October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • iluv2travel
    Morning everyone, it's back on track Monday for me and let's just say i've indulged a bit on Saturday night since we had to go to a baptismal celebration of a family friend's son. Yesterday was not so stellar either. Had brunch with my in laws and I can't believe that an ahi salad can have 52g of carbs! Must be hidden in the salty dressing... ugh...

    busywaterbending - sorry to hear about your dog bite, hope it heals well pretty soon. You are right, growing up we were taught that fat is bad and grains are good. I can't believe how great I felt last week when I started eating Primal for the first time in my life. No more growling in my tummy and crazy cravings!

    I spent some time last night planning my menu for this week so I can get groceries today after work.

    Menu for today:
    Bfast - grain free pumpkin muffins, butter, chai tea
    Lunch - el pollo loco chicken, chia pudding
    Dinner - ground beef stuffed peppers
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all - Hope everyone's weekend went well. We had a company picnic yesterday and I couldn't eat anything there so I enjoyed the company for a short bit, drank some water and then left to go get my hair cut.


    B - 2 fried eggs, 2 slices bacon and 2 maple sausage links, coffee and ice water
    L - 1/2 pound all natural applewood smoked ham and 1/4 pound super sharp cheddar cheese
    S - Taco salad (grass fed beef, salsa, romaine lettuce, ice burg lettuce, sour cream and maybe a sprinkling of cheese)

    Snack - very small apple

    Exercise for this week:
    Sunday: Started Couch to 5K and played with the dogs
    Monday: Kettlebell work out and walked dogs + walking at work
    Tuesday: Couch to 5K and Zumba, walk dogs + walking at work
    Wednesday: Kettlebell work out, walked dogs + walking at work
    Thursday: Couch to 5K and Zumba, walk dogs + walking at work
    Friday: Kettlebell work out, walked dogs + walking at work
    Saturday: Rest Day, will walk dogs though

    I spent $32.00 and I am getting the following tomorrow in my produce basket and I am soooo excited: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    you all sound great, and I'm happy you are all stickin to it!

    Just wanna let you know I tried a cauliflower and leeks soup, I liked it.

    here's what I did:
    clean and saute two leeks in a large pot with some butter
    add boiling water (about 2 c.) and some veg. or chicken stock (about 2 c.)
    add a head of cauliflower, cleaned and cored.

    let simmer for an hour as you do your evening chores or go exercise, but make sure the pot doesn't boil over.

    If you want it done quickly, boil the ingredients for 20 minutes. That should cook the cauliflower enough to be soft.

    Add cheese and enjoy! Very Filling!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    How does this compare to a regular eggplant and what are you doing with it?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    you all sound great, and I'm happy you are all stickin to it!

    Just wanna let you know I tried a cauliflower and leeks soup, I liked it.

    here's what I did:
    clean and saute two leeks in a large pot with some butter
    add boiling water (about 2 c.) and some veg. or chicken stock (about 2 c.)
    add a head of cauliflower, cleaned and cored.

    let simmer for an hour as you do your evening chores or go exercise, but make sure the pot doesn't boil over.

    If you want it done quickly, boil the ingredients for 20 minutes. That should cook the cauliflower enough to be soft.

    Add cheese and enjoy! Very Filling!

    That sounds good. Do you blend it or eat it chunky?
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I ate it chunky, but squished the florets, and the leeks were cut up - diced.

    I also liked it with some pepper jack cheese.

    Anyone else have some good soup receipes? Also, my doc. told me about oakra. I've never had it. lol.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I ate it chunky, but squished the florets, and the leeks were cut up - diced.

    I also liked it with some pepper jack cheese.

    Anyone else have some good soup receipes? Also, my doc. told me about oakra. I've never had it. lol.

    I'll look for some when I get home.

    I usually don't care for okra in soup/ stews, it can be slimy. My sister grows it and we'll eat it straight off the vine. Otherwise, I like it sliced and sauteed in olive oil or butter until it gets browned.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. Enjoy your family and the feast!

    Having a great day! Today is Columbus Day, also a holiday, here in the USA and my daughter has no Mandarin lesson today. So we have more time at home than we would on a regular Monday. We've decided on Salmon Cakes for dinner. Back before we were Paleo/Primal, we would make them with Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs. I want to make them tonight with no gluten/grain, maybe no coconut flour either as we're out. Gonna try the Primal Blueprint Cookbook recipe for Fish Patty Cakes and sub almond meal for the coconut flour.

    Has anyone tried this and how did it turn out?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    How does this compare to a regular eggplant and what are you doing with it?

    I have no idea yet................I have never had it and that is one thing I was looking forward to is trying vegetables I have never had before.

    In this case, I have never even heard of it. I will post a pic of it tomorrow.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I tried and tried to post a picture of Thai Green Eggplant and couldn't get it to work, however, this link will take you to a nice pic and some cooking ideas at the Cornucopia Connection.

    Bon Appetite!

  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I ate it chunky, but squished the florets, and the leeks were cut up - diced.

    I also liked it with some pepper jack cheese.

    Anyone else have some good soup receipes? Also, my doc. told me about oakra. I've never had it. lol.

