

  • Girl that is a fantastic story! Sounds like it is time to go on a bit of a shopping spree! Now it gets even more fun as you pick up speed heading towards your ultimate goal!
  • Dress as if it is 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. As for the barefoot stuff. I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. You can look at the Koolaide, but I wouldn't drink it.
  • The reality is you will get gas. If you eat too much protein your body will just pass it through your system. I weigh 155 pounds and eat over 200 grams of protein a day with no trouble at all.
  • There are no magic bullets. You have received some very sage advice here. Aviod the HCG suff. Up your calories, eat six times a day and continue to burn those calories. My take in this order is.... 1) Diet-It is King 2) Cardio-3 to four tmes a week 3) Weights/Resistance training twice a week Make your goals achievable.…
  • Don't let others slow you down! If he won't support, then just continue on towards your goals quietly! He will be stunned when you achieve them!
  • One thing for sure is success breeds motivation. Set yourself a series of small obtainable goals. As you achieve them you will begin to crave accomplishment. I lost 40 pounds in a year and am in better shape at 46 than I was at 21. Ask for support from your family as they need to help by supporting your lifestyle change.…
  • The first step is admitting it! Get ready to give your daughter the greatest gift ever. She will learn to be healthy from watching you. Likewise, she will learn to be unhealthy from watching you too! Wishing you all the best as you change the way you live.