

  • Thanks for the feedback! I got Robb Wolf's book (The Paleo Solution) on Saturday and I already finished reading it. :-) I posted this after reading it b/c the menus he has in the book didn't look like something I could do, being that I am limited in what meat I consume. I think though, after reading these message boards…
  • thanks! I was looking over your diary and noticed you include dairy... i thought paleo was no dairy?
  • thanks everyone... it's good to know I'm not alone in this struggle, but of course I don't wish this pain on anyone! lol
  • Actually, the doctor told me not to use an elliptical b/c it is still impact on your foot...
  • Oddly enough, I first got the problem at my lowest weight and I have since gained the weight back that I had lost prior to that. I think (and from speaking to my doctors) that I got it from wearing shoes with no support and from running and not stretching properly afterwards. I was running a lot when it first happened and…
  • i am on day 2 as well!
  • cosmetic chemist
  • I log my breakfast before I leave the house in the morning b/c I pack it to eat at work. I also pack my lunch most of the time, so I log that in before I leave the house as well. Once in a while if I am going out to lunch, or I don't have anything to pack, I wait and log it in at lunch time when I decide what I'm having. I…
  • My activity changes from day to day, that is why I set myself at sedentary. I am a chemist and work at a lab bench - some days I stand all day and barely have a chance to sit down at all... other days are slower and I'm doing more paperwork (or in meetings) and not standing as much. It honestly all depends on the day.…
  • The fitbit is not estimating my calories b/c I set it to not estimate them. It only records the calories I burn each day and gives me more calories to consume on days I burn more calories.
  • thanks!
  • Thanks! That does help... so basically I SHOULD be eating to get a "net calorie" of 1320 on MFP... b/c on fitbit, I'm burning about 2600-3000 calories a day... so subtract 750 from that and I get 1850-2250 a day, depending on how many calories I burn each day.
  • I had to set MFP to sedentary b/c the fitbit was adjusting my calories and adding them to MFP... which would be a double dip b/c if I set MFP at moderately active it already adds those calories into my daily goal.
  • For example: Yesterday I ate 223 calories for breakfast, 724 calories for lunch, 85 calories for an afternoon snack, 400 calories for dinner, and 260 calories as an evening snack. That adds up to 1692 calories consumed. I burned 377 calories in 35 minutes at the gym, and fitbit adjusted my daily calories by 223 calories…
  • No, it's not actually "double dipping"... b/c when I log my exercise in on MFP I put the time of the workout and how long it was, and it over-writes on the fitbit site for that time frame.
  • that didn't exactly answer my question, but thanks!
  • thanks guys!
  • Thanks for the welcome guys!