

  • Army PT test was a success! Pushups in 2 minutes: 60 Situps in 2 minutes: 60 2-mile run:16:03
  • Today is Day 31 for me. Definitely feeling stronger and more flexible (Yoga X hurts so good!). Kinda wishing I could see more results physically but it's only been a month. I've been told you don't really see noticeable result till the 3rd month so I just gotta hang in there and Bring It!
  • You bet! I just saw an informercial for Insanity and it got me pumped. But I have to tell myself, one workout program at a time :)
  • Recovery Week #1 has begun. I say recovery loosly, since there's a lot of Yoga in it, which is pretty sweat-worthy.
  • Gotcha, that's probably why I'm not really losing any weight.
  • Let me know if I'm doing this right. Here's today's menu: Breakfast: Oatmeal with a little milk and sugar Snack: Special K protein bar Lunch: Spinach leaves with strawberries, peanuts and raspberry vinagrette dressing Snack: Banana Dinner: Grilled chicken with rice Shake before bed
  • I think the biggest hurdle is spreading my meals out to several a day. Starting to get the hang of it. As long as I avoid fried foods and the occasional greasy burger, I think I'll be fine.
  • Chest and Back - tough. Very sore the next day. Plyometrics - equally tough. Legs were screaming afterwards. Shoulders and Arms - easy, because I was using light resistnace bands. Went to pick up heavy ones the next day. Yoga - my God, how do these people do these things. Easily the hardest one for me. Legs and Back - not…
  • Starting week 2 tonight. Wife has taken interest. More as it develops.
  • Day 2 - Plyometrics done! Woohoo!
  • First workout is over (Chest/Back with Ab Ripper)! Wow, am I sore!
  • I really excited to get started. I was skimming over some of the videos and getting myself pumped up. I'm gonna start it off Sunday evening after drill.
  • Bad news and good news. Bad news is I have to delay starting P90X till next week due to my Reserve unit doing PT exercises this weekend and I don't want to kill myself. Good news is a little more prep time to read the guides and get a little more spun up before I get started. Silver linings, people :)
  • Alright, starting this thing tomorrow. Wish me luck! Thanks again for all your help.
  • BTW, yes, I was able to get the fitness guide and booklet in PDF format (my friend's a computer guy, like myself... we hate paper). I will be looking over them the next few weeks. Another hangup I'm having is this. Can I just eat healthy like what the nutrition guide recommends or do I have to get the shakes, powder and…
  • You guys rock! Thanks for the great advice! I shall keep you all aprised of the upcoming drama that is me losing weight. BRING IT!
  • It's funny. Not 2 days after I complain about not losing any weight, I drop a pound. Maybe I should complain more often :) I did, however, change up my workout. Instead of doing 35 min. running, 15 cycling and 10 elliptical, I'm doing 20 min. cycling, 20 running, 10 elliptical and 10 stairmaster ( I really hate the…
  • All super advice. I'll definiely be taking them into account. Thanks for all the help everyone!
  • Yeah, I have to admit downing all that water is hard for me but I need to suck it up and do it. Plus eating the exercise calories, not doing to well at that. Seems counter-productive in my mind even though it makes sense on paper.