

  • i was back at the fair, and i checked in on most locations that i listed before... Sad to say, one of the better deals financially was at the MARIA'S ITALIAN KITCHEN...IF you go on FRI, SAT or SUN since there is a $14 all you can eat pizza and pasta buffet! Doesn't help the waist line, but definitely easier on the wallet…
  • lol, good job Mike! i tend to not eat good stuff, if i dont plan on being near something better for me.. This time... i wanna be prepared! Lucky
  • Here is a list of options featuring salads at the fair. If anyone would like to weigh in with an opinion... it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise i will check out some prices at these location on Wednesday of this week. Company Name - Food Item Description - Location , Space number EDDIE'S NEW YORK EATERY - ANTIPASTO…
  • ok, my first trip to the fair was a bust as far as food goes! And i havent yet brought back any food suggestions for any of you. But fear not, i go back a couple more times next week, and i will make a second and third attempt! Will report as i learn anything! Still hoping others might wanna kick in some info... thanks,…
  • Hi Steve! Muscle takes less space than fat does, and weighs more too! Do your clothes fit you differently now? That can be the biggest indication of your progress. Keep up the great work at consistent strength training, you will get your rewards! Lucky
  • skinny girl brand makes margaritas and mojitos! yummy at 100 calories each!
  • Welcome to the group! Just wanna say, congratulations for taking the first step... and keep in mind... burning calories is anything you do except for sitting... so... some housework (cleaning) is in the exercise listings! Also, i am sure your little girl would enjoy spending time with you as she is learning healthy habits…