Since we are to drink the lemon, then we measure it in cups, right? Or do we weigh it? And why do we weigh solids again? And really, where DOES peanut butter stand in all of this?
- You can make a route in it and it tells you the mileage as you you can make a map to 2 miles in your neighborhood and then walk that route, turn around, and walk it home. 4 miles. No need for gadgets on your walk.
Thank you so much for posting this link!
Since the gym does not open early enough in the morning, go to gym after work and get up early and do chores in the morning. Problem solved.
The well made, expensive suits and dresses that I have for work go to the tailor. It ends up fitting better than anything off the rack ever will. When I have time, I do my own tailoring as well. The stuff I don't love or is not worth the cost of tailoring gets donated.
Nordstrom does the best job of measuring and they carry a huge range of sizes. They will bring you 100 bras until they find something that works for you. Their customer service is amazing. Victorias Secret and Lany Bryant are owned by the same company and you can often find comparable items as long as you fit into VS's…
Title 9 has a bunch of sizes, suggests what styles you need based on size and then rates them for amount of bounce. I have had a lot of success in the past with them. However, I also hate back closure. I just bought my second VS Knockout. I love the double front closure. I run miles in it with full DDs without any issue.
Do you have phenylketonuria? If not, get a new doctor because the one you have is a quack.
Distilled water is just that - distilled - which removes all the minerals and salts. Your body is constantly striving to maintain specific levels of sodium and potassium inside and outside of your cells. If you drink large amounts of distilled water and do not consume anything else, you will deplete your sodium and…
Heel pain and shin splints are signs that you are not wearing the correct shoes for your foot. You need to go to a running store or a New Balance store and have an expert look at your feet and suggest the right, corrective shoe. I suffered from shin splints and heel pain for years and finally found out that I have a flat…