October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Bless Grokette and every other one of you who held your temper today while we Paleo folk got bashed in the forums over someone's innocent inquiry into our Paleo lifestyle.

    I chose not to participate in the forum directly but sent an invite to the OP to join us here and at the 'Palelo Support?' thread. To cleanse your minds from the hate speech and rudeness, here's the Whole 30 Challenge results link from MDA. Worth your time reading, at least I felt it was certainly worth mine.

    Must incorporate more of this into our humble little thread!


    I missed all the fun...

    Well, I'm back at it. The boyfriend, bless his heart, cooked all week and I'm over salted and over carbed (the latter DEFINITELY is my fault- massive consumption of home made gluten free pizza.) I'm ready to get back to my "normal" way of eating.

    That said, I have a question...

    I have noticed personally that I don't handle certain carbs well... I do ok with carbs from fruit, veggies and most roots but particularly flours (sorguhm, nut flour, tapioca flour, rice flour etc...) kill me. Do any of you find that if you consume even gluten-free baked goods (think the pizza crust, flax muffins, udi's bagels etc...) that you blow up like a Macy's Parade balloon? :noway: If so, have you found anything besides time that helps alleviate it? Besides avoiding it all together because its already been consumed.

    I'm a big time water drinker so I know that will help flush the salt naturally associated, I'm working up a sweat everyday and drinking green tea but my tummy looks like I'm going to have a pizza baby... ideas?

    Oh, and lesson learned this time- I won't be gorging on pizza again anytime soon. :sick: :grumble:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    That said, I have a question...

    I have noticed personally that I don't handle certain carbs well... I do ok with carbs from fruit, veggies and most roots but particularly flours (sorguhm, nut flour, tapioca flour, rice flour etc...) kill me. Do any of you find that if you consume even gluten-free baked goods (think the pizza crust, flax muffins, udi's bagels etc...) that you blow up like a Macy's Parade balloon? :noway: If so, have you found anything besides time that helps alleviate it? Besides avoiding it all together because its already been consumed.

    I'm a big time water drinker so I know that will help flush the salt naturally associated, I'm working up a sweat everyday and drinking green tea but my tummy looks like I'm going to have a pizza baby... ideas?

    Oh, and lesson learned this time- I won't be gorging on pizza again anytime soon. :sick: :grumble:

    Yes, standard gluten-free foods cause me problems as well. All I know to do is wait it out as well so I know indulging in something like that will have negative effects for 48-72 hours. Knowing that keeps me from indulging very often. I do much better with coconut flour or nut flour treats. Maybe taking some digestive enzymes at the time of consumption would help, I'm pretty new to that therapy and haven't eaten anything like that in a while to test the idea.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Down another 2.6 pounds this morning! I am just shy of 30 lost since July 30th.

    Now that the sugar cravings are gone and I'm not wanting junk food any longer I think it's time to give up my diet Coke. It hurts just to type that. I have been drinking it every day since I was 18 -- that's 30 years now. We still have a 6 pack left and when that's gone, I'm planning not to buy any more. Let's see how strong I am.

    That's excellent progress! You might surprise yourself how easily you give it up considering you've gotten your cravings in check. :smile:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Feel free to ask any questions or check out any of the peoples diaries.

    You can also start your 30-day challenge whenever you're ready. After all it's all about your life....

    Do you have any specific questions?

    Yes, I have a LOT of extra fat on my body and I'm not sure how I should structure my eating.
    How high fat I should go. How much protein.
    I love veggies. I can go without fruit for now except I do enjoy berries.
    I'll never argue about eating fat ... lol ... but I'm just not sure how much I should eat.

    Also, I recently tried the 1200 calorie route and made myself weak, dizzy and sick.
    I upped my calories but I've been bingeing.
    I'd love to hear from those of you who are succeeding at weight loss following a paleo/primal eating plan.

    Welcome, those are questions a lot of people are asking. I posted a response a few above yours. If you have a lot of fat to lose, choosing lower carb foods- more greens and low starch veggies over starchy veggies and fruit will help get your insulin and leptin responses back in order. Lower carbs and higher fat will help keep cravings in check and you may be less inclined to binge when your cravings are in control and you are consuming enough calories. 70%fat/10%carb/20%protein may be a good target to start, evaluate how you feel and your progress and adjust from there.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    hi, good morning, I guess I missed all the diva drama and hate yesterday too. Too busy loving my paleo way of living I guess. For those of you who are new to this thread, welcome. I recommend reading from the begining.

