Lori0510 Member


  • Sunday Share - I'm Lori, 46yo, married, 2 teenage boys. I live in Maryland, and work full time at a demanding job. While I've struggled with weight all my life, I really started packing on the pounds after graduate school (about 20 years ago). I've lost and regained 30-40 pounds a couple times, but mostly I've been…
  • Hi Everyone - hope you're having a good weekend. I have to say, since I've been staying focused on what I'm eating and on walking every day, I can start feeling the changes in both my body and in my energy levels. I'm a bit sore, but I'm definitely beginning to feel stronger!!! Great tips for newbies that Robin listed and…
  • Wow. John's last post and kah68's response above really hit a nerve with me. I also use food to mask my feelings, and recognize that I need to deal with that in order to be successful in the long run. It's something I'm really struggling with right now and I'm seeing my daily food diaries showing it. But I also am learning…
  • @BJ - you are doing an amazing job on your own, so just keep doing what is working for you! It's so tough when your family tries to "be helpful". Celebrate your success to date and suggest to your family that maybe they can help you in some other way - like cleaning your house. LOL. To all the teachers on the group - you…
  • m23prime and BoricuaMami57 - Thanks for the great comments and support. It means a lot and is helping me keep my motivation. :) It's amazing how much I'm coming to rely on my MFP friends after just a few short weeks!
  • I totally agree with you Kim!
  • Hi Everyone - This last week has been really busy so I haven't been checking in. I have not been as focused as I need to be on calories, exercise, and logging the last few days, but I'm getting back on track. It's a bit scary how easily a relapse can occur. Sounds like a lot of good things are happening for group members -…
  • You're doing amazing! Congratulations. It's inspirational to hear about your success and the new active life you're able to pursue now!
  • Hi Everyone - Monday check-in -- I feel like I've been doing really well - staying on target and under calories; getting exercise and water in most days. I had a little slip up at dinner tonight - wasn't watching how much I was eating as well as I should have, then was picking at the leftovers. It wasn't a totally bad day…
  • @ Lori - What kind of dog do you have? I have a little 11 lb Bichon/Poodle and she loves to go walking too. Unfortunately, she drives me nuts because she thinks she has to squat at every smell. I just want to walk and have to pull her along. I take her once in awhile, but not every time that's for sure. Susan - I have a…
  • I'm beginning to realize that (1) I need to believe that I am WORTH the effort of getting healthy; and (2) I cannot do it alone. The first part will come with a lot of work; but the second is why I'm on MFP. Over the last couple weeks, I know folks are looking at my daily food and exercise logs and offering suggestions and…
  • Several insomniacs in the group today! I couldn't get back to sleep from my nightly visit to the restroom - my brain started thinking about the things I didn't finish from work yesterday and what I need to do today. So I figured I may as well just get up and get some of it done, which I did before checking in with MFP. I…
  • Good morning! Stepped on the scale and was really happy to see a 3lb loss! It's a great way to start the day. I do think some of it is water weight, but I'll take it! :) @BJCamp - what book are you reading? I'm always looking for a good one. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • If you use a smartphone, I like the Map My Run app. It's easy to use and will track how far you go as well as your speed. It will give you updates at each mile as well. Good luck!
  • Hi there. Just got back from vacation at the beach. My favorite place! :) I started the week off strong - making good food choices, exercising daily, drinking my water. Things fell off some as the week went on and by the last day, I had lost some control. The good news is that I broke even on the trip (I'll count that as a…
  • I also feel like laurarichards - I'm 46 yo and missing out on so many things because of my weight and size. I've been sitting on the sidelines too long. Plus, I feel terrible - my knees hurt constantly, my hips are starting to hurt, I've been fearful of stroke and heart attack with all the extra pounds I'm carrying. Two…
  • Starting Day 2 and feeling better already. Kaye! - I agree, the Hawaiian Haystacks sound really yummy! And if it's a lot of food that's good - my teenage boys eat A LOT! lol. naceto - Good luck! Congrats on making it to the finals. Wishing you the best! Robin - you are rocking those squats! I'm very impressed! Hope…
  • Good suggestions! Thanks!
  • I'm entering what I find to be the most challenging time of the day -- mid afternoon. I find myself wanting to start snacking. I'll have to plan for this time each day. I'm interested in what kinds of snacks you find to be filling and satisfying?
  • I like having the goals for the month. Count me in.
  • Hi. You're all got great energy in this group. Is there room for another?
  • Hi, I love the positive energy of this group. Congrats on the success many of you have seen so far. I've been a member for a while but never really committed to logging in and tracking my food. The scale keeps creeping up though and I feel worse and worse. I weighed in this morning at 307. I've never been so heavy and I…
  • Hi. My name is Lori and like some others in the group, I joined MFP a while ago but never used it. Several years ago I did start having success losing weight by logging in calories but got off track. I'm now at my highest weight, feel terrible, and need to focus on getting strong and healthy and losing this weight.…