    Yes ma'am!! I love soup!! This is one of my favorites:

    Pumkin Coconut Soup
    (I have made this non-vegan by sauteing fresh pork sausage and skipping on the oil or margarine)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. Enjoy your family and the feast!

    Having a great day! Today is Columbus Day, also a holiday, here in the USA and my daughter has no Mandarin lesson today. So we have more time at home than we would on a regular Monday. We've decided on Salmon Cakes for dinner. Back before we were Paleo/Primal, we would make them with Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs. I want to make them tonight with no gluten/grain, maybe no coconut flour either as we're out. Gonna try the Primal Blueprint Cookbook recipe for Fish Patty Cakes and sub almond meal for the coconut flour.

    Has anyone tried this and how did it turn out?

    I make salmon cakes and crab cakes with only mayo as a binder, I don't use any nut or coconut flour. I used to used flax meal and one time I was out and decided to see what would happen- it worked! I make them small, maybe about 2" across, so maybe if they were bigger they wouldn't hold together without that extra binder.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    hmmm, the salmon and crab cakes sound good. I may try that on Friday.

    today did some nice chicken with parmesean cheese and fresh minced parsley, pan fried in coconut oil. Yummy.


    to post a pic add [ i m g ] to the front of the link of the pic (I grab mine from FB) and finish with [ / i m g ] no space between it all.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    This one is nice and no dairy:


    This is one I've coddled together from a few things, really a stew more than soup. It does make use of some canned ingredients but canned tomatoes reduce the cooking process a bit.

    1 sm onion chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 bell pepper, chopped
    1-2 yellow squash or zucchini, chopped- enough to for roughly a cup
    8oz tomato sauce
    15oz diced tomatoes
    4 oz diced green chiles
    2tbs chili powder
    1tsp cumin
    1lb protein- ground beef, venison, shredded chicken
    salt & pepper to taste

    In large pot, cook onion, garlic, pepper and squash until soft, about 10-15 min. If protein source is raw, add now. Stir and break up until meat is cooked through. Stir in tomatoes, sauce, chiles, chili powder and cumin. Continue cooking until heated through, another 10-15 min. If protein is precooked, add here until stew is heated through. Season with salt & pepper to taste. This recipe is very forgiving, I never really make it the same way twice. Switch up the veggies/ ratios as you see fit. To make it more soup-like, I would add stock or broth.
  • iluv2travel
    Here's my Trader Joe's haul for me and DH. Im baking some crispy kale right now. Hope it turns out good!
  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    Well I in. I lost 24 lbs but it was done three years ago. I want to go down to 200 pounds which I think I can, but I need to post my failures and successes. Live in Chicago and would appreciate any comments
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    bienvenidos chicagolopez. Are you familar with paleo? It's not that hard to go paleo if you've been eating primal for a while. Go back earlier in this thread for info. on the rules of paleo living. We're here to help.

    Also, we posts failures (if you feel the need to confess) on our own personal news feeds, not here. We keep this thread positive, and ask for help and such. We don't share major fails or diet gripes here to keep the positive vibe going. So far, so good!

    Man, trader joe's. I miss civilization, lol. The cheese and shirmp stuffed green peppers in the frozen food section is the bomb. Looks like that pic. of all the yummy TJs stuff is awesome. Congrats on the hunting trip.

    Today, I'm gonna do a bit of t'ai chi, yoga, and skating later with my husband. This am I already knocked out some heavy weights. Can't help but snicker to myself at the thin but flabby ladies doing high reps of low weights. Yeah, i'm pumping, groaning, and getting assists from the men in the gym, but at least I'm sweating! :) Don't forget to be smart, and train safely ladies. Push yourself!!! If you want to be tiny you have to lift heavy!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. Enjoy your family and the feast!

    Having a great day! Today is Columbus Day, also a holiday, here in the USA and my daughter has no Mandarin lesson today. So we have more time at home than we would on a regular Monday. We've decided on Salmon Cakes for dinner. Back before we were Paleo/Primal, we would make them with Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs. I want to make them tonight with no gluten/grain, maybe no coconut flour either as we're out. Gonna try the Primal Blueprint Cookbook recipe for Fish Patty Cakes and sub almond meal for the coconut flour.

    Has anyone tried this and how did it turn out?

    for salmon or meatloaf I use dried minced onion in place of the grain base.. it works really well and does not leave an oniony taste
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Reporting in.. doing fairly well staying on track.. sugar in my morning coffee is my vice.. I am thinking of trying coconut crystals -naturally sweet, low glycemic index since I can't use stevia and am not fond of artificial sweetners.
    We went to a family get together on Sunday- my husband's Aunt who says she is gluten free.. I had planned on taking a protein source that I knew was safe- just in case.. then we thought we were not going to attend, so I did not make the dish. Later we changed our minds but it was too late to fix anything. As it turned out she really has no idea what gluten free actually means and trying to explain it to her gave me a headache... bless her heart. she is really confused on the subject and is one of those people that "knows everything". so I gave up.Me and 2 of the kiddies were limited to veggies and potatoes only but we had a lovely roast in the crockpot waiting on us when we got home.

    Welcome to all the new comers

    . I noticed some were saying they did not like coconut milk.. it does take some getting used to.. at first I didn't like it at all as a sub for half and half in coffee... but now I love it!