

  • filionj1 Dont give up. Seriously! I still have bad days where I feel fat & not good enough. But I learned beating yourself doesnt help. Be proud that youre making a good change for yourself. I can assure you, you will do great. Be patient with yourself & your body. There are tons of cookbooks & help out there that dont…
  • You guys are awesome!! Love all the positive responses. "you feel good, when you look good" :)
  • If you like smoothies, you can always add spinach or kale into them. Also, adding spinach/kale and tomato into scrambled eggs is amazing. I put onions and peppers into meatloaf or meatballs. I usually snack on carrots too. Get creative and fun!!
  • Its amazing! Good luck & enjoy your dinner! :)
  • Roasted veggie quinoa bowl. Mix the veggies you have with olive oil or pray some pam on them, add salt and pepper and/or any other spices you have. Roast with qunioa at 400 degrees for 25 mins and garnish with cilantro. :) Good luck! I hate waiting til pay day and not having a clue what to make. But this is yummy and will…
  • I feel the same way!!!!
  • YES!!! But take it 1 step at a time. I lost 55lbs. It took over a year but it was worth it. I cryed. I struggled. I wanted to give up, but I dug deep down and asked myself "why am I doing this?" Vanity? because doing it for looks got old really quick! lol I did it to feel better. For my health. I found enjoyment in…
  • Maca powder is a super food. It has a nutty flavor to it. It helps balance hormones (if your body needs it), increase libido, ensure proper heart function. Here are the benefits; "-quick supply of body energy -increase of endurance alleviation of chronic fatigue -increase of fertility -relieve of menstrual symptoms -reduce…
  • This is all real food, just blended together. :)
  • I am going to try Kashi! I never had it before. & I think it'll be a great alternative from the greasy pizzeria pizza. Thank you. ;)
  • Thank you. The support really helps. Its nice to know Im not alone. The comments brought me to tears. Thankyou! It feels amazing to have people who you never met give you words of encouragement. This means so much to me. The past couple of years of hve been rough. And thats why I gained the weight. The fear of falling back…
  • mmm That sounds yummy. Now im thinking.. chicken tacos... or chicken fajitas. also tasty, Thnku!
  • It is def hard when you have a craving! It is normal. My advice would be when you have that craving, (if you can) write down how your feeling and why. Also, try to keep your mind busy. Your body isn't craving what you want, it's your mind. If its still an intense craving, have half of your craving. No one is perfect and…
  • I totally understand. I've been through the same. I've and depression and anxiety since I was a kid. I am 21 yrs old now. And I am making a change in life. It is def scary! And it is much easier to settle for less. When I look in the mirror I hate what I see, not because Im overweight but I see the potential I have and how…