greenskpr Member


  • As mentioned above - it's a misnomer that you can gain muscle in caloric deficit. You just can't. If you're truly in a deficit, you're body is trying to come up with ways to feed itself. Muscle production and repair is minimal, if any. Fat stores, as well as muscle tissue are broken down for their energy producing…
  • Agreeing with davert123 here.. Not to get too 'zen' about it, but it's not about the weight or how to lose it at this stage. Weight loss is just physics. You know how to lose weight. We all do. It's the easy part. Saw a great quote the other day: "There's no cheating on a diet because eating isn't a test" So, the hard part…
  • I left my cardio-oriented program last year and have gained weight - about 5 pounds - but it's good! As mentioned by others, you'll need to put away the scale and rearrange your strategy while you try this change. So, ya, +5 pounds, but clothes fit looser than ever and I look tighter than I've been in my life - feel…
  • Also, hey, remember the closer you get to your target/ideal weight the harder it becomes to affect loss. The energy expended needs to increase in duration or intensity because you're lighter and metabolically more efficient now. So you're going to have to go longer or harder to make up for the reduced energy it takes to…
  • For me, those insatiable hunger pangs were sugar/carb related. And yeah, you're not alone. You're not weak and there's nothing wrong with you. The more carby junk I'd eat the more I'd crave carby junk. So I cut it out. I still eat a boatload of food, but carbs are reserved for training days, specifically after training.…
  • Working on same and it's finally starting to melt. Takes a while. Here's what made the biggest difference for me. - More weight training, less cardio. - If you must do cardio do some form of HIIT - carbs BELOW 100g per day - sugars below 50g per…
  • Typically, after a very hard workout, and especially with weight training, your muscles will retain water and show that kind of result on the scale. Persevere. Your body will comply if you give it no choice. It always does. Good luck.
  • Congrats on your loss so far, here's a couple ideas I used to stay with it after trying both Insanity and P90x.. - buy a heart rate monitor so you can calculate an accurate calorie burn for whatever you do choose - beware the P90x and Insanity programs, Great workouts, but their frequency (daily) can leave you with joint…
  • Kudos for using a hrm. MFP numbers can be squirrely sometimes. I double check food and exercise numbers. Try your own calculations as to what your sustained bpm is burning. BPM to calorie burn calculator here:
  • Buy a heart rate monitor, and keep track of your own burn. It's a piece of mind plus you can keep track of your work when your not on a machine, doing intervals, etc. Tons of online burn calculators to choose from that will calculate your bpm into calories.…
  • I was there. For almost three weeks stuck at the same number even with hard workouts and staying right on track with my food. I did take measurements though and that really made me stick with it. While the scale hadn't moved, I still lost two inches off my belly, 1 inch off my waist, and a 1/2 inch from my neck. I was…