October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Yes ma'am!! I love soup!! This is one of my favorites:

    Pumkin Coconut Soup
    (I have made this non-vegan by sauteing fresh pork sausage and skipping on the oil or margarine)

    Thank you for posting this link!!! :flowerforyou:
    I made my own version and it is DELICIOUS!!!
    I used a pat of butter to sauté the onion & 1/2 cup pumpkin pureé. Added 1/2 cup Aroy-D coconut milk (in the green carton ... the BEST coconut milk IMHO) chicken bouillon, curry, garlic powder & s&p.
    It took no time at all and is now a new favorite.

    edited to add: the Aroy-D coconut milk in the green carton has two ingredients ... coconut extract and water. It is the best coconut milk I've tried and I've tried about 5 in the can and couldn't find one I really liked.

  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    This looks delicious......and I had to share.

    Primal Texas Chili

    Probably going to make this for dinner tonight........and tomorrow.......and the next night.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    This looks delicious......and I had to share.

    Primal Texas Chili

    Probably going to make this for dinner tonight........and tomorrow.......and the next night.

    I had to chuckle at myself when I read the part about Texans and no beans in their chili. Because the first thing I do when anyone shares a chili recipe is scan to see if beans are in the ingredient list. If there's beans it's not chili, it's stew. It may be delicious, but it's stew.
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    So far, so good :). Eating paleo/primal has been an easy transition, but now I need to focus on eating less calories. I have been finding myself eating more when I have been having carb cravings. I suppose this will pass.

    I want to try to focus on skipping a meal or 2 this week, a mini fast.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    As you can tell, I didn't join the group. Will be watching from the sidelines while I try and get motivated again. I've gotten off the Primal path a bit and my body is showing it doesn't like it - bloated, inflammation, weight gain, etc. Trying to get my focus back. It's amazing what a little bit of sugar will do - it's a downward spiral like an recovering alcoholic getting a taste of booze. It will actually consume my mind (like the 7-11 Pumpkin Spice Latte that's back). I've had some binges. Why can't I have exercise binges? Why do they have to be sugar (or carb) binges.

    So - I am trying to get some structure back. I hate structure.

    I have never liked beans in my chili but always thought that was weird. Nice to know it is actually the way it's supposed to be.
  • iluv2travel
    This looks delicious......and I had to share.

    Primal Texas Chili

    Probably going to make this for dinner tonight........and tomorrow.......and the next night.

    That chili recipe looks good!!!

    Menu for today:
    Bfast - Egg omelette with bell peppers and pastrami, almond butter, coffee
    Lunch - Leftover ground beef stuffed peppers
    Dinner - Grilled pork chops and broccoli

    I seem to not have an appetite since yesterday. I still eat at my usual times but I will only have a few bites (or force myself to finish the food i brought). The only time that I felt hungry was before dinner last night but I got full after eating a couple of stuffed peppers... Does this sound normal?
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member

    I seem to not have an appetite since yesterday. I still eat at my usual times but I will only have a few bites (or force myself to finish the food i brought). The only time that I felt hungry was before dinner last night but I got full after eating a couple of stuffed peppers... Does this sound normal?

    I can't speak for normal, but I find myself totally not hungry whatsoever this morning, after less than a week of paleo. The coffee with cream and stevia is being plenty to put in my body... I've put dinner in the crockpot (pork loin chops and sweet potatos) and have a date for coffee at Starbuck's later, to which I am taking paleo macaroons and ordering a short breve. I think I'll stick some jerky and nuts in my bag in case I do get hungry. I'm trying to learn to eat that whole intuitive way...which IS normal, I think. hehe I hardly think if I don't eat that I will starve to death, and will try to look at this as a lean time in the cave. :)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I seem to not have an appetite since yesterday. I still eat at my usual times but I will only have a few bites (or force myself to finish the food i brought). The only time that I felt hungry was before dinner last night but I got full after eating a couple of stuffed peppers... Does this sound normal?

    I peeked at your diary, you've been eating really low carb. That can really kill your appetite for food. Monitor how you feel and your weight over the next several days/ weeks. If you continue to not want to eat enough to fuel your body and maintain energy, or are losing too rapidly or are going below your goal weight, you may want to consider upping your carb intake a bit. It may not take that much, just get above 80gram/ day.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I tried and tried to post a picture of Thai Green Eggplant and couldn't get it to work, however, this link will take you to a nice pic and some cooking ideas at the Cornucopia Connection.

