40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Good Morning!

    swissmiss, I love hearing about how good the exercise is making you feel!! That's one of the many reasons I love exercise. It is great for weight control but, more importantly to me, I love how much energy it gives me and the feeling of being strong and fit. Congrats on doing so well getting back to it!

    singfree, our days are getting nicer and nicer here, though the humidity the past couple of days has still been high. But that is changing. I remember last autumn here in the DC area being about the prettiest autumns I've experienced, and I'm hoping for more of the same this year. Makes me feel good to be able to open the windows and get some fresh air.

    Not much new here. Back to the Insanity/Aslylum rotation for the next three weeks. I'm still enjoying it! My eating is good and I feel good so.....all is well.
  • Dandersonjr32
    Hey Everyone,

    Just starting using this site yesterday and I happened on this topic. I'm 40+, and I absolutely NEED to be a Fitness Fanatic. A quick post about myself to see if I'm appropriate to the thread.

    I started out in 2009 with a really bad doctor's visit. I was 275 pounds with high blood pressure, back pain, knee pain, and chronic chest pain. I was on the verge of diabetes and a host of other obesity related illnesses. My Doctor wanted to put me on a battery of medication and I begged for the chance to lose the weight. She gave me 6 months. I did it in 4.

    Since then I've hovered around a healthy 215 to 230, depending on my effort. Earlier this year I suffered a shoulder injury that has kept me out of the gym for almost 6 months. In that time I should kept my diet in check, but sadly I fell into old ways and I find myself at a whopping 247.5. Not the 275 I once was, but not the lean, sexy 215 I liked to be.

    Yesterday was my first day and, as I said in my status, all overweight people have a number of great first days. I need to make a commitment to my health and fitness to be consistent.

    Can you people help me?

    Feel free to friend me, my enthusiasm for this site is growing everyday.

  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning friends!

    1st, a happy birthday to Chris! Sorry I'm a few days late in posting but I am positive you are right--things are just going to get better for you as you delve into your forties!

    Welcome dandersonjr. We would love to have you here and will definitely help you through the process of getting back on track to good health. You'll fit right in here. I like how determined you were not to use the drugs, and took control over your own health by losing the weight and starting to exercise. You can do it again---just need that constant support and motivation. We all need that!

    Swiss/Chris--about different foods--I find over the last 2 years I have gone through the decisions of what is worth it and what isn't. To me? Hot Dog (even grilled...which I know is yummy), nah! Chocolate chip cookies and other treats? Depends....if I made them maybe. If from a bakery or someone of dubious baking ability, usually it's all too sweet for me and I wouldn't touch it. Anyway, I feel strongly that in this lifestyle you don't have to give anything you love up--you just need to know how to balance the good w/the splurges. One of my favorite things about this program is when I do go out to dinner and eat a ton, I can click that "complete" button and it tells me "If every day were like today, you'd gain 7 lbs!" it's really eye-opening. That's probably how a lot of us ate more often than not before we started on this journey, but now we have learned it can't be the "normal" or we will be back where we started, it has to be the exception.

    I have just come off a hungry week and I have just gone with it, because I know myself and I'm not typically like that, so probably needed a little extra. I haven't weighed myself but just out of the blue yesterday my husband walked by as he was on his way out the door to work, and just said "you are so thin!". Mind you, I have been maintaining for 15 months. I was kind of shocked, because he's one of those husbands who doesn't really notice slight changes--but it made me think. Even if I have gained a few lbs because I upped my calories for the last week and a half, does it matter? I don't think so at this point. I feel like the exercises I have been doing for the last month have helped so much (No more trouble zones). I consciously feel how much stronger my muscles are, and they are probably leaner too and I'm kind of addicted to it. I know I need to change it up soon but do not want to stop!

    Stiring! Great to see you are doing well and are on track w/eating and exercise. Wow, so you have been in DC for almost a year now--time really flies! It really is starting to feel like fall here and they are talking about an amazing VT fall so I'm sure it'll be down there too.

    Sing--glad to see you are getting some exercise and outside time too. Are you still on night shift?

    Alright, I am off. have a great day! Robin
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    This morning before work, I dropped off my old baseball card collection at a local foster care facility. The collection has been collecting dust for close to 20 years, time to let it go. They were excited to get it :smile: This is part of my drive to make room for a power cage in my room so that I can safely do barbell exercises at home. Looking to get the Powerline PPR200X, or something similar. If I rearrange things a bit, I'll have just enough room to use it. Then I can quit the Gym and not worry about that scene any more :happy: Going to look around locally for something used, but if nothing comes up by the weekend, I'll be ordering a new one.

