

  • I have been using this which someone had recommended in MFP a while back. http://www.zumbacalories.com/ I am not sure how accurate it is but its good enough for me ... !
  • I bought Zumba Total Body Transformation (paid $54 from amazon) and am now addicted. Expecially love the Sculpt&Tone and Flat Ab workout. If I had a choice I would just get those 2 DVDs alone , the other 2 DVDs are fun too. The toning sticks that come with it are too light for me , 1lb each, the heavier ones are a bit…
  • To enable other to view your food diary you can go to Settings , and then select your option from "Diary Settings". Have you been working out ? Do your clothes fit better ? Maybe you're losing inches ...?
  • Hi , I am on Day 7 of level 2 of 30DS... for a while I did 30DS alone and felt it was not enough ...so I have started doing a bit of Zumba as well whenever time permits. I think if you do some cardio in addition to 30DS you will see faster and better results.
  • Hello MCDerin ! Its so nice to hear from you , thanks much for your advice .....and you're absolutely right about the best workout being the one you Love doing ! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing Zumba !!!!!!!! :-) I tried it for the first time yesterday evening and I had a blast ! I bought the Zumba Cardio Party set to start off…
  • Hey ... thats great :-) Had a question , are you doing any other exercises along with 30 day shred ? I am on day 5 of level 2 , lost only 1 lb so far. I do feel stronger but am wondering if 25 mins of 30 DS is enough ?
  • Awesome , way to go ... it will only get better :) I just started Level 2 and was pleasantly surprised when I could do push ups in proper form for the 1st time.... you know , without the knees on the ground ! :-)
  • Hi , I dont have the Wii, but I am getting my Zumba DVDs tomorrow !! I am super excited :-) I will let you know how I feel about it in a couple of days after I try it out.
  • Yeah , I realize now that the DVD sets are quite expensive , a bit intimidated with the intense dance steps too as I am not much of a dancer ... but they promise upto 1000 calories burnt per session .. Sounds too good to not give it a shot !!! :smile:
  • Oh wow ... thank you so much for your advice , I really want to try the Zumba workout and have been researching for a week without much luck deciding which one would be the best ... I am going to try the Exhillerate and Cardio Party ! I just started 30 Day Shred Level 1 today and these would be a nice addition to that :)…
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