October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    lunch ideas:

    lettuce wraps as someone else mentioned- anything you can put between bread you can wrap in a leaf

    rotisserie chicken- a couple of local stores sell their day old rotisserie chickens at a reduced price. While not pasture raised, it is quick and economical for lunches- by itself, in a wrap, in chicken salad

    canned tuna, salmon- either plain or mixed with homemade mayo and seasonings

    hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs or egg salad made with homemade mayo (is it obvious I'm a fan of the homemade mayo??)

    left overs

    steamed veggies w/ butter, fresh veggies alone or with some kind of dip, fresh fruit
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I still can't find coconut oil -- I live in Canada's largest city (around 4 million people) and still can't find it anywhere. I have bought olive oil & grapeseed oil though. I really hadn't even considered making my own because honestly it seems like such a hassle for a topping -- I haven't really made any condiments myself before (more challenging than my mixing of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part vinegar), but I'm a big girl and I can make mayo!!

    OH YEAH! Now I remember why I haven't made it. It has raw egg in it, so I'm concerned about making a big ole jar of food borne bacteria. How do you avoid that?

    We buy ours from Zehrs...try Loblaws in the GTA (it owns Zehrs).
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    My current diet is very closed to paleo, so I would like to do this as well!!!

  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    What i need suggestions for is lunches - I can not eat salad everyday but am running out of ideas because i would normally have sandwiches.

    Mainly leftovers (cook extra steak, chicken, etc) but I also do wraps with romaine lettuce leaves (similar to a salad, but decidedly different) and fill it full of meat, veggies, cheese (if applicable) and a homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Very tasty. The other option is snacky type foods all together like some meat, hard boiled eggs, cut veggies, etc. I'm trying to find a way to use mayo but every one I've found has soybean oil as the first ingredient, and if I can ever find a half decent "creamy" style dressing, I'd do a mix of that in with some chicken or egg (or you can use tuna/salmon if you like) and put on to celery sticks. Nice and crunchy & filling.

    If I honestly can't think of anything, i do IF once every couple of weeks and tell myself that I had a "bad hunting day". I haven't been super hungry yet, but I imagine if I was, it would make the salad the next day taste even better!:wink:

    Make your own mayo with coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil.

    I still can't find coconut oil -- I live in Canada's largest city (around 4 million people) and still can't find it anywhere. I have bought olive oil & grapeseed oil though. I really hadn't even considered making my own because honestly it seems like such a hassle for a topping -- I haven't really made any condiments myself before (more challenging than my mixing of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part vinegar), but I'm a big girl and I can make mayo!!

    OH YEAH! Now I remember why I haven't made it. It has raw egg in it, so I'm concerned about making a big ole jar of food borne bacteria. How do you avoid that?

    You avoid that risk by using well sourced, pastured chicken eggs or pasteurizing your chicken eggs.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Interesting training day. My coach taught me to use visual and vestibular drills from I-Phase, Z-Health, to reprogram the way my brain processes information. Moving with less 'perception of threat' means that the cardio I perform as daily life is less likely to become excessive and taxing to my system. Previous to these drills, I was in agony running/hiking with a moderate load (groceries and such) around 12-15 miles per week. After training today, the hike home when I'm usually at my most tired was actually invigorating. I love Z-Health protocols!

    My kettlebell lifting is getting back on track as well. I did great military presses with the 16 kg/ 35 lb KB. Only a few on each side but great form and strong.

    Eating today was insufficient for the amount I burned because I failed to plan and I'm out of coconut oil. Will fix this by ordering some online tomorrow. In retrospect, I could have made my protein shake with some added HWC but it didn't occur to me as I usually run higher in fat when I'm at home.

    Strategy for getting closer to my Whole 30 October Challenge goals: track my training day intake the night before and pack it up to travel. I do really well eating at home and on weekends, really well packing Paleo snacks sufficient for my 6 yo going to school twice a week but my lifestyle has shifted from being home 6 days/week to being away 4-5 days/week.

    First, Coach Jen Waak of keyboardathletes.com got me out of pain and moving in ways that strengthen neural and motor function. Second, I got to spend time celebrating life with a best friend. Fun is important to my wellness. As a single mom and solopreneur (building my own business), I don't usually make enough time for relaxing and recharging. Third, I improved my living/eating strategy around Whole 30 by analyzing my diary for when/why I hit the target and what to do to turn misses into bullseyes.

