How to cut water weight, day before weigh in?

Hey guys!

tomorrow morning is the final weigh in for my job's weight loss challenge. i've managed to lose 8 pounds but have 3 stubborn pounds i need gone by tomorrow! I know the water weight will come right back and that is ok.. i just want to meet weight for tomorrow morning. After the challenge is done, i'll just maintain a good healthy diet and exercise .

what tips and tricks do you guys have ?

i have heard of the epsolm water bath deal but don't know what it is exactly..
has anyone tried water pills?
or the running with a trashbag?


  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Uh none of that sounds at all healthy, I can't vouch for it's effectiveness.

    The best thing I've found for shedding water weight is 1) Drink a LOT of water and 2) eat very low sodium. When I do this it usually flushes enough out of my system that I can see a 2 lb drop overnight.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Just give up. Everyone at work will hate you for doing it in an unhealthy manner. Trust me, I've seen MFP threads about it.
  • chelseababy22
    chelseababy22 Posts: 81 Member
    water pills- unfortunately.. you should of started taking these like 5 days ago.. they do not really work over night.. but it wont hurt you to try. Water ALL day.. drink your weight in water but convert to ounces- (ex. if you are 150 pounds.. drink 150 ounces) No coffee, no soda, no juice.

    If you are really serious- which no judgment here at all.. I would suggest a laxative... That will have the quickest effect.. hey a competition is a competition right? LOL.. and If you do decide to go this route- Milk of Magnesium is really good.. and to be honest there is nothing wrong with a clean out once in awhile.

    No salt at all. No carbs at all. (Basically fruit and veggies only)
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    google making weight class for a fight. There are lots of articles on it. Not sure you can do 3 lbs in a day safely though.
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    If you are really (!!!) serious about it, drink destilled water, half a gallon will do the trick, 3lbs should be no problem.

    Although many people claim (for whatever reasons) it could kill you ... it won't. I did it myself, alive and well.
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    but then again I think it's quite pointless... and dangerous, something fighters will do, monitored by professional fitness coaches.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the only way to make a difference is in water weight, which it seems you understand.

    anything that will make you sweet is good, but then you probably wouldn't want to replenish much.

    probably better to do some google searching on this.

    when they want to make weight on the UFC reality show they take a stationary bike into the sauna

    fighters are also some of the most dedicated atheletes out there. cutting weight like that is grueling and at least potentially unhealthy.

    to do it for a work force challege seems a bit extream
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    If you are really (!!!) serious about it, drink destilled water, half a gallon will do the trick, 3lbs should be no problem.

    Although many people claim (for whatever reasons) it could kill you ... it won't. I did it myself, alive and well.

    do you mean salt water maybe?

    distilled water is just sterilized water... not sure why anyone would say that could kill you
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    also agree that drinking a lot of water is a good way to eliminate water that you have retained.

    i'm not sure what it ends up doing for your net weight.

    not sure what the fighters would do as far as drinking water. but exercising in a sauna with no water seems pretty insane lol.

    so does knocking eachothers heads around for a living
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    Actually destilled water will cause your body to loose water weight, there was a big controversy about it beeing dangerous when I researched this.

    Fact is, it worked with me but I'm not gonna pretend that I understand the physiological background.

    When it comes to fitness, especially on the web, everybody thinks they know it all, and when you're asking for such drastic approaches you have lots of bad advice ahead of you
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    saying distilled water is bad for you is the same as saying water is bad for you
  • aglopez1102
    aglopez1102 Posts: 28 Member
    thank you for the advise !

    i'm thinking since it might be too late for the water pills, i can just buy the laxative like you suggested, do cardio with a trashbag under my clothes and take an salt bath before bed/ in the am... im hopefull those three do it for me !!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    When I have an important weigh in I fast for 24 hours.

    Then about 1 hour before the weigh in I have half of a plain coffee or a monster mean bean energy drink.

    Those always force big #2 within a half hour! True!
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    Agreed. That's exactly what I think!

    However, water weight fluctuates quite intensely when I get down to abs level and at that point my scale has a mind of its own.

    So OP could wake up tomorrow morning after a regular fast and feel super lean for whatever reason... does happen to me....
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    looked it up.

    its free of minerals and also can absorb minerals in your body. if it was the only water you drank you whole life, maybe there'd be a problem.

    the same sites also warned about drinking tap water.

    i assume they are mostly pushing bottled water
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah, thats the case with most studies published... others will be hippies with too much time at their hands spreading non-sense just for the heck of it
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    Don't drink anything day-of. Go to the washroom if you think you can get anything out. Go workout, hard, and sweat.

    Trashbags are dangerous. When I wrestled, we'd exercise in sweaters but it was super uncomfortable and only under supervision.

    3lbs might be difficult, depending how big you are and how much water you have to lose.

    It's pretty ****ty to cheat in something that's supposed to be about bettering yourself though.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Uh none of that sounds at all healthy, I can't vouch for it's effectiveness.

    The best thing I've found for shedding water weight is 1) Drink a LOT of water and 2) eat very low sodium. When I do this it usually flushes enough out of my system that I can see a 2 lb drop overnight.

    This person is totally right. Me personally, I would cheat and take a small amount of liquid magnesium/saline laxative. That will temporarily reduce water weight.... make sure after the weigh in you rehydrate. Probably not sound medical advice but its a good way to cheat the scale if it's some sort of competition.

    Oh jeez.... You again? Now you're telling people to take laxatives to lose weight?? :noway:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    OP after you win and everyone asks you what you did are you going to tell them the day before you did some extreme thing in order to lose 3 pounds of water weight or are you going to tactfully omit that part?

    If you feel the need to lie (even white lie) about it then you are doing it wrong imo.
  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    Epsom salt, mix it into your bath water and soak for 20-40 minutes. Consistent diet and exercise are better for weight loss but salt bathes feel pretty damn awesome too.