October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • EdelweissViola
    Good morning, everyone. I wanted to post yesterday but just didn't find the time!

    msbanana - I totally understand your frustration. I have been battling a foot injury (which I believe to be severe tendonitis) for all of September. I am finally getting in to see the doctor today - it has hindered my workouts and some days I want to scream! Best of luck in your recovery and don't give up!

    I, too, will not be posting my starting measurements/weight, if that's okay. I am addicted to my scale and it has been bad for me, I think. I am doing everything to STAY away from it lately. We shall see. I am focusing on buying more organic foods and cutting out coffee. Oh, how I love and will miss my coffee.

    Menu for today:
    Breakfast: Eggs and bacon
    Lunch: Tuna and celery
    Dinner: Stew (beef, celery, carrots, sweet potato)
    Snacks: Strawberries and kale chips

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I'd like to join. I've been eating Primal since July 30th. I've dropped my weight from 310 to 283.

    My goal is to start to refine my Primal eating so I find the percentages of fat/protein/carbs that works for me. Oh and to be able to use coconut oil - so far I don't like the taste on anything except chicken. I buy mine from Amazon too. Right now I'm looking at a tablespoon of coconut manna and trying to get brave enough to try it.

    Breakfast: 8 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 honeycrisp apple, slice of swiss cheese, coconut manna

    Don't have lunch or dinner planned yet. I will probably eat a late lunch since I have a meeting tonight and won't be able to have dinner at a normal time so I will IF it.
  • mnext7e
    Day 6 on my Challange.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hello all again - well since posting on here the first time I have subsequently not contributed!! Terrible effort on my part there!

    Some of your weightloss's to date are INCREDIBLE, and I hope you are super proud of yourselves, you're so inspiring to me!

    I am getting started on my journey, and seem to be dealing ok with no grains, but I feel like I now need to start my strength training and I have NO IDEA where to start!!!

    Can anyone give me an idea of their workout routine - I have a gym in my apartment block (it's only small but has a bench, loads of dumbells, cardio machines and a weird machine with LOADS of different weight things to use on it - various pull bars/leg thingys and a helpful chart on the wall explaining all the exercises you can do with it) but I just go in there and stand there a bit helpless before getting on the treadmill!!!!!

    I guess I'm just looking for a starting circuit that I can build on - but that covers all the major muscles!

    Any help would be appreciated :)

    Steph x

    Oh, my starting stats (haha I have chosen to add a few odd ones) are:

    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 177lbs
    Waist: 31"
    Max amount of pushups: 10
    Max amount of tricep dips: 10 (and I feel like I want to DIE)

    No idea on weights I can bench/squat/ anything else, but hopefully I can work on that!!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I may be out for the challenge kids... I'm injured and it may take the rest of the month to rehab. Nevermind the ground I'm about to lose for strength gains. I'm going to keep on keepin on with eating well and running but with tendinitis in my knee that can't be full time. I'm feeling lost, frustrated and angry. Like I let me and all of you down. I'm sorry guys. :(

    How are you letting anybody down? You have an injury, that's not the same as blowing off your goals or worse, pretending you are doing them but not. I don't think you should drop out of the challenge, I think you should restate your goals. Not sure what injury you have (besides the tendonitis?) but you can still work upper body and abs if it's just the knee. Obviously you can still be mindful of what you are eating but maybe your physical focus could shift to increasing flexibility and rehabbing that injury to recover as quickly as possible. And I think you should reread the quote in your signature. :flowerforyou:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Going through an interesting thing -- I don't really WANT to eat anymore. I mean, obviously I will because it keeps me alive and moving, but I no longer have that "I WANNNA EAAAAAT!" feeling. I just can tell from my stomach when it's time to eat and then I dutifully feed myself and then get on with my day. I think it's a good thing, but after 35 years of giving into cravings, it's an odd feeling to really not have those "live to eat" urges.

    Dinner is a prime rib roast currently cooking in my slow cooker. I love that thing. Thing I'm going to have sweet potato fries with it. Weird not making gravy, but I can't find almond or coconut flour, so it might be more of an "au jus", although I did read about someone using pureed cauliflower to thicken the gravy.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I may be out for the challenge kids... I'm injured and it may take the rest of the month to rehab. Nevermind the ground I'm about to lose for strength gains. I'm going to keep on keepin on with eating well and running but with tendinitis in my knee that can't be full time. I'm feeling lost, frustrated and angry. Like I let me and all of you down. I'm sorry guys. :(

    How are you letting anybody down? You have an injury, that's not the same as blowing off your goals or worse, pretending you are doing them but not. I don't think you should drop out of the challenge, I think you should restate your goals. Not sure what injury you have (besides the tendonitis?) but you can still work upper body and abs if it's just the knee. Obviously you can still be mindful of what you are eating but maybe your physical focus could shift to increasing flexibility and rehabbing that injury to recover as quickly as possible. And I think you should reread the quote in your signature. :flowerforyou:

    I was rough-housing with the boyfriend and through a sequence of stupid events ended up tearing and "separating" the muscles in my right forearm. So on top of having to take it easy on the knee upper body and lifting anything at all is out. Like, completely out AT ALL for at least 2 weeks per the doc. At 2 weeks I can start rehab type exercises (read physical therapy AGAIN). When I get back at lifting again I will NOT be able to lift at the same capacity- right now, this is my life. It's been my life for months and months and I don't know what I'm going to do with out it. When I am finally able to lift again i will likely be at least 2 possibly 3 months behind in my training for the Tough Mudder and my personal strength goals. I'm not giving up- I'm just angry and frustrated. The only thing I can do at this point is offer support to others. The way I eat is my lifestyle, that's not going to change. What's changing and what I'm afraid of is losing all the ground I have gained building a very strong healthy body.

