October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    Oh yes! I have never used my crockpot before! I guess it will be the first time! I am going to try this recipe! Thanks for all the ideas!!!
    Thanks so much for the support! I know I will do better this weekend. I will try new stuff. Probably cooking for my family on Saturday :) ANY IDEAS of what I can cook for them to love?

    I agree about the bacon! Grilled bacon wrapped shrimp or chicken tenders.

    Roasted veggies are a great side to wow people if all they eat are steamed veggies. Toss w/ olive oil, coconut oil, or butter. Spread out on baking sheet, sprinkle with salt & pepper, roast in oven 425degrees- 15-25 minutes depending on the veg(s) until they are beginning to brown and edges get a little crispy. A favorite in our house is broccoli, we can't get enough. We will do this very often with company using mixed veggies, that way picky eaters can pick out something they like from the mix.

    Chili is an easy meal, see the post from an earlier page with the link to Mark's Daily Apple recipe.

    I love this recipe, I don't even brown the meat first or use the the juniper berry. Cook, shred, serve with salsa, onion, tomato, avocado, shredded lettuce or cabbage and wrap in leaf or romaine lettuce. And you can still offer cheese and sour cream so every one builds their own they way they want.

    One more for the crockpot! This tastes pretty decadent, but please, use real bacon :happy: I didn't even use the full amount of bacon- only 3 or 4 pieces and it was still pretty rich. And I used one of those small cans of tomato paste- I just used the whole can rather than waste it.
  • Hi everyone! Tonight my colleagues and I went to an italian restaurant and I ordered the salmon with sauteed garlic green beans and marinara sauce. It was heavenly!!
    I easily skipped the garlic breadsticks and didn't have a hard time ordering a non pasta dish =) 2 more days at the conference and I can't wait to get home so I can prepare and cook my own meals!

    I saw this recipe in the airline magazine, not sure if its Paleo/Primal because of the sugar but it sounds interesting.

    thinnerjen - wow, 2 headaches in the past 2 months sounds great!!

    jmeej - your recipe suggestions always sounds so yummy! I am thinking of using that breading on shrimp for some good coconut shrimp...mmmm...

    jamk1446 - its time I start using my crockpot more, thanks for sharing that beef bourguignon recipe.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Starting the stuffed squash- yes it's late but it's going to be delicious!

    Here's the recipe- pics will follow when it's all done.

    OH and if you can't do dairy- skip the cheese it won't make THAT big of a difference- you'll still want to broil at the end to brown the top. :)

    1 medium acorn squash
    1 medium onion, diced
    1/2 bell pepper diced
    6 mushrooms chopped
    3 cloves of garlic, minced
    8 oz Italian sausage
    1/2 cup tomato sauce (I just used diced stewed tomatoes
    1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola or some other cheese of your choosing
    Rosemary, basil, crushed red pepper to taste.

    Preheat the oven to 375* F

    Cut the squash in half, scoop out the guts and place cut side up in an 8x8 baking dish. Add 1/2 inch of water to the dish, cover with foil and bake the squash until fork tender. (40-50 minutes).

    While the squash is cooking saute the onions, bell pepper mushrooms and garlic in a skillet with an oil of your choosing (I picked olive) Season with black pepper or other spices if you are inclined. Add the sausage when the sausage is nearly cooked through add the tomato, any additional spices and some of the cheese and mix well.

    Remove the squash from the oven, drain the water and turn the oven up to broil. Fill each half of the squash with the meaty mix. Top with the rest of the cheese until the cheese is melty and delicious.

    I'm hungry! I'm gonna go make this happen- I gots some sausage to cook!

    Pics in a bit!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    And here it is in all its glory!

  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    And here it is in all its glory!


    Oh for the love of everything holy I can't get the bloody thing to post.




    there... enjoy. I did.:drinker:
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Starting the stuffed squash- yes it's late but it's going to be delicious!

    Here's the recipe- pics will follow when it's all done.

    Oh MY! I'm making this for dinner tomorrow...sounds AMAZING!

    And the pictures...beautiful!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    Can't wait to make your stuffed squash! Looks fantastic! Thanks!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks so much for the support! I know I will do better this weekend. I will try new stuff. Probably cooking for my family on Saturday :) ANY IDEAS of what I can cook for them to love?

    I agree about the bacon! Grilled bacon wrapped shrimp or chicken tenders.

    Roasted veggies are a great side to wow people if all they eat are steamed veggies. Toss w/ olive oil, coconut oil, or butter. Spread out on baking sheet, sprinkle with salt & pepper, roast in oven 425degrees- 15-25 minutes depending on the veg(s) until they are beginning to brown and edges get a little crispy. A favorite in our house is broccoli, we can't get enough. We will do this very often with company using mixed veggies, that way picky eaters can pick out something they like from the mix.

