Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    I eat about 80 calories less than my BMR and about 20% below my TDEE. For the most part I would say its a good fit, but since my fish oil has been increased to 10g a day I still need to tweak some things to account for the extra fat - its still a work in progress! :grumble: Hopefully that makes sense.

    Okay, I am confused about the comparison of these two numbers being a target as to what to eat. I have a difference of 480 calories between my TDEE (minus 20%) and BMR (minus 80 cal). Are these two numbers to be within a few numbers of each other? What am I missing?

  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there. Just got back from vacation at the beach. My favorite place! :) I started the week off strong - making good food choices, exercising daily, drinking my water. Things fell off some as the week went on and by the last day, I had lost some control. The good news is that I broke even on the trip (I'll count that as a win); I still was pretty active many of the days so got some good exercise in; and now that I'm home, I'm back on track. Looking for a loss this week!

    Sounds like most of you are doing really well this week! Keep up the good work!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Tuesday check in: So I have decided to stop doing the running program and will start it up once again when I lose more weight. My shin splints are really bothering and I have figured out that I can burn just as many calories doing a fast walk with varying speeds and inclines on the treadmill. I feel really great and the scale is finally going down once again.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The Knee is doing better and it did get a workout today. Still a little stiff and sore but walking makes it feel better. It was a good thing that I worked out with my trainer today. She keep me from pushing it to hard. Today, we focused on strengthening the ankles which impacts the muscles around the knee. Tomorrow I will go back to the chiropractor and swim after that so I can keep the cardio going. I will see how the knee deals with the swimming. Talk about yelling at our trainers, my trainer got after me about what I am eating --again smallest meal at night largest meal in the evening. She is happy that I dropped the amount of protein and I am eating more whole grains. Now, I just need to eat to a smaller dinner. Today, she thought that I had lost weight- the scale does not confirm that but I think my body is changing shape so hopefully that will mean a smaller size.

    Beth- Sorry that you left your fitbit behind. You can use your smartphone to track your miles traveled. I know there are many programs such as My Tracks that will work. It will provide the miles and speed etc so that might help. The only draw back it may drain the battery power of your phone a little faster than normal.

    kaye- 27 people- Wow, that is a lot of cooking for the family. Have a great evening.

    Karen-Thanks for sharing the article.

    Susan- The bike ride may have contributed to the knee but I stepped in the hole later in the afternoon. Today, while warming up at the gym, I managed to catch my foot on the floor and the pain shot threw the knee. Needless to say I recreated what I did when I stepped in the hole. The leg swings moved up to the yoga step so I was farther off the ground-did not want a repeat.

    Virgo- Glad the fundraiser went well. There is a website that posts running events across the nation that your cousin can use to promote the 5K next year. I usually google 5K runs and come across several websites that promote the different events and you can sign up on-line. Great job on winning the weight loss challenges.

    Luster- hope the shin splints go away soon. Increase the incline slowly so you don't over stress the shins.

    Goals- Time to start rethinking my meals this week. Large breakfast, smaller dinner and I will see what happens.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    So, just when I posted my gripe, the regular UPS driver delivered my shoes (it was a sub yesterday) and I felt bad for being such a grouch about it!!! :embarassed:

    I did the whole day 1, week 4 of C25K with the only modification being that I added 2 extra min. of walking between the last 2 run intervals.... and about 6 extra min. of walking to the end just to bump me up to the full 2 miles!!! The actual run time last week was just 9 min. and this week it is up to 16 min.!!! I am SO excited to have gotten through such an increase in run time!!!:bigsmile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I took another day off from the gym today, was just too tired to get through a workout - didn't sleep well last night. Ran some errands on the way home. Now I hear thunder - could it be that wet stuff may fall??? I'll believe it when I see it! :laugh:

    @John~BMR and TDEE are basically the same thing. The assessment I have done at my gym measures Basal Metabolic Rate. TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure, they are both calories your body burns in a day just doing basic things. Essentially if you eat below your TDEE you lose weight. I should have explained it better. Here is a link to a page that explains it really well.