    One of my friends at work baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for my birthday :laugh: I had 2 of them, they were good, but I found them very rich and sweet and 2 was more than enough. Goes to show how your tastes change depending on what you are used to. Haven't had a chocolate chip cookie for probably close to a year now.

    Weight Lifting Day: DB Squats, DB Bench Press, DB Glute Bridges

    The weight on those glute bridges is starting to get intense.

    *Becky: grats!!

    *Texssippian: Sounds like a lot of work!

    *tladame: thanks :) and grats!

    *Betsybee: welcome :)

    *navjhaj: yup! 40 y/o or over

    *StiringWendel: glad you had a good trip :)

    What a wonderful gift you gave those children.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Just starting using this site yesterday and I happened on this topic. I'm 40+, and I absolutely NEED to be a Fitness Fanatic. A quick post about myself to see if I'm appropriate to the thread.

    I started out in 2009 with a really bad doctor's visit. I was 275 pounds with high blood pressure, back pain, knee pain, and chronic chest pain. I was on the verge of diabetes and a host of other obesity related illnesses. My Doctor wanted to put me on a battery of medication and I begged for the chance to lose the weight. She gave me 6 months. I did it in 4.

    Since then I've hovered around a healthy 215 to 230, depending on my effort. Earlier this year I suffered a shoulder injury that has kept me out of the gym for almost 6 months. In that time I should kept my diet in check, but sadly I fell into old ways and I find myself at a whopping 247.5. Not the 275 I once was, but not the lean, sexy 215 I liked to be.

    Yesterday was my first day and, as I said in my status, all overweight people have a number of great first days. I need to make a commitment to my health and fitness to be consistent.

    Can you people help me?

    Feel free to friend me, my enthusiasm for this site is growing everyday.


    Welcome Aboard!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Has anyone heard from Alf lately?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome David. I am glad that you found us. I lost 55 pounds in 4 months years ago. I re-gained some also. I am now about 15 pounds from my goal, so I know it can be done. Do not kick yourself around anymore about it. Stay here, post a lot and get to know the people. I am going to "friend" you now.:smile:

    I have not heard from alf. Hopefully, she is just very busy dancing her Zumba.:bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Update on my daughter's finger. I am leaving work early today to take her to a specialist. It has been giving her a lot more pain where the break is and the rest of the finger seems to be going numb.
  • Dandersonjr32
    Robin1117 - Thanks for the kind words. I'm feeling the vibe already, and it's a good one. I'm liking this thread, group, whatever it is I can see it will be a positive in my life. I look forward to getting to know you.

    I agree with you about the food diary. The little clicker that say, "You will be 225.5 in 5 weeks if you keep this up," is motivational. I look forward to a leaner, fitter, 225 pound version of myself. I was there a year ago, as you can see by my profile picture. I want to be that guy again and even better.

    I joined the Costume Changers Challenge, where we've all dedicated ourselves to working toward a hot Halloween costume. I have a Viking / Barbarian outfit in mind that will definitely require a ton of gym time.

    LadyPersia - Same, and thanks. I've been really bad, got myself there, and lost it. I'm motivated to find it again.

    Swissmiss - I will respond to your friend request immediately, and thank you. I just need to stay motivated. What helped me the first time around was acknowledging the small successes and ignoring the set-backs. Once I look in the mirror and I see the shoulders squaring up again, or when my wife rubs my arm and purrs a little, I'll be gung-ho!
  • cmthgrimes
    cmthgrimes Posts: 11 Member
    This is my first post to the message boards and I was so happy to see that a 40+ board existed. Just turned 40 this year and I just started tracking with MFP a few weeks ago. I have been working out 3 days per week by doing an intense boot camp since May. I am not seeing many results which is why I started MFP. I did lose 20 lbs, 4 years ago with weight watchers but I put that back on over the past few years and I do not like the new WW program. Oh well, just a little about me and I look forward to being a part of the group.

  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Cardio Day: burned 400 calories doing 27 minutes of "CrossRamp (Precor) Gluteal 2" one minute high intensity then one minute low intensity, and so on.

    *Melissa & Dandersonjr32: Welcome!

    *Becky: Hope all went well at the specialist! I think you are right about Alf, I just saw her post on facebook about Zumba classes :D

    *Robin: Thanks! Long as you are progressing with your current workout routines, why stop? Time to change it up is if you stall or start losing interest. IMO anyway :)

    *singfree: I think how clothes fit is a great indicator. Better than the scale, that's for sure.

    *trixie: Thanks :) It's not like you are starting completely from the beginning again. This time around you know you can do it and have a better idea of what to do :)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    I enjoyed another really nice and warm day today. Did another mountain hike...they are quite addictive!

