

  • 25 years and counting! I didn't start dating until I was around 22, and I really just haven't met the right person. If you hold on to your v-card long enough, you don't want to hand it out to just anyone. I've taken a break from dating in the last little while, for personal reasons, so I can't say I'm actively trying. It…
  • That peppermint candy idea also sounds amazing! I like that they use the peppermint tea because it doesn't add any sweetness/calories to the beverage, and it's a more natural tasting flavour, but I think if I wanted a sugar kick, I would go the peppermint candy route!
  • I do! But not that often. I am trying to become more of a tea drinker, but most of those fruity and fun teas give me headaches, and I'm not fond of the taste of black tea, so I usually stick to green tea with a little bit of honey. If I want something with a little more life to it I will add some milk. I think my favourite…
  • I only have an ipod shuffle, and I don't have a lot of upbeat stuff. I think my favourite is a Toronto pop-punk band called Junior Battles. They always seem to make me move a little faster. OP, you might enjoy them. They are kind of Fallout Boy-esque.
  • Hey ladies! I am 5' 6", and I had a start weight of 189. I joined in mid-September. I've been taking things at a comfortable and realistic pace, and I am down 19 pounds. My initial goal was 160, but now that I am down to 170 I've decided that my goal weight is between 145 and 155, depending on how much muscle I build in…
  • nice! I skated twice yesterday. Once before dinner, and then again afterwards!
  • One year my dad gave me a Spongebob Squarepants wall clock because I "love spongebob". I think I used to watch it (and mock it) back in high school, but I got this when I was probably 21 or 22. It's still in the box. This is a little unrelated, but lately my brother has been obsessed with Bruce Springsteen, so I made him a…
  • one year my friend ordered the tallest single tier trophy available at the trophy shop, and had them put a golden goat on it. She gave it to another one of our friends, it is known as the "goat on a stick"
  • seasoned and toasted chickpeas are apparently good. I haven't tried them yet, but I guess you just drain/rinse/drain some chickpeas, toss them in oil and seasonings, spread them out on a cookie sheet, bake for 20 @ 350, then give them a shuffle and bake for 20 more. I don't know what their shelf life is once prepped. Are…
  • mortifying but kind of adorable.
  • I used to be an addict, and now I can't even finish a can when I do drink it. I'm not sure how I got to this point though, I kind of just stopped drinking it. I think it started with forcing myself to drink water when I was thirsty, and only having a diet coke when I really wanted a treat. I grew to dislike the taste a bit…
  • Is it similar to another more common chain or coffee establishment? I go to a local shop, and I usually just drink regular coffee, but when I get specialty drinks (lattes, etc) I just use Starbucks or Second Cup as my reference, because I figure it's similar. Also, if you know what's going in to your drinks (% of cream or…
  • Congratulations on your loss! Since you are still in a transitionary spot, I'd say just buy a few basics to get you through, or shop the clearance/sale sections (I mean, I do this anyway because I am cheap cheap!). A woman that I work with recently lost about 40lbs, but she didn't buy much new until she reached her goal…
  • I'm pushing 5' 6", and I have a curvy hourglass figure. I do love having curves, but I wouldn't mind having a few less of them!
  • I like to make pizza using naan bread. That way I can control the cheese/fat contents while putting all the veggies I want on it. I like red pepper, spinach (blanched), tomatoes and mushrooms with either a little bit of feta or a little bit of shredded cheese. I am a big fan of a veggie loaded pizza. For the base I usually…
  • Sometimes it can be really hard to read, and easily misunderstood. For example, a guy at my local coffee shop and I have had a flirty-type thing going for a few months, and recently that has progressed into me getting free coffee. The catch is, I'm pretty sure he's in a commited relationship. I can't figure out the right…
  • I do a fair bit of walking, both as exercise and out of need. I don't drive, but I live with people that do, and I live in a city where those things not in walking distance are accessed by a decent public transit system. I only log walks of a certain distance and pace, but I honestly can't stand walking slow. Anything…
  • thanks, new friend! Man, this is how I felt when I discovered Myspace.
  • Not to sound like a jerk, or anything...but there are a lot more than 6 or 7 kinds of food out there. Are you sure you don't like cooked vegetables? Maybe you just don't like the way you've been cooking them? I really dislike a lot of microwaved vegetables. I'd rather stir fry, sautee, grill or roast a lot of my veggies.…