How to cut water weight, day before weigh in?



  • aglopez1102
    aglopez1102 Posts: 28 Member

    I already lost EIGHT POUNDS on my own , the right way. 8 pounds i PLAN to keep off permanently .

    you guys don't get the point of why i am trying to shred water weight JUST for TOMROROW.

    but that's okay.

    thanks to the few who gave helpful tips
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm going to give this a rest. OP, just take care of yourself...its about health not money. Good luck.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    That was a pretty classy statement.

    She just wants to dump water weight for one day.

    Not a big deal.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    no... when i tried responding i copied everyone's responce accidentally. that is why that long message showed up . when i caught it , i deleted it,. or edited it, i should say.

    oh, lol i gotcha
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm going to give this a rest. OP, just take care of yourself...its about health not money. Good luck.

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    some of you guys are pretty hilarious . all I want to know is how to lose water weight , I don't need the lectures about cheating on the challenge but since you guys are putting so much thought into that part , let me inform you the competition is between by boss and I . I started at 144 and I weigh 136 . she started at 163 and has to be 150 by tomorrow to win . winner gets 380 dollars . since the beginning I have been eating healthy at 1250 ish calories and working out. My competitor started the lemon maple syrup cleanse to win since we NEVER said we couldn't cheat . she gave up midway so now I'm competing with myself . if I don't meet my exact goal then neither of us wins ... This is why I am trying to cheat a little . 
    Anyways .... I am proud of my weight loss because it was hard for me to lose what I have so far so I don't feel ashamed of cheating for the last three pounds just for tomorrow, then after that , going back yo my regular healthy schedule

    Wow really?! It is great that you lost 8 pounds already and you should be proud. Congrats on that, but you make no sense. We all get that you want to shed the water weight by tomorrow. We get what you are saying, however if your boss already quit midway then neither of you are winners anyway. The bet is over. Just forget it even existed.

    Edit: this is funny actually now that she explained it. Oh well do whatever makes you happy OP!! Good luck :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member


    Good luck, OP. Let us know if you win.
  • aglopez1102
    aglopez1102 Posts: 28 Member
    lol well lucky for me what matters is that i am proud of my accomplishment. if you looked down on it , that's on you.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I am not touching the cheating/not cheating with a ten foot pole.

    Laxatives can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

    Excessive water intake (emphasis on excessive) can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

    Water pills can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

    Electrolyte imbalances can cause all types of trouble including muscular conductivity issues (your heart is a muscle and disrhythmias are possible).

    Informed choices... do what you want, but I wouldn't risk my health for $380 (or whatever it was).
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    If you're seriously considering using a laxative so you can literally *kitten* your way to a victory in some stupid competition then you should probably re-evaluate things.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I don't know if this is true for weight or not, but before tape/measuring a lot of people tend to have success with Preparation H rubbed all over their torso, and sleeping with cellophane wrapped around it the night prior. It "shrinks" your skin
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Oh, also try going for a really long run or doing some hot yoga directly prior, and not drinking any water 'til after weigh in. After a 6 mile run in the heat I usually sweat off 4-6 lbs of water. @_@
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm going to give this a rest. OP, just take care of yourself...its about health not money. Good luck.

    You have to be kidding, it's a weigh in for a contest? "chill"

    Fighters do this every fight and they're fine.

    Drink a lot of water today and don't drink or eat anything after midnight. Funny that sounds like what you do for a pre-operation.
  • heirloomtomato
    heirloomtomato Posts: 13 Member
    If you are really (!!!) serious about it, drink destilled water, half a gallon will do the trick, 3lbs should be no problem.

    Although many people claim (for whatever reasons) it could kill you ... it won't. I did it myself, alive and well.

    do you mean salt water maybe?

    distilled water is just sterilized water... not sure why anyone would say that could kill you

    Distilled water is just that - distilled - which removes all the minerals and salts. Your body is constantly striving to maintain specific levels of sodium and potassium inside and outside of your cells. If you drink large amounts of distilled water and do not consume anything else, you will deplete your sodium and potassium levels to a point where you will die.