    Chili is an easy meal, see the post from an earlier page with the link to Mark's Daily Apple recipe.

    I love this recipe, I don't even brown the meat first or use the the juniper berry. Cook, shred, serve with salsa, onion, tomato, avocado, shredded lettuce or cabbage and wrap in leaf or romaine lettuce. And you can still offer cheese and sour cream so every one builds their own they way they want.

    One more for the crockpot! This tastes pretty decadent, but please, use real bacon :happy: I didn't even use the full amount of bacon- only 3 or 4 pieces and it was still pretty rich. And I used one of those small cans of tomato paste- I just used the whole can rather than waste it.

    Awesome! Thanks so much for this crock pot recipe. I actually had it on my to do list to look up a primal crockpot beef recipe for tomorrow and you just saved me the trouble :-)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    yes, it's annoying that the pictures are not posting to the threads. I've had that problem for 1.5 weeks now. Has anyone else complained?

    The flicker pic of the squash does look great, msbanana. And who's the inspiring profile pic you use? Love it.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    It really sounds magical!!!! I wish I could get that almond flour though... or coconut oil. I live in Brazil and that stuff does NOT exist here. Or at least I haven't seen it. Wish I could do more paleo-primal foods... but I have to look in other markets... maybe I can get some other type of flour that's NOT wheat.
    Make some coconut-breaded chicken breast served with pineapple and cauliflower rice. Maybe served with some steamed broccoli or asparagus.

    The chicken is breaded with egg-whites, almond flour, and shredded coconut fried in coconut oil. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ......it's magical.

    Or anything with bacon is an easy sell with non primal-ers

    You can order almond flour and coconut oil on Amazon.com.. sometimes you can get free shipping on things
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning my lovely Groks and Grokettes.

    I feel fantastic this morning and I woke up at 3:50 am without the alarm clock. My dogs and I went for a short run in the cold rain this morning and then I played in the yard with them. Got a kettlebell workout in too and then a shower to get ready for work.

    I also got my dining room, living room, kitchen and the breakfast dishes done. Me thinks the anti-depressant and the Byetta for my Diabetes is working like it should because I am feeling about 75% better than I was just 2 weeks ago. My eating hasn't changed, so it has to be the combination of the meds and the Vitamin D (taking 20,000 IU for 12 weeks because it is sooo low).

    Dr told me that the "normal low" starting number for Vitamin D is 45 and mine is at 18.............

    Let's round out the remainder of the month strong!! Grok On.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone, I've been reading about Primal for some time now, but have always thought I could NEVER give up my breads, muffins, rice and potatoes OR sugar, for sure. Something has happened in the past few weeks where my tastes are changing and that stuff almost repulses me now. I've had some crazy stomach issues as well has migraines I get at least monthly, usually more.
    Anyways, broke into it yesterday morning. Only 1 day in, but hey. Oh, and day 1 resulted in a HORRIBLE migraine and throwing up. :( I guess it only takes one day for my body to tell me I need to restart? lol.
    I'm SUPER excited. Have a million questions, of course. But I'll read up on this thread. You all sound so incredibly motivating. :)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    migranes and throwing up? sounds like you need to get some bloodwork and thyroid check done ASAP.

    not normal. Especially if you are only 1 day into your new lifestyle. Hope you get well soon. Please read back in this thread a couple of pages back and review the links to info. on the important Vitamins and Minerals your body needs. Migranes are a serious sign of a lack of minerals and hormones being out of Whack.
  • I just wanted to jump in and introduce myself and hopefully acquire some new MFP friends in the process. My name is Amanda, and I've been figuring this paleo/primal thing out for a few weeks now. I never thought I could do without carbs OR be such a meat eater, but I'm finding it to be a lot easier than I thought. I lost 65 lbs. watching my calorie intake (typically ate UNDER 1200 calories/day) and doing a lot of cardio, but I gained 45 lbs. of it back once I resumed my old ways. I feel like this way of eating is totally sustainable. I'm still learning, but would like some new friends, so feel free to add me!
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member

    migranes and throwing up? sounds like you need to get some bloodwork and thyroid check done ASAP.

    not normal. Especially if you are only 1 day into your new lifestyle. Hope you get well soon. Please read back in this thread a couple of pages back and review the links to info. on the important Vitamins and Minerals your body needs. Migranes are a serious sign of a lack of minerals and hormones being out of Whack.