    Today my primal wins were getting my measurements (which I'll post as soon as I get home), improving my technique for hiking with a moderate load and lifting heavy things well.

    This for me is a way of life. I want to move effortlessly, eat to increase my strength and longevity and have a vibrant enjoyment of life. My daughter will learn what I live. The choices I make are the legacy I leave and become her choices. Great motivation to keep improving my aim.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Here's an idea of what we're aiming for this next 30 or so days:


    Challenge #1: Eat Lots of Plants and Animals

    Eating right is central to the Primal lifestyle, which is why Law #1 is a five-part challenge:

    * Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, meat, healthy fats: This one is pretty straightforward. I’m asking you to eat Primal for 30 days. Commit to it right at this moment. Just one month of nothing but the best food on the planet. In just a few short weeks your body will thank you. If you want more ideas on which foods to eat and which foods to avoid pick up The Primal Blueprint and stay tuned for coming articles.
    * Cook at home: If you don’t know how to cook the challenge above really will be a challenge. Over the next 30 days we’ll be covering some essential cooking skills and techniques that anyone looking to go Primal should master. If you’re the type that dines out more often than dining in, and doesn’t know a pot from a pan, make an effort this month to get into the habit of preparing your own food.
    * Eat clean: The quality of your food matters. While sourcing clean food (organic, grass-fed, pastured, etc.) can be difficult and pricey it’s also an important part of the Primal Blueprint. Let me be clear. If your eating plan strictly consists of Primal foods, but your beef isn’t grass-finished, your eggs aren’t pastured and your vegetables are conventionally raised, you are still light years ahead of most people. But there’s room for improvement. This month I want you find and eat clean food. Stay tuned for tips on sourcing the best and doing it on a budget.
    * Dial in your carb count: If you’ve read The Primal Blueprint you are familiar with The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This month I’m challenging you to take a closer look at your carb intake and make sure it aligns with the Curve. It’s the simplest, surefire way to drop excess body fat and stay lean for life. Stay tuned for tips on how to accomplish this.
    * Remember the 80/20: Not all neolithic food is poisonous. Additionally, the Primal Blueprint and this challenge isn’t about becoming an ascetic. Periodically indulge in sensible vices – high-fat dairy/cheese, dark chocolate, red wine – and take full advantage of state-of-the-science supplements – fish oils, high-antioxidant multi-vitamins, protein powders. It will make the challenge more pleasant, the transition easier and will support your health to boot.

    Challenge #2: Avoid Poisonous Things

    * Don’t eat garbage: This is the other side of the first challenge above. If you are eating Primal you aren’t eating chips, cookies, crackers, grains, pasta, beans, bread, popcorn, energy drinks, soda, juices, candy, vegetable oils and fast food. The list goes on. If you want to go Primal the first thing to do is purge your pantry, your fridge and your life of all the junk that has no place in your body. Do it for 30 days. I promise it gets easier and you’ll want to keep doing it because you’ll look and feel better.

    Challenge #3: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace

    * Just move: It’s that simple. Just get out there and move. I challenge you to align your low-level aerobic activity with Primal Blueprint Fitness. If you don’t already have the free fitness program grab it now. Get 3-5 hours of walking, hiking, light cycling, swimming, etc., each week. Do it all at once or in batches. Use the logbook at the back of PBF and your forum journal to track your progress.

    Challenge #4: Lift Heavy Things

    * Lift your body: If you want to build lean muscle mass and stay strong into your golden years you have to lift heavy things. Align your weightlifting routine with Primal Blueprint Fitness and perform two bodyweight workouts each week. See chapter 3 of Primal Blueprint Fitness for all the details.

    Challenge #5: Sprint Once in a While

    * Just move… very fast!: Too many people neglect to include sprinting in their workout routines. They’re the perfect Primal fitness hack that can be done in as little as 10 minutes. I challenge you to perform one sprint workout each week during this challenge.

    Challenge #6: Get Adequate Sleep

    * Make sleep high priority: Late nights at the office. Late nights partying. Late nights… watching TV. Whether it’s business or pleasure, we’re busier than ever and sleep is often the first thing to suffer. I challenge you to get adequate sleep every night this month. What amounts to adequate is for you to decide. I think most people know how much sleep they need. Some people get by on six hours a night no problem. Others need eight or more. The important thing is you wake up feeling energized and ready to go.