    @Laurie~I'm having to revamp my meals too. I know I wasn't getting enough whole grains before, been almost gluten free even though I don't need to be. So I'm reintroducing that stuff starting tomorrow, I'm also cutting back on fat and upping the protein (my trainer says I'm not getting enough). Hopefully these changes will get the scale moving again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    What a blessed, blessed day I had today - :love: although it didn't start well, it really ended well! I had a tire on my car blow- out as I was driving a car-load of food over to my friend's house this morning. I managed to pull to the side of the road and get the hazard lights on and the hood up. I was about 15 minutes from my friends house, but I couldn't reach her on her cell phone. Turns out her husband (in the hospital w/ brain tumor) needed her at the hospital and she had left for the hospital and not turned her phone on. I didn't know who to call or what to do. But I was expecting my ex-bf at my place in 2 hrs. as I was going to help him pick out a cemetery plot - so I called him and told him. Just them a handsome man in a Corvette drove up and asked me if I needed help with my car. I told my ex I'd call him back, and turned to Mr. Cool, and said Yes. Well, he pulled out the spare tire (it was flat) and jacked up the car, changed tires, and followed me to a gas station to make sure HE put air in the tire at the right pressure. When I tried to pay him, he said "Put it in the collection plate on Sunday, and pay it forward" and drove off into the sunset.
    I made it home in time to meet my ex- who I'll just call my buddy, now, and well, he looked at the blown tire and then he looked at the rest of the tires and he said " You need 4 new tires. I'll pay for them. You've had too many financial problems and car problems lately." He blew me away!
    And off we went - we got new tires on the car,on him, and we kept his appointment with the cemetery to look at plots, with him looking to me for advice as I've already buried so many people. I guess we are best friends. I never knew life would take such strange twists and turns.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Back from vacation and had a wonderful time. The most positive thing happened. I ate whatever I wanted in moderation and not bingeing and even though I did not have a wedge to sleep on, I didnt have GERD any night except the last one. The difference I believe is that I swam each night after dinner and I was very relaxed. At home, I go to work on my Ebay store after dinner and work very late. The one night I had Gerd, we ate leftovers and the only leftover I got was a rich Linguine from Olive Garden that my daughter had.

    I decided that I would walk every night after dinner (more than 15 minutes) and swim at the pool while it is open. Since I have been missing morning water aerobics due to lack of sleep, I decided to do water aerobics in the evening. I did the walking/pool tonight and got in 50% of my exercise goals for the day from the walk and pool only.

    My goals this week are to walk to the pool after dinner and spend time in the pool. For bad weather, I will substitute 1 hr at the gym on the bike and treadmill.

    Robin - You are a good person and good things happen to good people. Was the corvette white (as in rode in on a white horse)?

    Will weigh in tomorrow

    Welcome newbies

  • Hey Everyone :)

    Tuesday goals: Hmm I have so many goals, career, s/o relationship, education, body, mental, spiritual, and friendship wise.

    Career Wise I'd like to move up, im lower level management and I make sucky money. My friend who just moved up told me that I am mean to our boss. I don't try to be but My personality is very direct and very straight forward, one of my goals not only professionally but with my personal relationships is to be more caring and understanding and to word things differently. The truth hurts and Most people need to be coddled and PC'ed.. I need to learn how to be a coddler first, I want my first reaction to be that of the persons feelings, and how rewording something and still getting my point across, is a better option.

    I probably wont get the promotion I forgot that I was suppose to be trying to change lol.. I "argued" with my boss like a billion times today he told me to do really stupid stuff, things that if I did i'd have to fix next week, effectively doing 3 times the work it was pointless..especially when I have 0 help and literally the work of 15 people, he begged me to do it and I did.. now it will be very difficult to undo when the time comes... but I had to listen to be nice lol.... I wish I wouldn't have argued because if I get the position i'll be directly under him one more stop to his spot and who wants someone who argues all the time as their right hand man or woman.. geeze I think I blew it but i'll talk to him tomorrow and see if I can smooth it over...I hope I get it I really really want it.

    Body wise I have been doing good, keeping on track the last 3 days trying to undo the damage aunt flo did with her visit lol... My goal is to take it two weeks at a time.. either weigh every two weeks or not, and to have one meal a month that isn't my reward meal but a meal that I really want like pizza or Chinese.. something that is usually very calorie dense and bloats you for a couple days... I can only do that once a month lol...

    Food My goal is just to keep it simple. Im not calorie counting per se just making good choices and the calories should be okay.

    S/o relationship wise... I broke up with my boyfriend... two weeks ago completely ignored his calls and texts and blocked his number.. yesterday was his birthday.. so of coarse I had to say Happy Birthday and it lead to us having dinner together and making plans for the weekend. He texted me today and he kind of seems back to normal, I don't know. Its weird. When he kisses me goodnight like literal best kiss ive ever had, he makes me feel so good... probably because hes so bad for me. My goal is to find a guy that's marriage material, that loves me as much as I love him, that doesn't play games, has a career and goals, a Christian and just a good person. Well I hope he finds me lmaooooo

    I think I've typed enough, my goal is to improve in every way and just be a better human being. :)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome newlings!

    Tuesday goals - to make it through the rest of the week with out (a) having a stroke from the stress (b) having a total meltdown from the stress (c) committing homicide against my boss :explode: :mad: :explode:

    On the other hand, did everyone see this?:

    Have a great week!
  • sasers
    sasers Posts: 146 Member
    I love seeing these huge weight losses!

    I have only lost 8 pounds so far but I know I have to start somewhere and if if I lose it slow it will be less likely to come back on.

    Seeing all these successes lets me know that It can be done and makes me want to try even harder now to lose the weight.

    My goal is to lose a minimum of 67 lbs by June 1st but not sure if that is doable or not.

