

  • I fell off the wagon too, very poor food/beverage choices and less exercise. Haven't been logging in, etc. Gained a few pounds but surprisingly not inches! My yoga pants are still WAY to big so I went to Walmart and bought a pair one size smaller going from XXL to XL. Got home, put them on, and they are too big!! I'm…
  • Is it just me, or is everything EXEPT profiles and the home page is working? I can't see updates or anything :(
  • Have a safe and wonderful trip :)
  • @Liss416 Yes that is the free AP for today. I downloaded it this morning. Not sure when/if I will use it but I love the free app of the day when it's something decent :) I just need time to fit it in now, or a stroller that I can run with ha ha.
  • I used to be a fan of "cheat day" but not anymore. It would seem that "cheat day" always turns in to "cheat weekend" and then finally "cheat week" which then completely railroads me! I do occasionally let myself have 1 treat, but try to limit it to maybe a treat every couple of days or so and not let it get out of hand.…
  • I'm in a serious slump. It's been hard staying motivated, plus I had the stress of driving my toddler to Kansas City by myself for my daughter's 13th birthday party (It's a 5 hour drive from my house). I pretty much blew the diet out of the water from the stress of trying to buy perfect presents for a non-girly 13yo plus…
  • Wow, it seems NOBODY writes on here anymore, I'm starting to feel a little abandoned.
  • I"m at 10 pounds in 2 weeks, YAY. My old jeans that didn't fit 2 weeks ago, now fit very comfortably, the jeans I've been wearing fall down and can be taken off without undoing the zipper and the button and my shirts fit better. If ten pounds can do all this, I wonder where I will be when I hit my goal. I'm hoping next…
  • @Smiley I know what you mean. I had that same line of thinking when I started. I promise you, it will get easier. I don't even work out as much as I should, just walks but I have changed my eating and gotten rid of the pop and I'm losing about a pound a day just on that. I know the soda is tempting. I have several 24 packs…
  • I rallied last night and pushed myself through my favorite workout video, which for some reason seemed boring. I then looked through 30 day shred and it really looks like fun. So now I'm excited to add a new video to my workout. It also helped that as of this morning I am only a few ounces away from my first 10 pounds.…
  • I'm with you guys on the UNMOTIVATED end too. I just can't seem to get myself to do much exercise. The only time I can REALLY work out is after my son goes to bed and by then, I'm too tired after chasing him around, trying to give the dog the interaction she needs so she doesn't tear up the furniture and making DH happy…
  • Todays mirror challeng. I really like that my jeans look so baggy...wait, they look crappy like they don't fit, but wait, that's a good thing, right?????
  • Gemma, same way with me, I have a friggin Kangaroo Pouch down there! I hate it so much. But even if you have a kanga pouch, doesn't mean the muscles aren't strong. I'm hoping mine will go away with the other weight too, or at least get smaller. My mom keeps buying me all these stupid tummy shaper things thinking it will…
  • Hi Gemma, did they do you C the "old" way - vertical scar where they cut through the muscles or the more "modern" way, horizontal scar where they merely separate the muscles? I'm only asking because if they did it the new way, you shouldn't lose hope on getting your core strength back because it doesn't damage the muscles…
  • Came up with a question today so I thought I would just put it out there. Do you guys have any specific time of day, routine, etc that you weight yourself? I have heard some people say they weight before bed, some at lunch... Just wondering. I usually weigh right when I wake up, after I use the restroom because I figure I…
  • oops, looks like I forgot the mirror assignment, or rather, just didn't post it. I LOVE MY FRECKLES and I am going to miss them over winter as I do most winters..... I think they give my face personality :)
  • @Steph, don't worry about the no weight loss...have you been measuring too. I actually had a slight weight gain but I've been losing inches, especially around my hips and my thighs are feeling more solid.... you may have been gaining some muscle weight too and that's a very good thing! My REAL first name is Jonette…
  • i love the challenges too! Also not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I know I have lost some inches (riding pants don't stay up), but I also know a few pounds popped back. I'm hoping it's just some muscle gain as muscle weighs more than fat, so they say. Had a grueling day. My horse's waterer busted and the stable…
  • Such a cute sig, may I have the instructions too, please????
  • @prettypooks I was reading your names and I tried to come up with some myself but the only name I could think of was the name that my cousin always called me and my daughter. She and the rest of our family have always been very overweight and look down on anyone who isn't, which may be part of my issue. Anyway, the name…
  • I've been weighing in every day but I think I'm going to stop that habit,it's too obsessive. I'm up for any day, Friday sounds good to me :)
  • Sounds like fun. I am having major cardio issues lately because I haven't worked out in years. I put in a video (Ministry of Sound Pump It Up Ultimate Dance Workout) which I thought should be pretty easy and well, it has taken me 3 times to actually be able to do the segments without stopping in the middle of them. I still…
  • You forgot a demon....COLA. That's my big flaw :(
  • I've never thought of avocado with the tuna, I'll have to try that. I usually use cream cheese instead of mayo in my tuna...sounds gross but I actually like it better than mayo (can't stand vinegar flavor). May not be better fat wise, but it has way more protein. So many great suggestions, writing them all down, yay!
  • Me too....new clothes!!! My husband stopped letting me buy new clothes simply because I gained too much weight (he has weird ways of giving incentive) so right now I don't like leaving the house because I look like Baby Huey whenever I leave the house. He won't let me buy more until my clothes are too big!
  • ha ha, I know that one. I haven't bought new ones for 2 years. My motivation now is that the rubber soles have literally split all the way across on both shoes, not fun for aerobics and my sketchers walkers are not ankle friendly enough for aerobics ha ha.
  • Thank you everyone for the replies, I can't wait to work on adding them in to my diet. :)
  • Hi, this sounds like what I have been looking for too. I am relatively new to this site and looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I almost gave up when I found your post because when I looked in this section it seemed like all the doors to motivation were "closed" or had some time or weight requirements and I'm…