40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, sounds like we're sharing the same weather! It is 48 degrees here this morning. It feels wonderful. I have a long sleeve jacket on over my workout shirt, and I love that I need it. Of course, all of the windows in the house are wide open because I'm such a fresh air junkie, and I haven't been able to open them up so much of the summer. So the house is a tad chilly right now!

    Swissmiss, yeah, it is best to do strength training before cardio because of the energy issue. But, to be honest, from everything I've read, there is no 'wrong' in this issue. It has more to do with intent and goals that determine the best order when doing cardio and strength training. I've had great results doing both. Regarding your mirror.....don't let it get you down!!! There are times I look in the mirror and thing 'really?', but I find I'm looking at myself through my 20 year old eyes when I do that. When I look at myself as a 46yo woman and look at people around me who are my age, I feel much better about myself. I'm sure you can say the same. So be proud of what you are doing and how good you look and feel....and don't let anything else bother you.

    Friday check-in.....it has been a good week for me. I'm finishing another week of the Insanity/Asylum rotation with added strength training. I'm still loving this program and getting great results. My eating could have been a little better but hasn't been too bad coming back from vacation last week. All in all, I'm happy where I'm at right now.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yesterday was my no workout day. Good thing 'cause when I got home from work yesterday, I pretty much crashed. Ended up going to bed at 7pm. No dinner, 'cause I was asleep, lol. Better make sure to get my cals in today early on. So far I've had 625 cals for breakfast :happy:
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone,

    New to the thread. I'm 46 live in London (originally from Wales) and workout 5-6 times a week. Typical week is:

    Mon - Wed - Fri Weights Full Body workout

    Tue - Thurs - Sat/Sun Cardio so probably at least a couple of runs and maybe a Kettlebell workout.

    I am currently training for a couple of off road races so having to sacrifice a couple of Kettlebell workouts.
  • Dandersonjr32
    So nice to find a group who is where I am in life. It's harder to lose weight this time. :-( In my twenties, I skipped dinner and lost 10 lbs. In my thirties, I had to skip two meals that week and work out a little. Gosh, now I can't even figure out what to do. Skipping meals is not an option anymore, I have to keep my blood sugars level or I binge. I feel like maybe now I'm learning to eat healthy and hoping the weight loss and fitness come right along with new changes in eating and lifestyle. The kids are grown, so it's just the hubby and myself. Feel free to friend me!

    I'm a relative new comer, but I used another site like this for a while and I had great results. I think the community of this site and the nutrition tracking here is superior to the other sites, and the mobile app is top notch.

    Knowing your calories for the day is an enormous advantage when trying to lose or maintain weight. Especially when you count in knowing what (approximately) your workout is worth is calories. You can really fine tune things.

  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    :flowerforyou: tladame, good to see you. Have you been away? Missed seeing your posts.

    Howdy Swiss, I've been around but I don't post too much. All your workouts sound so much more exciting than mine! My posts would be something like, "Did the 6-week six-pack DVD this morning...woot." :laugh:

    Although I did start jogging again in preparation for the 5K mud run coming up next month.
  • navjhaj
    If the local gym membership goes down to 10 bucks a month, as someone told me it might, I might go back. Just to use the elliptical machine.

    That would mean getting up at 5 in the morning or so, but hey, I'm really happy with the progress I've made with the diet. That sort of consistency will hopefully give me consistency in the gym.

    I'll have to re-calibrate my program, because when I do the elliptical--which wasn't often, alas--, I can burn 2000 calories in 2 hours and not feel utterly exhausted.

    1520 diet - 2000 calories burned = -480 per day, basically nearly half a kg of stored fat right there (1 kg = 7700 calorie deficit).

    Yeah, not sustainable. :) Perhaps time to carbo-load. :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WOW!!! 3 pages already!!!! some posters!!!!! LOL I have been sooooo busy this week and this weekend is no different. Sorry, no time to post much but wanted to say hello. WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    It has been a good but again very busy week for me. There is a major Zumba event this Sunday. It is a fundraiser. Plus going out with hubby tomorrow night to watch a friend perform at a play. The baby shower for my SIL last weekend was a success.

    Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully I will be able to post more next week. :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Can't believe it's Friday all ready... Seriously! Where does the time go?

    Went to Nevada mon and tues. I think alls we have left to do is lay new carpet and baseboards. I'm sure there might be a few little things but it's basically done. Then off to do another building! Yay Me!

    On our way home tues night I had the worst migraine ever! And of course that darn headache is still lingering around today. I feel like my neck might be the cause of this headache because it's really sore too....

    Needless to say, due to the headache I didn't work out. Please pray it goes away soon.

    Welcome to all the new members!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    <<<---My pet Parrot, a White Capped Pionus. Have had her for about 10 years so far.

    Another active day at work. High temps in the 90's today. Out in my no A/C cargo van much of the day. Good conditioning :D

    Weight Lifting Day: DB Squats, DB Bench Press, DB Glute Bridges

    *Mmeyer36 & aliceguy & MarlynnM & sucha65: Welcome!

    *Becky: If it was an isolated measurement, I would agree. But the scale has been trending downward the last few weeks a little bit each week. Been trying to slowly increase my cals per day to level it off...but it keeps going down, lol. And grats on losing the 5lbs!