    I too was brainwashed by the industry and my sports Federation to believe that FAT was bad and high carbs with low calorie net was the way to go, but after becoming anemic, and diabetic on a high carb. doc. prescribed diet, I switched to paleo and Im now doing great. Can't beat science or the facts. I'm shedding the layer of fat that was accumulating for no reason, eating more calories, stronger, healthier.... :)

    I've shared my testamony on a few of the threads, but I do have to say it's pretty depressing reading how much diabetes there is out there. At 112 lbs right now, when I was 10 lbs heavier at the start of 2011 the doctor I had, as well as my previous one before him, claimed that I was healthy even though my hypoglycemia quickly turned into diabetes, per their treatments. Like I've said before, as a personal trainer, my ego was shattered. Everything I've studied and worked for in life was not working. Now, with Paleo, it is! And, I'm not starving.

    Anyway, if you are paleo, please friend request me! I need more paleo friends here, and some more pats on my back. Only 2 weeks left in October, stay strong my friends! Keep those carbs low and be amazed at how strong your immune system will be; now is the time the food heathens start pigging out and getting sick. Brag about your health here, I won't mind!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    This is way to good not to share here! Resilentwoman, I love your testimony! :) Thank you!
    I have 5 pieces of wisdom, if you'd like them. Took me several decades to learn them and cost a fortune in tears and suffering to get to where I am today but I wish someone had typed this out and handed it to me. It would have shortened the time I spent in misery.

    1. Get your Vitamin D3 checked and take enough as a supplement every day to change your Vitamin D3 labs to read 60-80. Until I did, NO amount of clean eating or smart training yielded anything except frustration.

    2. Read Jack Kruse's Leptin Reset protocols. For me this was the hidden reason why so much of my effort left me distressed that I'd never accomplish my goals. This is the definitive science on why sometimes *NOT* exercising is even better for weight loss, at least until you're Leptin Sensitive again.

    3. Toss out the common wisdom about saturated fat. Don't believe the lie that if you eat less calories and exercise more (to create a calorie deficit) that this alone will solve your health problems. It might make them worse if you're not fueling your body with the nutrition from whole foods, healthy fats and proteins that you need to thrive. Listen to Jimmy Moore of LIvinLaVidaLowCarb blog, Chris Kresser of the Healthy Skeptic, Robb Wolf of The Paleo Solution and Mark Sisson of The Primal Blueprint. Eat Real Foods. (Do not eat gluten/grains, legumes/beans, flour/sugar/processed foods.)

    4. Get a Z-Health, R-Phase DVD or better yet, get someone from Z-Health Performance to train you to move again. After years of surviving a morbidly obese, sedentary lifestyle, I was living in constant pain from head to toe. Moving caused so much stress on my body that daily life sucked. I couldn't turn over in bed without a Hoyer lift or several strong attendants at my highest weight and was seeking adoptive parents for my then 3 year old daughter for whom I was becoming increasingly unable to care for physically due to my incredible immobility. Now my daughter is 6 with habits that fuel her for life, she is training for triathlon, hefting kettlebells and only eats real food. I am an elite athlete who moves better than many people half my age. I have been pain free since June of 2009 thanks completely to getting enough Vitamin D3 and my Z-Health coach, Jen Waak of keyboardathletes.com. With her help, I was able to become the mother I always dreamed of being - an active, healthy and energetic mom.

    5. When you're ready for exercise according to the Jack Kruse's guidelines in his Leptin Reset protocols, do your strength training with few reps and go heavy, especially helpful to learn to do pushups and chinups, learning to let your body be your gym. If you have access to a cross fit gym or kettlebell gym, you'll cut your journey down to size. Getting my focus on doing a Turkish Get Up or perfecting my kettlebell swings or deadlifts keeps my mind unconcerned about the 65-85 pounds I still need to shed. When I am focused on something I can do today and it solves the long term problem, when I abstain from behaviors, people, places and things that destroy my joy, peace and health, then I can do *ANYTHING*.

    I have discovered that I am mighty and if you want it, so will you!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Bump! I've been going primal/paleo one step at a time, first I increased the amount of veggies I eat, then got rid of wheat (after reading Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD) Then I got rid of all grains, then sugar. Almost finished reading the Primal Blueprint, not sure how to get my family on board!
  • iluv2travel
    It's another scorching hot day here, thank goodness for continuous AC at work!

    Menu for today:
    Bfast - applewood smoked bacon, eggs over medium, coffee, half and half
    Lunch - leftover porkchop, yams, butter
    Dinner - picking up something from Trader Joes

    Down another 2.6 pounds this morning! I am just shy of 30 lost since July 30th.

