VeggieZi Member


  • I wouldn't know. I've been "blessed" with being the only real fat person I've ever met. :/ I think it might just be fear over going back there... It doesn't make it right though...
  • Unfortunately, most people cannot see past the fat, can they?!
  • Last year I was 25 , and 91kgs. I'm now 73kgs so don't let anyone tell you "there's no going back" :)
  • Honestly, my reasons are very VERY superficial... I want to be able to wear the type of clothes I like AND look good in them, and I REALLY want to look as good with clothes as without them! Also, I got a little bit tired of being "the fat friend"...there's so much more in me than fat!
  • I don't really have goal measurements...I'd be very happy if I could go back to be a size 40(EU) in jeans...lower would be even great but for now I'm going with 40! I think when you reach your goal weight, your body type will adjust to it the best it can!
  • I've found a few c25k programs that extend from 9 to 12 weeks...I'll have to find "the one" for me! :D I also suffer from blisters: A LOT! But I've found that either socks that have no cotton and are reinforced at the middle OR dual layer socks help. Have you tried any of these? Portugal is always warm...even in its 11 ºC…
  • Hey! It's probably not the same goes my situation. I felt tired most of my life! I woke up tired, I went to bed tired, I was tired just to get up of the couch (even to eat!). I've always known myself like that so I didn't think much of it other than I was the laziest person on Earth. Eventually, given my values,…
  • I'm also thinking about doing a C25K soonish... but I'm probably just going to do some kind of 9 to 12 week program so I can go back to running...well maybe a C25K program will work, no? But first, the right trainers and blister proof socks! :D