should i do both??

i am doing the 30 day shred..should i still do my treadmill also?? i am down 26 lbs so far and want to drop 15 more..your thoughts please =)


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I often do 30Ds in the morning and something else at night or Visa versa. Its up to you. Dont think it will do you any harm. x
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Absolutely, if you're feeling physically able to do both, there's no real reason why you shouldn't try.
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    What is the 30ds?
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    As long as you feel like your body can handle it then go for it! The more you work out the better you will feel and the fast the weigh should come off.
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
    What is the 30ds?

    30 day shred - a dvd by jillian michaels (from the biggest loser)
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    What is the 30ds?

    30 day shred. Jillian Michaels DVD.
  • Yeah, if you're up for doing both then do both. But don't overtrain. You're body needs to rest too. It's very important to rest if your doing decent strength training.
  • Add it in one day at a time and see how your body handles it. Take a day off from the tread mile if you need it (especially as you initially add it to being part of your regular routine.
  • Hi , I am on Day 7 of level 2 of 30DS... for a while I did 30DS alone and felt it was not enough I have started doing a bit of Zumba as well whenever time permits. I think if you do some cardio in addition to 30DS you will see faster and better results.
  • irunforfun
    irunforfun Posts: 113 Member
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    I think quite a lot of people combine the 30 Day Shred with cardio. I do 30DS in the morning before work then run or gym in the evening with one or two days off the cardio a week (I'm not doing weights at the .

    30 DS (30 Day Shred) is a Jillian Michaels workout DVD. There are 3 levels, each one harder than the last, which you do for 10 days each (or however long you're happy with) before progressing to the next. It's intense but as it's only 20 minutes you can always think that it's nearly over! It's very popular on here and if you want to see why you can serch the forums for the 30DS before and afters!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i say go for it. i walk about 8-11 miles a week along with 30ds every day
  • I guess i should add that i was doing 4 miles on the treadmill b4 i started the 30 day shred and i am olny on day 4 =)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    If it was me I would prob still use the treadmil but drop to 2 miles? and see how it goes. x
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    I am going to try it.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    ok you guys got me! I just requested the 30ds from netflix. Going to try it out!