    Wow Susan, that is awesome! :flowerforyou:
    You're welcome, glad that helped! I just got a box from iHerb myself and it was the first time that I liked the freebies I got! I got a stevia drink mix in (like Crystal Light stick) and a protein bar sample. Usually I get some weird or obscure supplements so this was a nice surprise. I just got the Berry flavor liquid stevia. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet but it smells pretty tasty.

    jamk1446 - I got those freebies in my box too! I ate the protein bar sample the minute I opened the box since I was hungry. lol. Let me know how you like the drink mix stick, I haven't tried mine yet.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I'm in. I just started back on it on Tuesday. I have completed it before and loved it. I don't get on here everyday to post but I am happy to offer support as often as I can. Feel free to friend me! :-)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all - I just want to express my sincere gratitude towards this group. Getting ready to go into my daily meditation to try and de-stress as much as I can.

    As you all know I am going through some personal things with my health and tomorrow is the day I find out the results.

    I just wanted to let you all know that you are all awesome and doing so well and I am proud to be part of this group.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    hi, good morning, I guess I missed all the diva drama and hate yesterday too. Too busy loving my paleo way of living I guess. For those of you who are new to this thread, welcome. I recommend reading from the begining.

    I too was brainwashed by the industry and my sports Federation to believe that FAT was bad and high carbs with low calorie net was the way to go, but after becoming anemic, and diabetic on a high carb. doc. prescribed diet, I switched to paleo and Im now doing great. Can't beat science or the facts. I'm shedding the layer of fat that was accumulating for no reason, eating more calories, stronger, healthier.... :)

    I've shared my testamony on a few of the threads, but I do have to say it's pretty depressing reading how much diabetes there is out there. At 112 lbs right now, when I was 10 lbs heavier at the start of 2011 the doctor I had, as well as my previous one before him, claimed that I was healthy even though my hypoglycemia quickly turned into diabetes, per their treatments. Like I've said before, as a personal trainer, my ego was shattered. Everything I've studied and worked for in life was not working. Now, with Paleo, it is! And, I'm not starving.

    Anyway, if you are paleo, please friend request me! I need more paleo friends here, and some more pats on my back. Only 2 weeks left in October, stay strong my friends! Keep those carbs low and be amazed at how strong your immune system will be; now is the time the food heathens start pigging out and getting sick. Brag about your health here, I won't mind!

    The next several months will be a test for me. I tend to go overboard at the holidays with all the sugar. I'm hoping now that I'm not craving it I will be strong enough to resist and resistance will NOT be futile. I've always been one of those people who at Thanksgiving just want to eat the turkey and skip the rest of the stuff, but then the Christmas cookies and candy get me every time.

    I started with 6 prescription meds and I've gotten rid of 2. 4 more to go is my ultimate goal.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    That said, I have a question...

    I have noticed personally that I don't handle certain carbs well... I do ok with carbs from fruit, veggies and most roots but particularly flours (sorguhm, nut flour, tapioca flour, rice flour etc...) kill me. Do any of you find that if you consume even gluten-free baked goods (think the pizza crust, flax muffins, udi's bagels etc...) that you blow up like a Macy's Parade balloon? :noway: If so, have you found anything besides time that helps alleviate it? Besides avoiding it all together because its already been consumed.

    I'm a big time water drinker so I know that will help flush the salt naturally associated, I'm working up a sweat everyday and drinking green tea but my tummy looks like I'm going to have a pizza baby... ideas?

    Oh, and lesson learned this time- I won't be gorging on pizza again anytime soon. :sick: :grumble:

    Yes, standard gluten-free foods cause me problems as well. All I know to do is wait it out as well so I know indulging in something like that will have negative effects for 48-72 hours. Knowing that keeps me from indulging very often. I do much better with coconut flour or nut flour treats. Maybe taking some digestive enzymes at the time of consumption would help, I'm pretty new to that therapy and haven't eaten anything like that in a while to test the idea.

    Me too most all grains give me problems. have ntot had any rice in a while so I don't know hwo it affects me. I can once in a great while- once a month kinda deal, have a small handful of popcorn or corn chips without much problems beyond that I stay away from grains . I do ok with almond flour and flax seed meal.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    hi, good morning, I guess I missed all the diva drama and hate yesterday too. Too busy loving my paleo way of living I guess. For those of you who are new to this thread, welcome. I recommend reading from the begining.

