New Member, can't get motivated, help please?

I just started this yesterday, I'm not too sure how well I will do because i have a hard time getting motivated when it comes to excercise. I'm about to be 21 next month and I have a son who will be 2 in just a couple months. I don't want to lose that much weight, I am comfortable with how I am now (not skinny at all lol) but I want to lose just enough weight that I feel a little bit better in some clothes. Can anyone help me maybe find a way to get motivated please?


  • Whitneylol
    Bottom line, motivation has to come from YOU. No one will help you control your eating, it is in your hands. BUT- there is a ton of support on here and if you use the tools MFP has to offer you will succeed.

    Start by entering your goals into MFP and start TODAY! Get some exercise in and stay within your allowed calories, and see how you feel after that. Once you start in the right direction, it's easy to stick to it!

    You can do it!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Bottom line, motivation has to come from YOU.

    I second this!!! If you can't find motivation, you aren't ready for this. It's not a quick fix, it's not a temporary solution it is a permanent lifestyle change. You either get it or you don't.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    get off the puter, stop talking about it - just DO IT. start with 15 or 20 minutes - soon you'll find yourself doing more w/o thinking about it. Get up in the morning, drink some water & exercise right away before you're fully awake & have time to make excuses. I just set my alarm 15 mins early so i can get 30 day shred in real quick - then even if I don't do anything else all day, I got that in.
    YOU have to want it - unless you have some active friend who will workout & nudge you - YOU have to do it. Just get up and do it.
    DON'T think about it, DON'T discuss it. get off the computer, turn OFF the tv and DO IT
  • dirkreader
    One thing for sure is success breeds motivation. Set yourself a series of small obtainable goals. As you achieve them you will begin to crave accomplishment. I lost 40 pounds in a year and am in better shape at 46 than I was at 21. Ask for support from your family as they need to help by supporting your lifestyle change. And that's what it is, a lifestyle change.

    When you feel like stopping go thee more minutes. log your progress and go further the next day. Embrace the change and watch your transformation. You will be amazed.

    Good Luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    All great points so far!!

    The key to finding an exercise program you can stick with is to find something you really enjoy and don't worry about all the hype about what you "should" do. Once you start feeling more fit and strong, then you can start broadening your horizins and trying new things.

    Say you like walking... For now, focus on getting moving and making it a habit. Walk as fast and as far as you can (even if it's only 2 mph for 10 mintues) and then in a couple weeks, go a little faster or a little farther and eventually change your route to add some hills or running intervals.

    If you like workout DVDs, check out the options at your library (and see if they share with other libraries) and Netflix and YouTube. There are tons of options out there!
  • KasiLynn1109
    Thanks dirkreader :)
    I know I can do it, and I want to, its just getting started for me thats the hard part. I use to ride a bike around my neighborhood for 10 miles every day with my brother's fiance but when they moved and helping out with my mom and her wedding I lost track of it and didnt have time for it, I just need to get started again.
  • KasiLynn1109
    Thanks NayShel :) I'm glad people are so supportive on here