    Thank you for the advice. I usually get migraines right before TOM, and yep, this morning woke up with it visiting. I think the throwing up was b/c I was out at someone's house and trying to compose my migraine for 2 hours, holding it back, stressing out over it, etc. It's the first time a migraine has made me throw up. If it happens again, I'll definitely be checking into it! :smile:

    I did read back through the whole post but will have to review the part on migraines. I saw the post on the magnesium supplement and am going to research it some more.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    It really sounds magical!!!! I wish I could get that almond flour though... or coconut oil. I live in Brazil and that stuff does NOT exist here. Or at least I haven't seen it. Wish I could do more paleo-primal foods... but I have to look in other markets... maybe I can get some other type of flour that's NOT wheat.
    Make some coconut-breaded chicken breast served with pineapple and cauliflower rice. Maybe served with some steamed broccoli or asparagus.

    The chicken is breaded with egg-whites, almond flour, and shredded coconut fried in coconut oil. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ......it's magical.

    Or anything with bacon is an easy sell with non primal-ers

    I do the same thing but I use coconut flour. I brush the chicken with the egg and I use the whole egg. Then I roll in coconut flour, shredded coconut and spices and bake.
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Any tips for getting in more fat? I have enough protein, just keep coming in with not enough fat. I've been eating hard boiled eggs, bacon, salami and pepperoni, salads with chicken, taco salad without shell of course, cheese, veggies (pumpkin, acorn squash, onions etc..), butter, a couple fuits but not too many. I bought coconut oil and coconut milk, just not sure how I'll use them yet. Any ideas for fat? Thanks! Hope everyone's week is going well so far!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    For all the new folks who have arrived late in the month and are committing to the Whole 30 Challenge either Paleo or Primal.
    Here's an idea of what we're aiming for this next 30 or so days:


    Challenge #1: Eat Lots of Plants and Animals

    Eating right is central to the Primal lifestyle, which is why Law #1 is a five-part challenge:

    * Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, meat, healthy fats: This one is pretty straightforward. I’m asking you to eat Primal for 30 days. Commit to it right at this moment. Just one month of nothing but the best food on the planet. In just a few short weeks your body will thank you. If you want more ideas on which foods to eat and which foods to avoid pick up The Primal Blueprint and stay tuned for coming articles.
    * Cook at home: If you don’t know how to cook the challenge above really will be a challenge. Over the next 30 days we’ll be covering some essential cooking skills and techniques that anyone looking to go Primal should master. If you’re the type that dines out more often than dining in, and doesn’t know a pot from a pan, make an effort this month to get into the habit of preparing your own food.
    * Eat clean: The quality of your food matters. While sourcing clean food (organic, grass-fed, pastured, etc.) can be difficult and pricey it’s also an important part of the Primal Blueprint. Let me be clear. If your eating plan strictly consists of Primal foods, but your beef isn’t grass-finished, your eggs aren’t pastured and your vegetables are conventionally raised, you are still light years ahead of most people. But there’s room for improvement. This month I want you find and eat clean food. Stay tuned for tips on sourcing the best and doing it on a budget.
    * Dial in your carb count: If you’ve read The Primal Blueprint you are familiar with The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This month I’m challenging you to take a closer look at your carb intake and make sure it aligns with the Curve. It’s the simplest, surefire way to drop excess body fat and stay lean for life. Stay tuned for tips on how to accomplish this.
    * Remember the 80/20: Not all neolithic food is poisonous. Additionally, the Primal Blueprint and this challenge isn’t about becoming an ascetic. Periodically indulge in sensible vices – high-fat dairy/cheese, dark chocolate, red wine – and take full advantage of state-of-the-science supplements – fish oils, high-antioxidant multi-vitamins, protein powders. It will make the challenge more pleasant, the transition easier and will support your health to boot.

    Challenge #2: Avoid Poisonous Things

    * Don’t eat garbage: This is the other side of the first challenge above. If you are eating Primal you aren’t eating chips, cookies, crackers, grains, pasta, beans, bread, popcorn, energy drinks, soda, juices, candy, vegetable oils and fast food. The list goes on. If you want to go Primal the first thing to do is purge your pantry, your fridge and your life of all the junk that has no place in your body. Do it for 30 days. I promise it gets easier and you’ll want to keep doing it because you’ll look and feel better.

    Challenge #3: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace

    * Just move: It’s that simple. Just get out there and move. I challenge you to align your low-level aerobic activity with Primal Blueprint Fitness. If you don’t already have the free fitness program grab it now. Get 3-5 hours of walking, hiking, light cycling, swimming, etc., each week. Do it all at once or in batches. Use the logbook at the back of PBF and your forum journal to track your progress.

