

  • By heavy weights would i strictly need a bench and barbell? my gym is TINY, always crammed with people (mostly men) and as a beginner to weights totally out of my comfort zone! im quite self concious at the moment, would i need to buy equiptment for my home?
  • Sorry, by beginners i mean its the beginning to me actually having any sort of routine. Ive been on and off the gym for the past couple of weeks, so have increased my fitness and lowered my calories slightlyyy gradually. also im pretty sure im going to cave in and sit on my bum some days when ive been up all night with the…
  • my gym class times are usually 7pm, and its been a couple of weeks. i have a really low bp aswell and bordering on anaemic, was wondering if it could be that?
  • oh wow that was so lovely! as much as i do hate mine they do represent something very special :)
  • Definitely speak to your doctor/ health visitor. I dont think its too good to calorie count while pregnant, just eat healthy as and whenever you feel like it. Im not too sure but i think as your pregnancy progresses you are supposed to eat more to accomidate your babys needs, but yeah im no expert ^_^ so definitley get…
  • Hi! Your situation seems very similar to mine, although you sound like youve had it alot tougher. Im 18weeks PP, gained about 40 pounds during pregnancy and im now hanging around the 160+ pound mark and cant seem to shift it. Havent been able to sleep for weeks and just lay on the couch depressed, but ive just recently…