    Bon Appetite!


    Thanks as always ResilientWoman!!!
  • iluv2travel
    I seem to not have an appetite since yesterday. I still eat at my usual times but I will only have a few bites (or force myself to finish the food i brought). The only time that I felt hungry was before dinner last night but I got full after eating a couple of stuffed peppers... Does this sound normal?

    I peeked at your diary, you've been eating really low carb. That can really kill your appetite for food. Monitor how you feel and your weight over the next several days/ weeks. If you continue to not want to eat enough to fuel your body and maintain energy, or are losing too rapidly or are going below your goal weight, you may want to consider upping your carb intake a bit. It may not take that much, just get above 80gram/ day.

    Thanks for your suggestion! I'll increase my carbs a little bit and see how I feel. I'm used to eating every 2-3 hours and it's so weird to not feel hungry, my tummy always feels satisfied which I think is a good feeling =)
  • iluv2travel

    I seem to not have an appetite since yesterday. I still eat at my usual times but I will only have a few bites (or force myself to finish the food i brought). The only time that I felt hungry was before dinner last night but I got full after eating a couple of stuffed peppers... Does this sound normal?

    I can't speak for normal, but I find myself totally not hungry whatsoever this morning, after less than a week of paleo. The coffee with cream and stevia is being plenty to put in my body... I've put dinner in the crockpot (pork loin chops and sweet potatos) and have a date for coffee at Starbuck's later, to which I am taking paleo macaroons and ordering a short breve. I think I'll stick some jerky and nuts in my bag in case I do get hungry. I'm trying to learn to eat that whole intuitive way...which IS normal, I think. hehe I hardly think if I don't eat that I will starve to death, and will try to look at this as a lean time in the cave. :)

    I think we are at a phase where we learn how our bodies work... Isn't it weird to not feel hungry during those times that you used to be hungry? I also have some jerky in my bag plus raw almond butter and a spoon. LOL
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Two amazing meal discoveries today that will help anyone on a budget -

    First, woke up to a power outage when my CPAP lost power and I began to suffocate. :cry: This occurred over 2 hours before we usually wake up. :sad: Thank goodness, I'm okay now! :smile: No permanent harm done. By the time the electricity was restored, we were very late for breakfast and this is what I ate due to being out of bacon, sausage and leftover meats:

    Breakfast (almost lunch time):

    I had 4 eggs fried in a teaspoon of bacon grease topped with 1 can of Sardines in Louisiana Hot Sauce. OMGoodness, this was an unexpected delight. The hot sauce plus fish juices mixing in with the warm runny yolks were out of this world delicious! Now I grew up in New Orleans with seafood omelets and have since come to love the traditional Pacific NW's Salmon Scrambles (everyday fare) and Dungeness Crab for Christmas (breakfast or dinner) but as many seafood related dishes as I've nom nom nom-ed, I have never put sardines on my fried eggs or any other kind of egg. :love:

    Lunch: was too full from breakfast which was served almost at lunch time so I had tea.

    Tea: busy with an unexpected client so more tea


    Didn't feel like standing up making salmon cakes one at a time in my smaller omelet pan (our larger pan died and wouldn't have let them release) was more work than I could fathom so...I got creative with looking around in the cupboard and refrigerator and playing the game "what foods need to be cooked first and how can I combine them in a brand new way?"

    Threw some butter in a medium sauce pan, followed quickly by the finely minced onion that would have gone in the salmon cakes. Added a tiny yellow squash and a larger zucchini (both cut into a similar sized small dice so that they'd cook evenly and quickly) that were given to be by my coach when she knew she wouldn't get to eat all of her CSA veggies before she had to fly out of state but which I hadn't gotten to yet. :laugh:

    So butter, onion, zucchini...then half a cup of Gertie's Finest Artichoke Tapenade and a few Tbsp of Okie Joe's Coconut Lime Salsa (which has both coconut milk and a little tomato). Lastly, stir in the can of salmon (14.75 oz) until thoroughly flaked, warm gently till salmon is heated through and serve in a bowl as a seafood stew. Topping with a splash of coconut cream or pastured, cultured sour cream optional. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Singing "put the lime in the coconut" now. :drinker:

    Hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for the soup and chili suggestions!