    A teenage boy in Japan did this a few years back. I remember my Japanese lab mate being upset about it and talking about it. the boy thought he was doing a good thing by drinking "pure" water.

    It is never a good idea to drink distilled water if you are not eating. You can actually make yourself sick. I have no doubt you can get away with it for a day or two, but don't say you weren't warned about it. I would imagine the muscle cramping would be intense but maybe you don't feel it because your nerves and brain start to malfunction as well. Fun times to win a contest.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm going to give this a rest. OP, just take care of yourself...its about health not money. Good luck.

    You have to be kidding, it's a weigh in for a contest? "chill"

    Fighters do this every fight and they're fine.

    Drink a lot of water today and don't drink or eat anything after midnight. Funny that sounds like what you do for a pre-operation.

    Fighters get punched in the face for money and sport, they are not the best example.

    If you think that taking extreme measures to lose water weight will never be harmful I'm sorry but you are wrong, if you take it too far you can actually hurt yourself and where that line lies can be hard to define.

    Nutmegoreo approached this much better than I in that regard. I got more heated than I should have, I was already annoyed by something else but that is no excuse. I do not think however it is appropriate to encourage someone to do something potentially (read potentially) dangerous for the purpose of money. Did I over react? Sure. Do I think the opposite is true and it is "fine"? No, I don't think it is fine. No doctor would encourage this, why should we?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    thread about to be locked by the moderator soon.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    If you are really (!!!) serious about it, drink destilled water, half a gallon will do the trick, 3lbs should be no problem.

    Although many people claim (for whatever reasons) it could kill you ... it won't. I did it myself, alive and well.

    do you mean salt water maybe?

    distilled water is just sterilized water... not sure why anyone would say that could kill you

    Distilled water is just that - distilled - which removes all the minerals and salts. Your body is constantly striving to maintain specific levels of sodium and potassium inside and outside of your cells. If you drink large amounts of distilled water and do not consume anything else, you will deplete your sodium and potassium levels to a point where you will die.

    A teenage boy in Japan did this a few years back. I remember my Japanese lab mate being upset about it and talking about it. the boy thought he was doing a good thing by drinking "pure" water.

    It is never a good idea to drink distilled water if you are not eating. You can actually make yourself sick. I have no doubt you can get away with it for a day or two, but don't say you weren't warned about it. I would imagine the muscle cramping would be intense but maybe you don't feel it because your nerves and brain start to malfunction as well. Fun times to win a contest.

    FYI - if you just drank water (non-distilled) and eat nothing at all you would also die
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I'm going to give this a rest. OP, just take care of yourself...its about health not money. Good luck.

    You have to be kidding, it's a weigh in for a contest? "chill"

    Fighters do this every fight and they're fine.

    Drink a lot of water today and don't drink or eat anything after midnight. Funny that sounds like what you do for a pre-operation.

    Fighters get punched in the face for money and sport, they are not the best example.

    If you think that taking extreme measures to lose water weight will never be harmful I'm sorry but you are wrong, if you take it too far you can actually hurt yourself and where that line lies can be hard to define.

    Nutmegoreo approached this much better than I in that regard. I got more heated than I should have, I was already annoyed by something else but that is no excuse. I do not think however it is appropriate to encourage someone to do something potentially (read potentially) dangerous for the purpose of money. Did I over react? Sure. Do I think the opposite is true and it is "fine"? No, I don't think it is fine. No doctor would encourage this, why should we?

    i guess you missed the part about it being one night, and it being 100% identical to surgery prep. which my doctor insisted i do lol
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    called water intoxication.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Whoops responded under the wrong fitnesspal account

    Reported for multiple accounts...

    Plot twist....

    CRo84 (her boyfriend) deactivated "his" account