North Liberty, Iowa USA!
PLATEAU CONQUERED! -5.5 lbs this week!
Quiting is definitely not an option for me, its just really irritating. I have heard that taking a break works. I think I'm going to try reducing caloric intake for this week see if that jumpstarts it... if it doesn't, I'll go on maint for a week to see if that triggers it back. :) keep telling me your ideas! What did you…
Heart Rate Monitor
Hey I believe in you! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm so proud of you!
Hey - how did you get the cool graphic?
Thank the 4 year old outside while the baby is sleeping and run around the yard with him/her! You can do it!!! Try baby curls! Put your 8 month old in the car seat and use both hands to lift the baby up and down, build up your triceps!
Well I believe in you! Time to make some positive changes!!! <3 YOU CAN DO IT! (feel free to add me as a friend!)
You both rock! Good work!!!!
THUMBS UP TO YOU! That's the way to do it if you ARE going to do it!
Agreed - but there's an assumption made there that should not be made. Most people in our collective position don't do moderation. Its like telling an alcoholic to drink only one or two beers... and its ok because its in moderation. Food is an addiction, plain and simple.
Hmm.. I view it as a Hiroshima style bomb on your diet. Why do all that work all week and then muck it all up? Doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Hiroshima was beautiful, perfectly landscaped, people living at peace - and that was destroyed within a few minutes. I often think about this, honestly - because…
Once per week! Saturday mornings at 8 AM!
Thanks Slippy! Good work to you too!
Absolutely! Its such an inspiring song and music video! Its the song I use to kick off every episode of my vlog!
Honey, if I weren't gay and taken.. I'd be taking you out to dinner! ;)
You're gorgeous! Let your colors burn honey! BTW, I love this, its like Quoteception!
As soon as my program allows me to here =P I'm on a holding pattern for now! Expect a request around 11:40 CST!
You better believe I am!!! ;) WE CAN DO IT!
Sweet! Love to talk to you about your experiences and adventures through gay society! UGH! haha anyway - remember to do it for yourself. I never thought anyone would love me if I was fat - but as soon as i started thinking positively and changing for me - someone came along who loves me for me. His name is Keno. Listen to…
Hey girl! Thanks! I love myself some big beautiful black women ;) hehe You sure are beautiful, but I'm not all that sure about the big! Looks like you're shrinking fast!
Honey, I have to tell you you look FABULOUS!!!!! *hugs* You can do it too! I believe in you!
Done and done! Thanks so much! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Oh gosh you remind me of a friend of mine from Cedar Rapids, IA! haha Thanks for the tips! I'll be adding you shortly!
Thanks! I always welcome new friends! You can do it too!
Thanks for your support! All the best to you!
I believe in you too!!!! WE CAN DO IT! :)
Thanks for the encouraging words! As soon as I figure out how to do that, I will gladly do so!