    Challenge #7: Play

    * Get playful: If you’ve forgotten how to play, this challenge will jog your memory. Grok did it and it’s why I train. For the stress-reducing effects, to get you moving without even realizing you’re moving and for the sheer fun of it, I challenge you to participate in each of the four Workouts of the Week this month. Each WOW during the challenge will be decidedly playful. Be prepared to print out the rules, gather your friends and have a blast.

    Challenge #8: Get Adequate Sunlight

    * Soak in the rays: It’s difficult to emphasize enough the importance of vitamin D. In a world where we go from our houses to our cars, from our cars to the office place, from the office place to our cars and back home again many of us are woefully deficient. My challenge to you this month is to get 15 minutes of sun exposure each day of the 30-day challenge. If sun is hard to come by in your area take a supplement instead.

    Challenge #9: Avoid Stupid Mistakes

    * Listen to your body: This is such a broad Primal Blueprint law the challenge could take many directions. For the purpose of this 30-day challenge, though, I’d like you to be particularly aware of what your body is telling you during each of the other challenges. Feel a sharp pain during a sprint? Be smart and end your sprint session. Skin turning pink while out in the sun? That’s a sign to seek shade and avoid a nasty burn. I want this to be a pain and injury free event, so pay particular attention to what your body is saying.

    Challenge #10: Use Your Brain

    * Challenge yourself intellectually: I won’t ask you to throw out your television or read War and Peace this month. But I will say that you are gifted with a huge brain, and you should flex it. We each have the power to solve difficult problems, be incredibly creative, and effect major change. And it all begins in our heads. This month I challenge you to identify one of the intellectually challenging things in your life you’ve been meaning to do and take the first steps to actually doing it. Apart from the pride and satisfaction you’ll derive from following through there are many health benefits conferred as a result. As the saying goes, use it or lose it.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Height: 5'7.5"
    Weight: 248.0 lbs
    Neck: 15.5"
    Upper Arm (Left/Right): 15"/15"
    Lower Arm: 10.75"/11"
    Chest: 46.75"
    Bust: 49"
    Band: 41"
    Waist: 44"
    Hips: 49.5"
    Thigh: 24.5"/24.75"
    Calf: 17"/17"
    Ankle: 10.75"/10.5"

    Kettlebell stats tomorrow.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I still can't find coconut oil -- I live in Canada's largest city (around 4 million people) and still can't find it anywhere. I have bought olive oil & grapeseed oil though. I really hadn't even considered making my own because honestly it seems like such a hassle for a topping -- I haven't really made any condiments myself before (more challenging than my mixing of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part vinegar), but I'm a big girl and I can make mayo!!

    OH YEAH! Now I remember why I haven't made it. It has raw egg in it, so I'm concerned about making a big ole jar of food borne bacteria. How do you avoid that?

    We buy ours from Zehrs...try Loblaws in the GTA (it owns Zehrs).

    I went to the Loblaws flagship store in downtown Toronto and it wasn't there. The only other Loblaws I know of is near my parent's house and they went looking there for it (it's such a fancy looking store we figured they must have it), but sadly they didn't. We don't have Zehrs in Toronto, but maybe it's in the outskirts??

    Might go for a drive to Buffalo and look this weekend.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    Regarding coconut oil, it is available thru Amazon and will likely be a better deal there than elsewhere, especially if you go with the delivery subscription.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Loving Paleo workouts so much more than chronic cardio. Can't believe I'm lifting 50lb dumbbells. Got to work sprinting into my day more often, but this just feels so much more natural than jogging for long distances.

    Breakfast (as usual) - two hardboiled eggs, cream cheese and a piece of fruit (thinking grapes today -- they're so good!)
    Lunch - garlic butter pan cooked chicken in lettuce wraps with cheese and homemade vinegarette
    Dinner - Making some crockpot chicken so will have that with lots of California mix
    Snack - Almonds and an apple

    Not missing wheat in the slightest!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Tropical Traditions is great for Coconut Oil (TT often has buy 1 get one free offers) or go to Amazon and get the Nutvia Brand. You can subscribe and get multiple jars at a time and set it up to be sent on a schedule that works for you.

    Once you start using Coconut Oil and find a brand you really like, you will never want to run out.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I haven't been posting much due to being wound up with doctors appointments, getting blood drawn, etc.

    My eating is on track though.

    Yesterday: Bacon and eggs for breakfast, Spaghetti Squash, sausage and home made red sauce for supper.