    When I don't lift for a couple of days I "feel" like a puddle of mush. I "feel" gross and lazy. I'm having a hard time getting my head around a minimum of 2 weeks off. I'm not even supposed to lift grocery bags- it hurts to try and do the dishes let alone lifting 45 pound plates onto the squat rack, leg press or any other worthwhile exercise.

    Sorry- I'm super negative right now and I'm going to step away until I can get my **** together. Good luck guys. I'll be back.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Hi All,

    With Thanksgiving coming up this weekend, I was wondering if you guys might be able to offer some input. I posted a topic, "What is the Paleo/Primal/PaNu/Archevore Lifestyle?" ( http://goo.gl/ARaUR ), asking basically;

    "What is your two-ten line response to people when they ask what it is, and why you do it? Do you have a standard response, or web site you send them to?"

    I have two family dinners this weekend, and with it being the first two major family get togethers since we've moved to the paleo lifestyle, I'm sure I'm going to get asked lots of questions. I have read lots, I have a pretty good understanding of the what and why (even if I'm not completely following it yet), but I hate sounding like I'm coming across as a preacher.

    How do you guys respond to your family/friends who have no idea what paleo is or why?
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    in sept. I had a musle injuryto my illiacus, pulled away from my pelvic bone, and I'm still recovering.

    Tuesday after zumba, this happened, Dog bite:

    needless to say, I can barely walk with out my 4 inch guess red patent leather heels. lol. I'm out for the count too. So, resting again, and I'm doing pilates today, perhaps even tomorrow. Sucks because I'm not getting the miles in walking like I was for the past 3 weeks.

    At least I'm able to cook and still learn about Paleo receipies. Found one for pumpkin pancakes (and almond flour) that I'd like to try.

    Come on everyone, we can do this, and remember the rules of paleo living, Moderation, Be Aware...... Happy training!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I made almond flour and flax seed meal bread from Elana's pantry paleo bread recipe. it called for coconut flour also but I 'm out so I added extra almond flour.. it is really good.. I like it much better than bread made with coconut flour.. I wish almond flour was as cheap as coconut flour though.. that tiny little loaf cost about $8 to make. OUCH!. Coconut flour tends to work better in cakes and muffins since it is naturally sweet. Been staying on track food wise. I am still doing the leptin reset-50 grams of protein for breakfast is difficult to get down..but I am seeing positive changes.. I am sleeping much better, have more energy and stamina and lost 4 lbs. I would like to get back to cross -fit works outs.. but have been getting on the gazelle every few days. I re-took my measurements and gained inches everywhere except my thighs and calfs . they went down 2 inches.. chest stayed the same, weight is the same. how can you gain everywhere but legs when the scale is the same?? weird. gotta be a fluke due to too much soduim or something.
    TheGlen- on what I tell I people about why I eat paleo..I don't.. I really don't go into it much ..those that are close to me know I have celiac disease and a long list of food intolerences that limits me to meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts.
    that seems to be explanation enough for most people. I guess I have reached a point in my life that I really don't care what people think.. do what works for you and I'll do what works for me.. and we'll both be happy is my view on it.
    if they want to eat like I do and ask for particulars then I'll share otherwise I leave it alone.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    TheGlen- on what I tell I people about why I eat paleo..I don't.. I really don't go into it much ..those that are close to me know I have celiac disease and a long list of food intolerences that limits me to meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts.
    that seems to be explanation enough for most people. I guess I have reached a point in my life that I really don't care what people think.. do what works for you and I'll do what works for me.. and we'll both be happy is my view on it.
    if they want to eat like I do and ask for particulars then I'll share otherwise I leave it alone.

    I left a response on the other thread but this is pretty much where I'm at too. In the beginning, I was really passionate about spreading the word and probably was preachy myself but I quickly learned most people really didn't want to know. It's like when someone ask how your day is, they don't really want to know the details, they just want a pleasant, "fine, thanks!" It's so much easier to say that I'm avoiding certain foods that will make me ill, people understand that better. But there are a few curious folk who ask more and I try to answer their questions. Of course, you have to say something at a family event when you won't eat Aunt Mary's famous chocolate cake anymore. I would just say, I've been doing some reading and found that I feel better when I cut grain/ dairy from my diet. And then see where the questions take you.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    TheGlen- on what I tell I people about why I eat paleo..I don't.. I really don't go into it much ..those that are close to me know I have celiac disease and a long list of food intolerences that limits me to meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts.
    that seems to be explanation enough for most people. I guess I have reached a point in my life that I really don't care what people think.. do what works for you and I'll do what works for me.. and we'll both be happy is my view on it.
    if they want to eat like I do and ask for particulars then I'll share otherwise I leave it alone.

