

  • Just checking to see if my ticker works..............I tried adding one today. So new here that I haven't even weighed again since I started. I think once a week weigh-in should keep me on track and motivated.
  • So nice to find a group who is where I am in life. It's harder to lose weight this time. :-( In my twenties, I skipped dinner and lost 10 lbs. In my thirties, I had to skip two meals that week and work out a little. Gosh, now I can't even figure out what to do. Skipping meals is not an option anymore, I have to keep my…
  • That's pretty funny. And very astute of you to notice. Our bodies require fat, good fats hopefully :-)
  • Thanks, I found it.
  • Totals 1,753 182 41 109 Your Daily Goal 1,350 186 45 51 Remaining -403 4 4 -58 Calorie Carbs Fat Protein This is what today looked like. I weight 173, but they only gave me 51 protein grams as a daily goal?? I am not sure what you mean by 50%, 25%, 25%............what would that look like for me? Thanks for your help.
  • Can I have your extras? I overate by 400 calories today, but it was my first day, so not going to beat myself up. However, I'm hungry now even after having eaten "too much" today. Grrrrrrr..............wish I had your problem :-)
  • I just joined today and that is encouraging to hear!