nmbasilico Member


  • So what is everyone's week like, workout-wise? Do you do certain things on certain days or just go with the flow of the week? I was doing the elliptical about 5 days a week before I found out about Paleo. I've been pretty lax about working out since then. I wanted to figure out the food part first and ended up losing 10…
    in WOD Comment by nmbasilico November 2011
  • Oooh that coconut butter sounds delicious. I might have to try that tomorrow! I'll have to try that dressing too. None of us are real fans of avocado but if you can stand it with oil I might as well try :)
  • I'm not sure about the butter, sorry. Hopefully someone knows! My question is how do you get enough fat into your day? I can't get enough in. Suggestions? I use coconut oil but I can't seem to find many uses other than frying/sauteing. Thanks!
  • Walking and elliptical...and lifting my 31 pound daughter
    in WOD Comment by nmbasilico November 2011
  • Hi everyone! Glad to have a group for us! I'm 28, married, mom of an almost 2 year old. Hopfully trying for baby #2 next month! My goals are to have a healthy life and to lose some weight. I'm 154 lbs and am comfortable being around 135. Could go to 120 but that's for me to decide later on. I have no health issues and I'd…
  • Honestly, I expected that people would be able to post their bumps in the road since it is a support thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had one, and I know there have been posts by others that have nothing to do with Paleo. Good job to those who have been living this way for years. Really. A lot of people start…
  • Wait for me, froglegjack! I understand this was a 30 day challenge group, however some of us are still learning. As we have seen, its pretty rough posting questions on the rest of the board. I will also be continuing this way of life, but I will also be bowing out of the group. Thank you to those who were helpful in…
  • Happy Monday, everyone! Had a pretty bad food weekend but I did the best I could given my options. Boy do I feel it though. Not so much sick or anything but I can feel it in my body. My face feels fat (puffier?) and my whole body just is....blah. TMI but even my boobs feel sort of swollen and a bit sore!! Crazy! I was…
  • Quick question! Most mornings I'm not in the mood to eat. I used to just eat a bowl of cereal since I assumed I needed to eat something but now I'm just really not in the mood for any foods I am able to eat being Paleo/Primal. Is it fine if I just wait til lunch if I'm not hungry? I know once in a while this would be IF…
  • I'm still in! I started in the middle of October so I don't have new starting info just yet! I need to buckle down for the last half of my month though! I've had too many bumps in the road so far. I got my husband on board so I'm now cooking this way for both of us, which really helps. Good luck to everyone!
  • I'll post more tomorrow since it's really late but I just wanted to add my vote to a PRIVATE Facebook group! Goodnight everyone and keep up the good work :)
  • ResilientWoman aka Illyeanna, Voluntary Moderator for October Whole 30, Leptin Reset - Height: 5'7.5" Weight: 248.0 lbs Neck: 15.5" Upper Arm (Left/Right): 15"/15" Lower Arm: 10.75"/11" Chest: 46.75" Bust: 49" Band: 41" Waist: 44" Hips: 49.5" Thigh: 24.5"/24.75" Calf: 17"/17" Ankle: 10.75"/10.5" CavewomanCoby - training…
  • Oops. Copied and pasted list below with my stats. Sorry!
  • Any tips for getting in more fat? I have enough protein, just keep coming in with not enough fat. I've been eating hard boiled eggs, bacon, salami and pepperoni, salads with chicken, taco salad without shell of course, cheese, veggies (pumpkin, acorn squash, onions etc..), butter, a couple fuits but not too many. I bought…
  • msbanana, I saw those videos while looking around for info on Primal/Paleo eating. They really are great! Not only are they informative but they're entertaining too! Very good resource for those interested in this way of eating.
  • Alright, you've convinced me! I'm going to give it a try. I never had any health problems but I would like to lose this extra weight (never lost it all from having my baby) and I'll enjoy having more energy!
  • I have to say, I have found things in researching the Primal way that I already completely believed. Yet, since society is set on what "doctors" and the (shudder) government say, I was left confused. I never understood how my sister in law who lost a ton of weight running and "eating right" was still not so healthy. Now my…
  • Also, what is the difference between Paleo and Primal?
  • Great thank you! We'd love to own some chickens....but for now we get free range eggs. Off to do more research!!
  • Awesome thank you! Seems like we're in the right direction. We buy whole ingredients (vegetable, fruit, grass fed meat, very little packaged foods) I am a believer in listening to your body too. Are eggs incuded in what you eat? Are there any good links to check out? I'm slowly making my way through this long thread haha.…
  • Hi! I just found out about Paleo/Primal eating last night in all the ruckus on the boards. It probably wasn't the best way to find out but...here I am! So where do I start to learn about these 2 ways of eating? Anyone care to give a summary? Thank you so much!
  • We buy most of our food at Whole Foods. The rest is bought in bulk elsewhere (like wheat) and our milk is delivered. There's just 3 of us: me, my husband and toddler daughter. I really don't know the monthly totals. We switched because we were sick of all the processed garbage taking up space in normal grocery stores and…
  • I recently started working out regularly. I used to do the occasional elliptical or something. I know when you work out you need to eat even more calories so I was worried about the fact that I wasn't even able to make the minimum. I know I'll be eating a bit more too once I get into a routine. I think I'll just keep…
  • Apparently, my post has made some people upset. Not necessarily in this thread, but on some others. Let me clarify my reason for this post... I NEVER counted calories before. Never looked at them at all. Therefore, I assumed I was eating something like 3000 calories a day! When I found this site and plugged in my food for…
  • I weigh everyday too. I know not to get too caught up with the daily numbers but I figure if I see a constant gain, I'll know where it started and be able to change something. Plus I'd rather see it gradually than have a 5 pound gain punch me in the face after a week!
  • This is exactly it. At first I was planning on eating healthy and just eating when I'm hungry but then I counted the calories and I was worried about the dreaded "starvation mode". My BMR is 1528. I ate 1600 today and was very very full, feeling pretty fat!