    Hi Momof8munchkins (first off...wow, 8?),

    Thanks for you comment. It's not so much that I "care what people think", it's more that my family is going to be interested in why I'm not consuming half a bowl of stuffing. My wife and I have been very happy with the results so far. We all feel great, my wife and I are losing weight, and our underweight children are gaining weight...so I don't think anyone will challenge us on the decision, more wonder what it is and why. I've been refining my response, and making it more concise, but I thought I'd also ask what other people say.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Hi All,

    With Thanksgiving coming up this weekend, I was wondering if you guys might be able to offer some input. I posted a topic, "What is the Paleo/Primal/PaNu/Archevore Lifestyle?" ( http://goo.gl/ARaUR ), asking basically;

    "What is your two-ten line response to people when they ask what it is, and why you do it? Do you have a standard response, or web site you send them to?"

    I have two family dinners this weekend, and with it being the first two major family get togethers since we've moved to the paleo lifestyle, I'm sure I'm going to get asked lots of questions. I have read lots, I have a pretty good understanding of the what and why (even if I'm not completely following it yet), but I hate sounding like I'm coming across as a preacher.

    How do you guys respond to your family/friends who have no idea what paleo is or why?

    I dumb it down. A lot.
    "I've switched to a whole foods approach to life. I try to avoid anything processed, so no grain products, soy, dairy etc... because I find I feel better with out it."

    This usually works without people getting all into to the politics of which "diet" is best and which guru said what about whichever diet. I hate those conversations. I do this because it works for me. My friends and family seem to understand that or at least accept it and now even provide "Anna Friendly" food at gatherings and are excited to try my new things that I gladly bring along.

    I'm not trying to push Paleo and when I pass on something 95% of the time they don't question it.

    Examples of stuff I bring:

    "Mock" garlic Mashed Potatos- I skip the cheese and butter and sub unsweetened whole coconut milk in place of the cream cheese just use it sparingly or it gets runny. And go crazy with the spices!


    Cashew Curry dip for Veggies


    (anything she makes is AMAZING!!!)

    Pumkin Coconut Soup
    (I have made this non-vegan by sauteing fresh pork sausage and skipping on the oil or margarine)
  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    ?Hi all, are any of you not tracking food during this challenge as per the whole 30 site?
    it makes me nervous at the thought of not, but also not sure on what ratios to put in for each thing and cals so I can track on MFP if I want to. I did find a site, and it has me at quite high cals, but maybe ill just focus on eating the right things to hunger and not track.
    Starting weight:
    89 kg (196 lbs approx)
    158 cm tall (5 foot 2)

    I am currently weight training 3 days, and 3 days of 20 mins of cardio (have been doing this for 2 weeks) but was doing a lot of classes at my gym before. Ive lost around 30 kg in the last 16 months, with about the same to go.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all. Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days. Between Dr appointments and trying to go to work and keep up with household stuff I have been wiped out.

    I am currently taking the Byetta that the Dr put me on and he said along with the Paleo plan that I should start losing weight on a regular basis again.

    I am weighing in tomorrow even though your not supposed to because my Dr wants weekly updates on my progress.

    Breakfast: Hardees Low Carb Breakfast Bowl

    Lunch: Buffalo wings and salad

    Supper: Grass Fed Chuck Roast, green beans and baby carrots.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Hey all. Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days. Between Dr appointments and trying to go to work and keep up with household stuff I have been wiped out.

    I am currently taking the Byetta that the Dr put me on and he said along with the Paleo plan that I should start losing weight on a regular basis again.

    I am weighing in tomorrow even though your not supposed to because my Dr wants weekly updates on my progress.

    Breakfast: Hardees Low Carb Breakfast Bowl

    Lunch: Buffalo wings and salad

    Supper: Grass Fed Chuck Roast, green beans and baby carrots.

    Do whatever makes the most sense and the least stress to you. We're behind you 100%, don't forget that! Now I have to go research Byetta, I haven't heard of this one before. How goes the process of learning to give injections?
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I'd like to join. I've been eating Primal since July 30th. I've dropped my weight from 310 to 283.

    My goal is to start to refine my Primal eating so I find the percentages of fat/protein/carbs that works for me. Oh and to be able to use coconut oil - so far I don't like the taste on anything except chicken. I buy mine from Amazon too. Right now I'm looking at a tablespoon of coconut manna and trying to get brave enough to try it.

    Breakfast: 8 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 honeycrisp apple, slice of swiss cheese, coconut manna

    Don't have lunch or dinner planned yet. I will probably eat a late lunch since I have a meeting tonight and won't be able to have dinner at a normal time so I will IF it.

    Welcome Hockey7Fan! Glad you could join us.
  • kjenner929
    kjenner929 Posts: 14 Member