    Today: Left over spaghetti squash for lunch. I cooked bacon for breakfast and I haven't gotten hungry yet. My taste buds are saying bacon, tomato and mustard wrapped in a romaine lettuce leaf.

    I have to go learn how to give myself injections this morning, hopefully I won't be on it for long.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member


    yaki nori (roasted seaweed square, smoked salmon, laughing cow cheese wedge, smudge of caviar

  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Got a restful night's sleep.

    B: Alaska Wild Caught Salmon (canned from the food bank) in 4 scrambled eggs with dill and a little cayenne. Coffee & Chicory with HWC, Vanilla liquid stevia, cinnamon and fresh ground nutmeg. (Thanks Dr.BorkBork/Trish!)

    L: not hungry yet

    Tea: Jay Robb Chocolate Whey protein shake, 2 scoops. Sugar free TCM herbal beverage (Chrysanthemum drink) with more liquid vanilla stevia.

    D: Herbed pork shoulder, country style ribs with cauliflower and kale made like colcannon. :)

    Movement: Housecleaning, prepping/cooking Primal Colcannon, caring for Kidling/pets.

    Lifting heavy things: 10 minutes of Kettlebell challenge, done Tabata style.

    Sun (theoretically), fun and brain drills: Outdoor slug hunt after the rain with daughter (this is Seattle, we play outside in all kinds of weather *and* take our Vitamin D3). Playing 'I Spy' with Mandarin vocabulary drills for new numbers/colors we learned this week. Read book that makes me laugh for at least 30 minutes. (LKH's Hit List)
  • iluv2travel
    Hi all, it's been raining continuously here in SoCal today and I'm thinking of soup for dinner but I haven't come up with anything yet.

    Grokette - hope all is well, glad that your eating is on track

    busywaterbending - nice to see pics of your yakinori

    ResilientWoman - whant brand of liquid Stevia do you use? good job on the kettlebells! you're inspiring me to do 100 swings for tonight!

    Menu for today:
    Bfast - honey crisp apple, almond butter, hard boiled egg, buffalo jerky, coffee, half and half
    Lunch - butternut squash, bolognese sauce, sencha green tea
    Dinner - maybe soup, sausage or canned salmon

    A teaspoon of raw almond butter after each meal satisfies my need to have some kind of "dessert". Funny thing is, now that I have reduced my carb intake, I no longer have ridiculous cravings for sweets, junk etc. I always feel content after each meal.
  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all, can I join here? I have just started today, its going to be a challenge to get used to it, as ive been eating a lot of brown rice particularly lately, so its going to be a change. So am looking forward to learning all I can. Ive been doing more weights and less cardio the last couple of weeks already.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    dinner tonight:

    oven roasted steelhead trout fillets seasoned with smoked paprika, salt & pepper

    kale salad w/ dried cranberries, vinaigrette made with macadamia nut oil, strawberry balsamic vinegar, and a touch of honey

    I decided not to post my stats right now, I'm going to focus on staying off the scale this month and not watching any numbers. I get too hung up on a stupid number and overlook how I feel and what I see in the mirror. And I want to focus on getting enough quality sleep!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Hi all, can I join here? I have just started today, its going to be a challenge to get used to it, as ive been eating a lot of brown rice particularly lately, so its going to be a change. So am looking forward to learning all I can. Ive been doing more weights and less cardio the last couple of weeks already.

    Welcome! Post your starting height, weight, measurements, speed/strength stats...whatever is meaningful to you. Then re-weigh/measure at the end of your 30 days. We're just getting started and are happy you found us.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    dinner tonight:

    oven roasted steelhead trout fillets seasoned with smoked paprika, salt & pepper

    kale salad w/ dried cranberries, vinaigrette made with macadamia nut oil, strawberry balsamic vinegar, and a touch of honey

    I decided not to post my stats right now, I'm going to focus on staying off the scale this month and not watching any numbers. I get too hung up on a stupid number and overlook how I feel and what I see in the mirror. And I want to focus on getting enough quality sleep!

    Sounds delicious!

    No worries on stats. Just track (or not) as you feel inspired. If you're focusing on sleep, feel free to report that as well. This is truly about increasing our health. Glad you're here.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I may be out for the challenge kids... I'm injured and it may take the rest of the month to rehab. Nevermind the ground I'm about to lose for strength gains. I'm going to keep on keepin on with eating well and running but with tendinitis in my knee that can't be full time. I'm feeling lost, frustrated and angry. Like I let me and all of you down. I'm sorry guys. :(