    *trixie: IMO, it is best to start slow and slowly ramp your self up to higher intensity workouts. Do some light cardio every day for a couple weeks to get in the habit of working out every day. Then go from there.

    *StiringWendel: One thing I have concluded in the past year after reading and researching way too much about all of this...there is no *one* answer or *one* perfect way of doing things. Just guidelines that have worked for the people posting the guides. We have to take all that info and apply it to our own personal needs. The weight lifting before cardio guideline is for those with strength goals as their primary concern. If cardio is primary, then doing the strength afterwards is much better than not doing them at all. Not that you need my approval, but seems fine to me :D

    *Robin: Mushroom hunting sounds fun! Even though I don't like eating them :D

    *TxMs: Yoga is definitely a use it or lose it activity for me. I try to do a few Vinyassa sequences every day as a warmup before my workouts.

    *navjhaj: There is a fair amount of research out there that anything over an hour of cardio has diminishing returns. You may have already looked into that, but if you haven't, I encourage you to do some searches on it. Of course, that probably doesn't apply to people training for endurance events like Marathons and the like.

    *Julie: Hope you feel better!
  • optimaltouch
    optimaltouch Posts: 31 Member
    40+ soon to be 50+
  • MarlynnM
    Just checking to see if my ticker works..............I tried adding one today. So new here that I haven't even weighed again since I started. I think once a week weigh-in should keep me on track and motivated.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning. I am sad for a good friend of mine who lost her mother last night. She passed away unexpectedly while visiting her son in FL along with her husband. :cry:

    I did my complete body workout this morning, I usually split upper and lower body during the week due to lack of time. My cardio will be cleaning the house and perhaps practicing some new Zumba routines. Hubby and I going out tonight. I also have a 2 hr Zumbathon tomorrow and rehearsal for 2 hrs before it starts. I might have to skip Yoga X tomorrow. :sad: I have really been enjoying it the past 2 Sundays.

    Tron, hope you feel better. :flowerforyou:

    Chris, what is your parrot's name? It is cute!

    optimaltouch, welcome!! :drinker: We have members in their 50s and 60s.

    Marlynn, your goals sound very doable. When I first joined MFP close to 3 yrs ago my goal was to lose 10-15lbs. But with all the great support, motivation and all the learning I gained from a lot of the members I ended up losing 20-25lbs and have been maintaining for about a year now. The loss was slow, becoming more challenging as I got closer to the final goal, but it can be done. You might need to make changes here and there to break through the inevitable plateau. Let us know what you might need help with. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great Saturday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Good afternoon all... My headache finally feels better... The neck still a little sore but that's ok.

    Today my goal is to use the biggest loser program for the wii and do some core workouts. I'll post later and let you know if I achieved anything else....

    Alf.... I'm sorry about your friends loss.

    Chris... Your parrot is beautiful. We used to have a double yellow head but he was so loud! Every time you talked the bird would try ton over power you by getting louder and louder. So, now my mother in law has him....
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    My parrots name is Lady Poroit :)

    Cardio Day: Did 27 minutes on the Treadmill doing interval inclines. Before that I also did lying abductions and a variety of curls. I'm thinking I am going to add a couple strength exercises every cardio day. A little something different each time that works muscles I didn't focus on the day before. We'll see.

    *Tron: This part made me LOL "So, now my mother in law has him.... " :laugh: Glad you are feeling better!
  • Dandersonjr32

    Today my goal is to use the biggest loser program for the wii and do some core workouts. I'll post later and let you know if I achieved anything else....

    What kind of core workout do you do? I have to do Legs / Core today.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Happy Sunday!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY SUNDAY TO YOU TOO LADY PERSIA!!! And everyone else!!! :drinker:

    Tron, too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's drive the MIL crazy now with the parrot...LOL :laugh:

    Chris, how long is each phase of that glute workout? Are you still doing it?

    Dander, try ab ripper from P90X. It is a great core workout. You might be able to find it in youtube.

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    alf, can a person go to youtube, get the ab ripper and be able to use it without a P90X?

    :flowerforyou: Really, tron...giving that bird to your MIL is just too funny.

    Well, the weekend is winding down. And since I have to get up so early...I will now go to bed.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone !!!! See what happens when you get to bed early? You wake up early and post in this thread.:laugh:

    I went to weigh in this morning. We all have to do this sometime this week. Well, the nurse had a patient with her so I have to go back later. Well, I ate a bowl of cereal that I shouldn't have. Now I have to weigh with cereal in me.:sad:
  • Dandersonjr32
    Dander, try ab ripper from P90X. It is a great core workout. You might be able to find it in youtube.

    I will check it out. I've been using some of the machines at the gym and I've been getting a good burn out of those. I'm only in my second week here, so I'm fine tuning the workouts I want to do. I'm on a 12 week program for myself, and I'm going to use a calorie deficient / protein dense diet along with strength training and see where that gets me. My goal is 22 pounds in 12 weeks. I think that's fairly doable.

    So I'm through my first week and despite a terrible meal I had yesterday for football at the bar I'm down 5 pounds. Not a bad start, but it's just that, only a start. Now the work begins. The proof will be in how I handle the obstacles these next 11 weeks. If life were so predictable that I'd KNOW I can easily get to the gym 5 times a week and eat all the meals the way I want when I want, weight loss would be easy, but that's just not going to happen.

    For me, the hardest part of this journey, and this is my second time around, is always dealing with life's problems.