    I too was brainwashed by the industry and my sports Federation to believe that FAT was bad and high carbs with low calorie net was the way to go, but after becoming anemic, and diabetic on a high carb. doc. prescribed diet, I switched to paleo and Im now doing great. Can't beat science or the facts. I'm shedding the layer of fat that was accumulating for no reason, eating more calories, stronger, healthier.... :)

    I've shared my testamony on a few of the threads, but I do have to say it's pretty depressing reading how much diabetes there is out there. At 112 lbs right now, when I was 10 lbs heavier at the start of 2011 the doctor I had, as well as my previous one before him, claimed that I was healthy even though my hypoglycemia quickly turned into diabetes, per their treatments. Like I've said before, as a personal trainer, my ego was shattered. Everything I've studied and worked for in life was not working. Now, with Paleo, it is! And, I'm not starving.

    Anyway, if you are paleo, please friend request me! I need more paleo friends here, and some more pats on my back. Only 2 weeks left in October, stay strong my friends! Keep those carbs low and be amazed at how strong your immune system will be; now is the time the food heathens start pigging out and getting sick. Brag about your health here, I won't mind!

    The next several months will be a test for me. I tend to go overboard at the holidays with all the sugar. I'm hoping now that I'm not craving it I will be strong enough to resist and resistance will NOT be futile. I've always been one of those people who at Thanksgiving just want to eat the turkey and skip the rest of the stuff, but then the Christmas cookies and candy get me every time.

    I started with 6 prescription meds and I've gotten rid of 2. 4 more to go is my ultimate goal.

    My hubby and I are doing a low carb Holiday just like we have in previous years. My husband who subscribes more to Atkins way of eating will get 2 splurges - macaroni and cheese and yeast rolls that I make from scratch.

    Our menu will be as follows:

    Free range Wild Turkey that my uncle killed
    sweet potatoes
    Collard Greens
    Pumpkin and sweet potato pies made with nut crusts
    Hubby's splurges of macaroni and cheese and yeast rolls

    Fresh ham from a local farm
    sweet potatoes
    Collard Greens
    Pumpkin and sweet potato pies made with nut crusts
    Hubby's splurges of macaroni and cheese and yeast rolls

    Try and make yourself some appropriate cookies or candy / treats. I have some recipes that I will post shortly.
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I just found out about Paleo/Primal eating last night in all the ruckus on the boards. It probably wasn't the best way to find out but...here I am! So where do I start to learn about these 2 ways of eating? Anyone care to give a summary? Thank you so much!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hi! I just found out about Paleo/Primal eating last night in all the ruckus on the boards. It probably wasn't the best way to find out but...here I am! So where do I start to learn about these 2 ways of eating? Anyone care to give a summary? Thank you so much!

    Hi and welcome.

    Basically -

    You want to cut out all processed foods and eat from the earth, what is natural.

    With that being said..........

    Meat - if you can afford free range, grass fed pastured meats the better and you can eat the fat and skin on these meats. Wild game meats also...............if you have to shop for meats from the regular grocery store, then buy leaner cuts and supplement fat via rendered bacon fat, coconut oil. olive oil, etc........

    Vegetables - Eat a wide variety and eat a lot of vegetables.

    Fruit - Eat some fruit, not a lot. If you are trying to cut fat, then eat berries or no fruit for a while so it will stop insulin production.

    Fats: The higher the fat the better. Bacon fat, beef tallow, butter, ghee, coconut oil are all your friend.

    Nuts and seeds: Eat a variety. Walnuts, pecans, almonds and macadamia nuts are best. As are sunflower seeds.

    Dairy - Raw, unpasteurized and non-homogenized dairy is best. Raw milk, cheese, yogurt, butter...........if your body can tolerate dairy eat it. If it does not, then stay away from it.

    Do not eat or severely limit grains and legumes, including peanuts.

    Stevia and raw honey are usable items.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Also, you will want to start out tracking your food just for ratios and such. Calorie counting is not necessary. As time goes along you will learn naturally to eat intuitively by listening to your body and you will give it the fuel it needs, when it needs it.

    A good ratio to start out at is: Fat 70%, protein 20% and carbs 10%.
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Awesome thank you! Seems like we're in the right direction. We buy whole ingredients (vegetable, fruit, grass fed meat, very little packaged foods) I am a believer in listening to your body too.

    Are eggs incuded in what you eat? Are there any good links to check out? I'm slowly making my way through this long thread haha. Thanks again!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Awesome thank you! Seems like we're in the right direction. We buy whole ingredients (vegetable, fruit, grass fed meat, very little packaged foods) I am a believer in listening to your body too.

    Are eggs incuded in what you eat? Are there any good links to check out? I'm slowly making my way through this long thread haha. Thanks again!

    Yes, eggs...........Whole eggs!! Those lovely little yellowish orange and white perfect foods. I get mine from a lady that raises chickens down the road from me and the yolks are almost orange!!

    They are very rich and yummy too.
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Great thank you! We'd love to own some chickens....but for now we get free range eggs. Off to do more research!!