

  • I disagree on weighing yourself so often. You have no control over how much your food weighs during the day. Also your water weight can fluctuate as much as 5lbs per day. It is best to weigh once per week and measure your waist once per week. If the tape is going down, you are losing fat. How to bust a plateau is also…
    in Plateau Comment by mkgillette July 2010
  • Bring a light salad. Eat the salad, wait for 15minutes then eat some of the BBQ foods. The salad will give you a sense of being full and you won't eat as much of the other things there. Remember it is best to allow your self two cheat meals per week. That way your metabolism will stay stimulated. Have a low carb day on…
  • Here might be a place to get some of your answers. It seems to me that your heart rate is too high on both ends. You are trying to burn fat not muscle. Try to maybe dial back the heart rate to a high of 160 and then let it drop to about 135. You will have…
  • If you enter strength training under cardio it will give you calories burned.