Excersizing with an Infant...



  • Nelly_J
    I know exactly what you mean! I have a 1 year old that never wants to go to sleep. After working a full day, coming home to cook, doing some cleaning, and preparing my daughter's things to go to the babysister for the next day I have no energy. I try to walk as much as possible since that seems to be my only way to get some sort of exercise in. And if she does go to bed at a decent time I try to do a work DVD for at least 25-30 min. Good luck!!!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    As a previous poster said go for a walk its early days with your little one it took me a long time to get my energy back with my third.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    What about one of those baby slings and a bike ride?

    Incredibly dangerous! If there were some type of bike accident whether it was her hitting/being hit by something or simply falling from the bike there are not Baby helmets and this would expose an already fragile infant skull & brain to seriouse trauma not to mention in the above mentioned scenarios you could jostle the baby enough to harm its spine, or have the baby come loose from a sling (moby, baby bjorn, ect) and be thrown varying distances or even simply plummet the 3-4 feet directly onto its head and spine

    Oh, good to know. I don't know crap about babies.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Push the toddler in a stroller while carrying your baby. I push my son (turned 2 yesterday) and carry my 5 month old in a sling and walk to the park (1 mile each way).
    I understand though how hard it is to put yourself first when you have kids and the housework is piling up. I'm blessed with a husband who helps a lot with the cleaning and cooking. He gets off work at 9:30 so by then my 2 year old is asleep and he will watch our daughter while I get on the treadmill. My neighbours below probably aren't thrilled, but hey, at least it gets done :)

    I would ask your husband if he would mind watching the kids for 30 minutes while you exercise. He will benefit from it as well (wink wink) and so will you when you feel good about yourself.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    trust me there is always time to workout.. even with kids. I have 2 of my own and run an in-home daycare... when they nap forget the dishes and workout!!! even if its only 20 min.. You can always strap the baby to you and do the dishes later.. thats what I did when my daughter was a baby. Just remember dishes, laundry, chores... they will all be there at the end of the day you never can escape it. But, if you work out you will most likely have the motivation to get it all done by days end.

    Good luck!!! Never put yourself on a back burner, your health is just as important as the kids and most certainly MORE important than dishes!!!

    ^^^What she said! Seriously. It's easier to do the dishes one-handed with the baby in the sling than work out with children awake.

    Does you baby sleep through the night yet? Neighter of mine did by that age. It wasn't until they slept thruogh the night that I could consistently get up BEFORE them to work out in the morning.
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    Try this link out! ther's babay bench presses & stuff like that to try :)

  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member

    Get the four year old invloved and you dance while holding the baby. Silly kid-dancing in the living room to any kind of music makes them giggle and will get your heart rate up (exercises them as well). My kids love oldies: Beach boys, Ronettes, Dixie cups, etc. More fun music: show tunes(especially Grease!), Disney music, Kidz Bop (though it annoys me!), uptempo classical (which is also good for kids to hear anyway).

    Everyone ends up smiling or laughing and it is great on a rainy day. See if you can keep it going for 10 minutes the first time - it's harder than you think.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i usually don't excerise with an infant. i find them to be unreliable weightlifting partners, and they can't even lift too much. and cardio is even worse. their stubby little legs don't allow them to run very fast or far.
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    LMFAO!! I know.. find someone else to workout with :) Too funny, really liked this comment. Very cute :)
  • Green_Eyed_Girl88
    LMAO!!!!! OMG I cannot stop laughing!!!! :D

    i usually don't excerise with an infant. i find them to be unreliable weightlifting partners, and they can't even lift too much. and cardio is even worse. their stubby little legs don't allow them to run very fast or far.
  • krystalrose07
    It's not easy finding the time. I have a son who will be 3 in February and a 6 month old son as well. I am finding it difficult as well. I find it's best if we take a walk down to the local lake to feed the ducks or down to the park. Any activity is good is my way of looking at things. I used to go to the gym but who has time or energy for that now?? Good luck and I hope to see some ideas from other on this post that I can use as well.