

  • I lived in Montrose and the Heights too when I attended university at UH last ...um... century! Egads. Now I'm back home, in Spokane, WA. We're on the dry side of the state about 300 miles east of Seattle.
  • Looks yummy!
  • Exactly, it would be nice to add them each time, not just once a day... Guess I can be more thorough in my comments anyway. Thanks!
  • Really like this one, My mom says this too, and she just lost 20 pounds!
  • I use them when eating out and I have no idea of the variety of foods and calories and nutrients. I really wish there was a place to add a comment in each time we 'quick add calories' so we could keep track of what exactly it was and be accountable for it.
  • Sure, add me as well!
  • Hello! Thanks for the invitation! My name is Lisa and I'm 47. I hit menopause about 2 years ago and wow what a body change. I was one of the lucky ones eating whatever I wanted (as long as it was balanced and low sugar) for most of my life. Then all of a sudden I put on over 10 pounds. I'm petite and have been 105ish for…
  • I think I might be going, looks like fun!
  • Perfect, thanks!!
  • I'm 5'3". Can you all believe I was 5'2" since 14, then GREW an inch when I was in my late 20s? Has anyone else here done that? Small frame too so every pound really shows... And I suppose since I'm 46 the shrinking will begin soon. Feel free to add me.
  • Congrats! I recently got into a pair of jeans i haven't been able to wear since menopause started, but they are still a little tight... but I could wear them. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Which app are you using? We cant seem to find it on our Andriod apps... thanks!
  • Yes, I ate my exercise and a bit more unfortunately... however I have been under all week so hopefully this will help to even it out. Team Zombie Pocket Clips did great, thanks to J.D. and my pop culture knowledgeable nieces!
  • Sounds like we are in a similar situation looking for more protein; I'm 5'3", 114lbs and workout to get more lean, toned and for strength. I am pretty lactose intolerant as well. I hope we can find some good suggestions!
  • Thank you, and same to you! So far so good. Busy but a good busy. It's been alright to sample the holiday goodies but keep the portions moderate. I'm looking forward to a quite New Year's weekend with family and friends. Best wishes everyone!
  • I'm glad that you checked in, I was going to do the same tonight! I agree, I think that this supplement is working well for me. My hot flashes are much less frequent and shorter too, my skin isn't nearly as itchy, the menopause-munchies are easier to control, I'm sleeping better and have a general feeling of being in…
  • Hi there, After reading this article I did a little more research and decided to give it try. The 'generic' form is called 'Maca' and is about 1/3 the cost of the Macafem at a supplement type store. It's only been a little over 2 weeks, but I do think I'm sleeping better and I feel more clear headed and a bit more…
  • Hi RoadsterMomma, Yes, it has helped quite a bit I think. I've been using it about 3 months now, 1-2 times a week. Honestly I found the applicator to just be messy and wasteful, so I just use my finger (not much different than an OB tampon). I haven't found any side effects personally, other than the hit to the wallet…
  • Hi Darlene, Sounds like we are on the same schedule, except I'm just 46. My last period was a year ago, and I was surprised at this extra layer around my middle that developed since then! I used to be able to lose much more easily. I've also been working out the past two years so I know part of the weight gain IS muscle…
  • Sex drive, no problem; I think knowing I won't get pregnant has been a bit freeing too. However, I did experience some VERY painful vaginal tearing soon after my boyfriend and I became intimate. It was the most horrible pain I've experienced! I've never experienced childbirth, but I think I can now empathize with those…
  • I was hoping there would be a group like this, so thanks for being here! I'm 46; I've been perimenopausal since I was 37, experiencing hot flashes and irregular periods since then. I saw my doctor then to be sure it wasn't something related to my thyroid (similar symptoms), and *luckily* it was just perimenopause. I've…
  • Lots of good information, I feel armed with more insight on what's been bothering me, and now perhaps some measures for relief. Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi everyone, another from Spokane here! Grew up in Cheney, lived in El Paso, Houston and Austin, TX, for school and work for a decade, then back to the PNW. I work 'at home', but my business has just about outgrown the house. Looking forward to connecting with you.