    I haven't had meals this inexpensive taste this awesome in a while. So glad I discovered them! :bigsmile:
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    For the record........my chili smells in-frigging-credible. wow........ i can't wait to try it!

    3 lbs ground beef
    1 lbs bacon
    2 chorizo sausages
    1 & 1/2 onions
    3 cloves garlic
    1 red hot pepper
    1 jalepeno
    2 diced tomatoes

    way too many spices

  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    For the record........my chili smells in-frigging-credible. wow........ i can't wait to try it!

    3 lbs ground beef
    1 lbs bacon
    2 chorizo sausages
    1 & 1/2 onions
    3 cloves garlic
    1 red hot pepper
    1 jalepeno
    2 diced tomatoes

    way too many spices


    Pics and smell-a-vision please!
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I can't do much for the smell.......but you can certainly have a look and use your imagination

    MUDDERinTRAINING Posts: 14 Member
    Thought I'd drag myself back to the thread to share that I'm still alive...and semi-succeeding at my Whole30 challenge (had one super naughty dessert, but otherwise trying to follow the instructions to a T).
    I want to say a big thank you to those of you who offered up pep talks when I was having my sugar meltdown the other day. I'm now on day 9/30 and am finding that food choices are becoming slightly easier...though my sweet tooth is still in full effect. I'm planning to keep on chugging along. You all serve as wonderful proof that it can be done and that the rewards of good health are worth it!
  • carriebgood
    Hi everyone!
    I see that I'm too late to join the 30 day challenge, but I was so excited to find Paleo/Primal people on this site, I just wanted to join in on the fun! I've been doing this for about 5 months now with varying degrees of fidelity (sometimes a "cheat" is cottage cheese; sometimes it's a bite of cookie dough...) but I am committed to the lifestyle for the long haul. It's great to "meet" you all; I look forward to seeing your progress. Congratulations to all of you for getting healthier/losing weight/working toward your goals!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I see that I'm too late to join the 30 day challenge, but I was so excited to find Paleo/Primal people on this site, I just wanted to join in on the fun! I've been doing this for about 5 months now with varying degrees of fidelity (sometimes a "cheat" is cottage cheese; sometimes it's a bite of cookie dough...) but I am committed to the lifestyle for the long haul. It's great to "meet" you all; I look forward to seeing your progress. Congratulations to all of you for getting healthier/losing weight/working toward your goals!

    Hi! Glad you found us. There is no reason you cannot start whenever you are ready. I intend to keep this challenge going for new and veteran paleo and primal folk alike, one month at a time with help from the incredible community of Primal/Paleo MFPs, such as Grokette who started us off with our September Whole 30 Challenge.

    Feel free to jump in any day and just start where you are, then move forward for 30 days and post your nsv's and your experiences. If you have wisdom to share with those already in the challenge, don't hesitate. We do not require perfection but strive to heal our lives and concentrate some effort toward that end. We are here to tell each other what's working, share recipes, rave about our latest training session and build community.

    Get your Grok on!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I can't do much for the smell.......but you can certainly have a look and use your imagination


    Okay, actually drooling. LOL
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    good morning everyone!~ Just want to share about how awesome hemp seeds are. Hemp Hearts are sold from farmers in Canada, and I get mine from Graine Du Chanvre Decortique, health canada license T0052 c 01 in the 454g tub. Rocky Mountain Grain Products (299614 AB Ltd.) At about $30 a tub from a retailer, or cheeper (much much cheeper) online.

    I gives you more amino acids (protien) than milk, meat or eggs; is about 47% oil, which is mostly omega 3,6 &9 kind; contains several times more omega 3 than any fish; a 55g serving (5 tblspns)
    contains 314 calories,
    and 20g protein!
    and 5.9 g carbs,
    3.3 g fiber,
    2.6mg iron, 40.6mg Calcium, 5mg Sodium, 5mg vit. E, .55mg vit C, .07mg B6, .18mg B2, l76mg B1
    1200 IU vit D, 2.2 IU vit A, .38g Potassium, .4g Phosphous

    The tub actually says, "...Diabetics should totally avoid starches, sweet fruit as well as processed cereals and other starches.... Sedentary individuals should avoid consuming Hemp Hearts after breakfast or they may have too much energy to sleep later."

    :) lol. so true.