    Challenge #4: Lift Heavy Things

    * Lift your body: If you want to build lean muscle mass and stay strong into your golden years you have to lift heavy things. Align your weightlifting routine with Primal Blueprint Fitness and perform two bodyweight workouts each week. See chapter 3 of Primal Blueprint Fitness for all the details.

    Challenge #5: Sprint Once in a While

    * Just move… very fast!: Too many people neglect to include sprinting in their workout routines. They’re the perfect Primal fitness hack that can be done in as little as 10 minutes. I challenge you to perform one sprint workout each week during this challenge.

    Challenge #6: Get Adequate Sleep

    * Make sleep high priority: Late nights at the office. Late nights partying. Late nights… watching TV. Whether it’s business or pleasure, we’re busier than ever and sleep is often the first thing to suffer. I challenge you to get adequate sleep every night this month. What amounts to adequate is for you to decide. I think most people know how much sleep they need. Some people get by on six hours a night no problem. Others need eight or more. The important thing is you wake up feeling energized and ready to go.

    Challenge #7: Play

    * Get playful: If you’ve forgotten how to play, this challenge will jog your memory. Grok did it and it’s why I train. For the stress-reducing effects, to get you moving without even realizing you’re moving and for the sheer fun of it, I challenge you to participate in each of the four Workouts of the Week this month. Each WOW during the challenge will be decidedly playful. Be prepared to print out the rules, gather your friends and have a blast.

    Challenge #8: Get Adequate Sunlight

    * Soak in the rays: It’s difficult to emphasize enough the importance of vitamin D. In a world where we go from our houses to our cars, from our cars to the office place, from the office place to our cars and back home again many of us are woefully deficient. My challenge to you this month is to get 15 minutes of sun exposure each day of the 30-day challenge. If sun is hard to come by in your area take a supplement instead.

    Challenge #9: Avoid Stupid Mistakes

    * Listen to your body: This is such a broad Primal Blueprint law the challenge could take many directions. For the purpose of this 30-day challenge, though, I’d like you to be particularly aware of what your body is telling you during each of the other challenges. Feel a sharp pain during a sprint? Be smart and end your sprint session. Skin turning pink while out in the sun? That’s a sign to seek shade and avoid a nasty burn. I want this to be a pain and injury free event, so pay particular attention to what your body is saying.

    Challenge #10: Use Your Brain

    * Challenge yourself intellectually: I won’t ask you to throw out your television or read War and Peace this month. But I will say that you are gifted with a huge brain, and you should flex it. We each have the power to solve difficult problems, be incredibly creative, and effect major change. And it all begins in our heads. This month I challenge you to identify one of the intellectually challenging things in your life you’ve been meaning to do and take the first steps to actually doing it. Apart from the pride and satisfaction you’ll derive from following through there are many health benefits conferred as a result. As the saying goes, use it or lose it.

    If you're just dabbling in Paleo, you are more than welcome over at the misspelled but pleasantly populated 'Palelo Support?' thread or to read the FAQs at The Paleo Solution website by Robb Wolf, at MDA or at Whole 30.

    If you're ready to make a 30 day commitment per the above guidelines, here are a few of our own:

    Do post your start date, you are welcome to post your given name (optional), your stats (height, weight, measurements, PRs, strength and speed stats, health or life goals that you expect the Whole 30 Challenge to improve, etc.). I will be posting a group list tonight of everyone who has already taken up the challenge during the month of October along with their stats if they included them. If I miss you (there *are* over 300 posts to read and collate), please cut and paste the list and add your data.

    Grokette, who started the September Whole 30, and I, your volunteer moderator, want this to be a place to build community amongst those who are already committed to this WOL. Newbees are welcome but need to respectfully check out MDA, The Paleo Solution and Whole9/Whole 30 for FAQs and a basic primer of what we're up to here at this thread.

    Back to collating all of your stats and reformatting for readability. Should be finished by 10pm PT, USA. If you don't see them in the next 5 hours, check back in the morning. Been having a smidge of ISP issue today.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    nmbasilico said,
    Any tips for getting in more fat? I have enough protein, just keep coming in with not enough fat. I've been eating hard boiled eggs, bacon, salami and pepperoni, salads with chicken, taco salad without shell of course, cheese, veggies (pumpkin, acorn squash, onions etc..), butter, a couple fruits but not too many. I bought coconut oil and coconut milk, just not sure how I'll use them yet. Any ideas for fat? Thanks! Hope everyone's week is going well so far!

    Try this link for the 5 most helpful fats according to one mom's blog. I like it. :)
