

  • Hey Wes great to see ya on here.
  • Welcome. This is a great site. I to have two little ones and am trying to lose 60lbs. I've already lost 6lbs this month since starting MFP. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • I lost 250lbs from my top weight a few years ago. I don't think for me there is much hope other than surgery but I do think it helped some lifting weights while I was losing. It also helps it you lose it over time and not quickly like I did.
  • Welcome!!! I've only been using this site for 6 days and I'm pretty excited about it. I've told all my friends about it and several have joined. Even got my hubby to join!!!! I've noticed a lot of people do things differently on here and you'll find what works for you. For me I was getting confused when logging my exercise…
  • I find I am usually lighter in the mornings but I always wondered if it was because I ate during the day. Looking forward to learning what others think.
  • I'm the same way. If I'm having a bad day I tend to comfort eat and ruin what I've been working towards. I am just taking one day at a time and trying not to wonder why I even bother when I do have my rough days. In the long run it's all got to be worth it. I find that MFP has helped me in the short time that I joined. I…
  • I can do that. I just joined MFP two days ago and am finding it a great tool. If I am honest about what I eat and actually log it I am less likely to cheat. Today I even found it hard to make sure I ate enough. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wow!!!!! You must be thrilled with the new you.
  • Doesn't make sense to me. Why ruin what you have worked hard for all week. I believe it's ok to occasionally have a treat but everything in moderation. If I feel like having chocolate I have a square of the bar instead of the whole thing. I am learning to make life style changes because if I don't when I get this weight…
  • I managed to lose all my weight after having my first son but really struggling to take it off after having my second son just 6 months ago. You would think running around after a 2 and a half year old as well as a 6 month old would help burn it off. Good luck.
  • Congrats!!!!!!! You must be so proud of yourself. Good work :-))
  • It's not easy finding the time. I have a son who will be 3 in February and a 6 month old son as well. I am finding it difficult as well. I find it's best if we take a walk down to the local lake to feed the ducks or down to the park. Any activity is good is my way of looking at things. I used to go to the gym but who has…