Whole 30 - November Challenge (Closed Group)



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey there everyone.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

    I just want what is best for everyone. Personally for me, I have to stick to it on the straight and narrow because of my health conditions.

    Maybe I am not the one that needs to be leading this group. I will find a replacement and graciously bow out.

    Who wants to take over leading the group?

    Thanks and have a great day.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    How is everyone doing?.. I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking.. it takes time to cook stuff.. especially with kids,a baby and a dog needing my attention first thing. I was going to weigh and take measurements but I'm puffy today and decided I really don't want to know. so i'm going to skip it.ha ha!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey there everyone.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

    I just want what is best for everyone. Personally for me, I have to stick to it on the straight and narrow because of my health conditions.

    Maybe I am not the one that needs to be leading this group. I will find a replacement and graciously bow out.

    Who wants to take over leading the group?

    Thanks and have a great day.
    I think you should stay on as leader. I think it's an awesome idea to just have everyone set their own goals that they want to hit for the month and use this thread to be accountable.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking..

    Can someone remind me why you should eat protein so quickly in the morning? I've heard it before...Is it because your body burns it up so quickly? I am certainly all about eating breakfast, I know how important it is, but I usually don't want to eat until like 1.5-2 hours after waking, once I get to work. If my body is just going to burn up the protein so quickly in the morning, why can't I just not eat it, and wait until I am hungry for it?

  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Hey there everyone.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

    I just want what is best for everyone. Personally for me, I have to stick to it on the straight and narrow because of my health conditions.

    Maybe I am not the one that needs to be leading this group. I will find a replacement and graciously bow out.

    Who wants to take over leading the group?

    Thanks and have a great day.
    I think you should stay on as leader. I think it's an awesome idea to just have everyone set their own goals that they want to hit for the month and use this thread to be accountable.

    I agree! And to share ideas...NSVs...etc.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking..

    Can someone remind me why you should eat protein so quickly in the morning? I've heard it before...Is it because your body burns it up so quickly? I am certainly all about eating breakfast, I know how important it is, but I usually don't want to eat until like 1.5-2 hours after waking, once I get to work. If my body is just going to burn up the protein so quickly in the morning, why can't I just not eat it, and wait until I am hungry for it?


    Most people do the 50 grams of protein to get their body to reset Leptin Resistance.

    Check out Dr Jack Kruse.

  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking..

    Can someone remind me why you should eat protein so quickly in the morning? I've heard it before...Is it because your body burns it up so quickly? I am certainly all about eating breakfast, I know how important it is, but I usually don't want to eat until like 1.5-2 hours after waking, once I get to work. If my body is just going to burn up the protein so quickly in the morning, why can't I just not eat it, and wait until I am hungry for it?

    It is for the leptin reset to reset my metabolism strict paleo with 50 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking.. some of us are doing it but you certainly don't have to meet the 30 day challenge... paleo/primal rules state eat to hunger.. many people like IF- intermitten fasting.. so they naturally skip breakfast.. justt do what feels right for you.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    grokette. you are our mod and leader. :) let the newbies read and learn, don't take negativity personally. If someone says they can't, that's their problem. You and I know, can't is a word that just isn't polite on our thread. lol, no biggie. But keep your chin up, paleo is a wol that many (including me until August) just can't see themselves doing.

    I used to think that this was something you did to get cut before a show. Wow, was I wrong. Paleo is a wol for health. You know it, I know it. Eventually, others will know it. No amount of begging or apologizing to someone to research and commit to the guidelines is worth the stress. We can help, but we just have to be good at that. Our testamonies and experiences will help allot of people. That's so worth sticking around.

    we only ask that you commit to doing your best if you say you are joining us. The Oldtimers here like me who've done this for at least one full month are sharing what has worked for us and we don't mind assisting you in your paleo journey.

    need to look at the paleo guidelines before commiting. That's all we ask. Don't make us crazy (should I, shouldn't I?, what to do? I guess I won't....) we don't like it when you make us crazy. I don't like it when you make my mod crazy. :sad:

    Please stay off posting in our closed group if you are not yet a group members. How do you become a member? Read the paleo 30day guidelines, and if you are ready to set your goals and have a support system here, post that you are joining, introduce yourself and be ready for some fun.

    Please consider reading the October paleo 30 thread
    completely for information before joining here, so you are informed and have a bit of a vibe to what we are doing here. If you have been in communication with me or another member, welcome. If you are a serious lurker, welcome. If you are wishy washy and think this is a fad diet, hmmmm, this may not be the group you want to join but you are welcome to read the posts to learn more about paleo. There is tons of info. available in last month's thread.

    For the hard core Paleo, Grok On!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hey there everyone.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

    I just want what is best for everyone. Personally for me, I have to stick to it on the straight and narrow because of my health conditions.

    Maybe I am not the one that needs to be leading this group. I will find a replacement and graciously bow out.

    Who wants to take over leading the group?

    Thanks and have a great day.
    I think you should stay on as leader. I think it's an awesome idea to just have everyone set their own goals that they want to hit for the month and use this thread to be accountable.
    I second this.. you should definitely stay on as this month's leader.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking..

