan. 1, 2002 and married May 15 2002.. We are still happily married almost 10 years latter..
  • pmcder10
    My SO and I met in high school. He was two years younger than I-therefore two grades behind. We had one class together my senior year. We talked here and there in class, but never really connected. I had no idea he had a crush on me at the time. 5 years later, he added me as a friend on facebook. We started talking, the normal how are you, what have you been up to chatter-nothing serious, nothing leading to anything other than an acquaintance type friendship. One day we were talking and I was super stressed because my car had broken down and I had no way of getting home from work. He offered to pick me up and we stopped to get something for dinner-my treat...because he wouldn't let me give him gas money. As we were eating dinner, I knew that he was the one. The one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, we were both in a relationship and agreed that we were going to give our current relationships everything we had-even though we both wanted to be with the other. Luckily, neither relationship worked out for us and we were able to start hanging out and getting to know each other. We took a hiking trip and shared our first kiss and the sunset. It was the most amazing first kiss I have ever experienced. We have been dating for 6 months and have never been happier! :love:
  • marzahl68
    We were penpals and this was before "The Internet" and we would actually write real letters and put them in the mail. That was about 18 years ago, been married for 16 and our daugther is 14. He's the love of my life!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    My cousin tried to get me to meet him and since I was dating someone else I refused. He send me "secret admirer" roses! It took me two weeks to find out who my secret admirer then the other guy and I had parted ways, so I went out with him. 33 years later we are still together!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    In grade 9, he walked in late to homeroom b/c he went to the wrong one, we locked eyes ;)

    He asked me out December 8th, 1998, grade 11 and we have been together everyday since. Celebrating our 13 year anniversary this year and 13 is my favourite all-time number so it will be fabulous (I'm 3rd generation born on the 13th, my sister and ½ sister were born on the same date 13 years apart...)