    Robin, yes I am still on night shift. It's a permanent thing (at least until I retire)!!!

    Not too much going on here. Hope eveyone is well!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOUND YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: So many posts so little time but I am bookmarking the new thread and I'LL BE BACK (TERMINATOR VOICE :laugh: )
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, wonderful that your weather is staying nice. You didn't get a bunch of rain or extremely high temperatures?

    hewhoised, good job of burning calories.:happy:

    Dandersonjr32, Funny about your wife. Purring.:laugh: Anyway, a lot of us have been where you are. I know that I have. I lost 55 pounds to only gain most if it back. Well, you know this is a new way of life...not just for a period to quickly loss weight. In order to keep the weight off we need to eat differently and exercise more our entire lives.

    Update on daughter's finger. The specialist thinks that the splint was what was causing so much pain. He removed it, saying that it looks like the finger is healing well.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Sing- Thank you for the Awesome Thread

    Tex- Your raised bed project sounds awesome. The workout it gave you even better. I wish you could have some of our rain from the past few weeks.

    SwissMiss- Congrats on winning the challenge...Sorry about the sports drink.LOL;0 Hope you daughters finger gets better.

    Betsybee- Climb back on that wagon. If you need a hand. One is extended. Just because we walk off our path to smell the flowers, we can walk back on. Our journey here is to be fit. Mind, body and spirit. Balance is the hardest part butwith friends like these....we'll do just fine.

    Trixie5059 Teenage years seem harder than when I was a kid. Im starting to sound like my grandmother. Be well!

    StiringWendel- Welcome back. Glad you had fun!!

    Happy Birthday Chris

    Robin1117- Great comment by Hubby! Congrats. Addiction of exercise is highly contagious.

    Welcome to all the Newbies!!!

    Started working on the Gears of War Boomer for our yard. My cosplay Halloween party is getting close. My husband wants to put all the decorations out, but with all the rain the grass will ned to be cut again before the party. I have built an automated women out of an old fan, more body parts and my COG gear. Not so happy with my first unform build but I still have time. The boomer is more than 7ft tall and not finished yet. I should have gone to FX school...lol Workouts are going ok after my injury. I started back slow. Haven't ran yet but completed a nine mile hike yesterday. Alittle achy but much better than last week.

    Keep up the awesome work everyone
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOUND YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: So many posts so little time but I am bookmarking the new thread and I'LL BE BACK (TERMINATOR VOICE :laugh: )

    ALRIGHT You are back. We all missed you !!
  • Dandersonjr32
    Dandersonjr32, Funny about your wife. Purring.:laugh: Anyway, a lot of us have been where you are. I know that I have. I lost 55 pounds to only gain most if it back. Well, you know this is a new way of life...not just for a period to quickly loss weight. In order to keep the weight off we need to eat differently and exercise more our entire lives.

    Yeah, it only takes a moment of weakness to gain it back. I put on more than 20 pounds over the summer being lazy and eating poorly. The eating, however, was spectacular.

    My wife and I live at the Jersey Shore (insert joke here) and are about an hour outside Manhattan. Because I'm in a law enforcement job I can retire at 25 years of service regardless of my age so I'm able to retire next year at age 45. The plan is to eventually move to Florida. Part of our discussion was that we live within an hour of the, arguably, the GREATEST city on the planet, so we have made a commitment to go into the city as much as possible.

    Well, this past summer we've eaten at two of Mario Batali's restaurants, a world class risotto joint, gourmet cupcake places, world class barbecue and THE BEST beer bar in the world, THE BLIND TIGER.

    These trips didn't help, but I wouldn't take them back.
  • navjhaj
    I gotta figure out a way to work out harder, without impacting my knee. So far, I've generally met my net calorie limit here, more or less (I'm not fretting that I was 57 over yesterday, big whip). I'd like to get it so I'm eating 1500-2500 and working off 1000-1500.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    navjhaj, can you ride a bike? I have bad knees and it seems that peddling is easier on them than most exercises. Also, you can exercise in water.

    Dandersonjr32, sounds like you had a wonderful summer. I would love to eat at one of Mario Batali's restaurant. I don't live close to any of the FoodNetwork's chef's restaurant. Really I would like to eat at Emerils. And, a trip to New Orleans would be fun.

    alright alf, you are back but I haven't seen you. Where are you??? Hope to hear from you later.

    Going to my strength class tonight. I always feel so healthy after one of these.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    My wife and I live at the Jersey Shore (insert joke here) and are about an hour outside Manhattan.

    "Fist pump, push ups, chap stick! Fist pump, push ups, chap stick!"

    :laugh: Welcome to MFP!