    Can someone remind me why you should eat protein so quickly in the morning? I've heard it before...Is it because your body burns it up so quickly? I am certainly all about eating breakfast, I know how important it is, but I usually don't want to eat until like 1.5-2 hours after waking, once I get to work. If my body is just going to burn up the protein so quickly in the morning, why can't I just not eat it, and wait until I am hungry for it?


    Most people do the 50 grams of protein to get their body to reset Leptin Resistance.

    Check out Dr Jack Kruse.


    Thanks! I'll start trying that and see how it impacts my hunger levels throughout the day.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    I managed to get 50 grams of protein within 45 minutes of waking..

    Can someone remind me why you should eat protein so quickly in the morning? I've heard it before...Is it because your body burns it up so quickly? I am certainly all about eating breakfast, I know how important it is, but I usually don't want to eat until like 1.5-2 hours after waking, once I get to work. If my body is just going to burn up the protein so quickly in the morning, why can't I just not eat it, and wait until I am hungry for it?

    It is for the leptin reset to reset my metabolism strict paleo with 50 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking.. some of us are doing it but you certainly don't have to meet the 30 day challenge... paleo/primal rules state eat to hunger.. many people like IF- intermitten fasting.. so they naturally skip breakfast.. justt do what feels right for you.

    Thanks! As I told Grokette, I'll give this a try and see if it impacts my hunger levels throughout the day...worth a shot!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Okay, so I took my measurements this morning before breakfast:

    Weight: 134.2 lbs (I'm 5'3.5")
    Chest: 37.5"
    Waist: 27.5"
    Hips: 37.25"

    I'm not trying to lose weight since I'm at a "happy weight" for my body and my husband and I are trying to conceive (or, actually, I am trying to regulate my cycles).

    My goals are:

    1) To keep a clean paleo diet this month to help combat the inflammation (very evident in my skin but probably present throughout my body and not really beneficial to the whole cycle-regulation thing). So, for me, that means: no grains, no dairy, no alcohol, no caffeine. I *am* going to keep my small square of 85% dark chocolate in the evening. I don't see this as a problem food for me (so long as it is a SQUARE not a BAR).

    2) Lift Heavy Things 2x/week

    3) Hikes near my home to get sun

    4) Folate, magnesium, cod liver oil daily

    5) SLEEP! Off the computer by 9, in bed with lights out by 11.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I second or third this as well and remind everyone that the written word may not sound the same when you read it as what the writer intended. :)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    how to pan fry safely.

    I'm just now getting into pan frying my chicken or meats. I prefer full frying or just baking. Last night I fried up some yummy chicken legs in bacon fat from last week's bacon, and the fat was spitting allot. Burned my face with one of the pops. :( What's up with that? Is there a safer way to pan fry? I used a deep pot. Maybe holding up a screen as I turn the legs? Any advice would be helpful. - BWB.

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    how to pan fry safely.

    I'm just now getting into pan frying my chicken or meats. I prefer full frying or just baking. Last night I fried up some yummy chicken legs in bacon fat from last week's bacon, and the fat was spitting allot. Burned my face with one of the pops. :( What's up with that? Is there a safer way to pan fry? I used a deep pot. Maybe holding up a screen as I turn the legs? Any advice would be helpful. - BWB.

    I would temporarily remove the pan from the heat when you want to turn food, I have found that to be helpful. As an extra measure, you can hold up the pot lid as a shield.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hope everyone's Wednesday is going well so far. I'm about to go eat my lunch at the picnic table again, it's still flipflop weather here which makes me enormously happy! I have been incredibly protein-hungry lately, not really sure exactly why that is but I'm going to quell the craving with quite a bit of rotisserie chicken.
  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey im here :)
    Starting stats:
    weight 88.5 kg
    height 158 cm
    waist 100 cm
    hips 118 cm

    Ill measure again 1st Dec.
    Will read through the thread now :)
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    I'm still in! I started in the middle of October so I don't have new starting info just yet! I need to buckle down for the last half of my month though! I've had too many bumps in the road so far. I got my husband on board so I'm now cooking this way for both of us, which really helps. Good luck to everyone!
  • help,

    how to pan fry safely.

    I'm just now getting into pan frying my chicken or meats. I prefer full frying or just baking. Last night I fried up some yummy chicken legs in bacon fat from last week's bacon, and the fat was spitting allot. Burned my face with one of the pops. :( What's up with that? Is there a safer way to pan fry? I used a deep pot. Maybe holding up a screen as I turn the legs? Any advice would be helpful. - BWB.

    I would temporarily remove the pan from the heat when you want to turn food, I have found that to be helpful. As an extra measure, you can hold up the pot lid as a shield.

    BWB, like jamk1446, i also remove the pan from heat for about 30 seconds, listen to check if the oil has mellowed a bit and then remove the lid. I also like wearing long sleeves and using my oven baking mitts as "gloves" to prevent oil from splattering on my hand :smile:
  • Hope everyone's Wednesday is going well so far. I'm about to go eat my lunch at the picnic table again, it's still flipflop weather here which makes me enormously happy! I have been incredibly protein-hungry lately, not really sure exactly why that is but I'm going to quell the craving with quite a bit of rotisserie chicken.

    It's flipflop weather here too! Can you believe its still warm in November?
This discussion has been closed.