

  • I used the Couch to a 5k plan too but there are many plans out there. I used the plan on the Cool Runnings Website: I plotted out my route using this link: My route was extended to a four mile track and I slowed my plan down so instead of it…
  • What about allergies? For a four year stretch, I would go to the doctor every spring convinced I was dying before I finally believed the doctor and understood that I had allegeries. I never had them before and I only get them once a year due to the blooming of some pear tree (the one with those evil pretty white flower…
  • Sounds nuts but I like to sweat a lot during workouts too so I usually dress warmer. Must be something left over from my childhood about "sweat it out, it will be good for you." Sadly, I feel like the more I sweat, the more purification I go through. I enjoy the tingling feeling on my skin when I finish a run.
  • I did the couch to 5k program too. I loved it and I have been running four miles a day for a while now but here is the thing. Treadmill running is real different from running on the road or trail. I use my treadmill when it is cold or rainy. On my treadmill I can set the speeds. Just choose a speed that is comfortable for…
  • Heidi, I am new as of today too. This site looks real cool. It's like Facebook meets Weight Watchers (BUT FREE). Good Luck.
  • I am new to the website but I have did the yo-yo thing for years. I wish I could remember the article title but it was about food addiction and comfort eating. I am a compulsive eater. I have become so in touch with this that while I am compulsively eating, I will call myself out on it but I won't stop eating. In this…