    Would love to have more friends for motivation!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @katrena--glad you've found a potential solution to your GERD. :smile:

    @robin--I'm so glad your car problems had a happy ending. I agree with katrena--you are a good person and karma took care of you! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--I think John is confused for the same reason I am. My understanding is that TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (meaning TOTAL which includes exercise), while BMR is what you would burn if you stayed in bed all day. Therefore, unless you are VERY sedentary person, there should be quite a difference between those 2 numbers. However, I think for most people TDEE -20% is pretty close to BMR, which may be what you were trying to say.

    Having said all of that, I think I will calculate my TDEE as if I were sedentary (still higher than BMR) and then eat back exercise calories. I work out different amounts each day, so it's hard for me to estimate my activity level as a "weekly" amount.

    @marca--glad the shoes came and you got to do c25k--you are doing great with it! :drinker:

    @laurie--good luck reworking your meals for the week, and glad the knee is starting to improve. :smile:

    @lisa--I think it's a good idea to hold off on the running while the shinsplints heal. I've heard it's the type of injury that won't go away if you keep running. Also, when you decide to restart c25k, run on a slight incline--it's supposed to help decrease the likelihood of shinsplints.

    @lori--congrats on maintaining while on vacation--that's a true victory! :drinker:

    @john--see my post to kelley, but basically TDEE -20% is often close to BMR but not necessarily-- it really depends upon how active you are.

    AFM--I found a dress for the wedding. It's kind of a smoky light purple color, sleeveless, cocktail length. It's very cute and was on sale at Nordstrom Rack! yay!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    @kelley - thinking of you b/c I'm at Dallas airport.... Also b/c I realized I left my fitbit in Connecticut and will be hiking around in the rockies for a week without it. :mad: :explode: :grumble:

    If you use a smartphone, I like the Map My Run app. It's easy to use and will track how far you go as well as your speed. It will give you updates at each mile as well. Good luck!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys--after looking at a bunch of TDEE calculators, my calorie allowance (not counting exercise) would be almost exactly what I've been eating for the past several months, so no point in making that change. :laugh:

    Instead, I've decided to follow the fat2fitradio method which is to eat the amount of calories you would need to maintain your goal weight. Setting my goal weight at 160 gives me a daily calorie intake of 1757 if I'm sedentary. I set my net calories to this and will also eat back some to all of my exercise calories.

    In MFP's numbers this puts me at a half pound/week loss which is probably more appropriate for me as I try to lose this last 25 lbs. I have been set at a pound a week and clearly that's not working for me.

    With this change, I think I will be more mindful of what I eat to reach my calorie goal and I also plan to pay more attention to my macros which are still set to 40/30/30.

    Wish me luck! :smile:
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Not really much to report this week. I did a little exercise yesterday morning, but none last night. I started reading a book, which I NEVER do and just couldn't put it down! I also stayed up later than normal last night so I didn't get up and walk this morning before work. The boys have already asked if we could go on a bike ride this afternoon so I'll get some exercise that way.

    Wednesday Wish - I wish it was 5 o'clock and I was at home :laugh: Another Disney Cruise would be nice too, but have you seen the price of those things lately?!?!:brokenheart:
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning! Stepped on the scale and was really happy to see a 3lb loss! It's a great way to start the day. I do think some of it is water weight, but I'll take it! :)

    @BJCamp - what book are you reading? I'm always looking for a good one.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Lori - I'm reading "The Rescue" by Nicholas far it's absolutely amazing. I'm not a reader but love all of his movies and my best friend told me the books were better than the movies so I read the first chapter online (they do that to get you hooked I guess) and had to order it.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Katrena~Sounds like you had a nice vacation. Walking after dinner is a good idea, helps with digestion so may help alleviate some of those gerd symptoms you’ve been having. You have a great plan for activity laid out.

    @Robin~Oh, what a time you are having with that car and what a day you had! :grumble: I’m so glad someone came to your rescue.

    @Lori~Great weight loss, awesome week!

    @Karen~Right on the BMR. That’ll teach me to multitask, trying to explain something quick while at work doesn’t mix I guess. I was also running on about 4-hours of sleep yesterday, I have a feeling the hamster was very sluggish on the wheel! :laugh: Sorry for all of the confusion. The assessment I have done calls it RMR (resting metabolic rate), which is basically the least amount of calories we should consume daily for proper organ function. After the assessment they use a formula to add in “lifestyle” calories (for me very light since I have a desk job) and subtract the amount I want to lose (converted to calories), then add in exercise calories. Like you, it’s impossible to determine how many calories I’ll burn during any given exercise session so I use an average. I know tests don’t lie and there is a certain margin of error, but the problem I have is that the calories seem so high and I don’t see how I can lose weight eating that much (or even imagine myself eating another meal essentially), so my trainer and I found some common ground. I have a feeling that calculator they use is very similar to TDEE, so I play around with those calculators occasionally to see how they compare. Sounds like you did some great research & I subscribe to the fat2fitradio podcasts, I hope your new goals get that scale moving in the right direction again!

    Yesterday, my trainer sent me a link to the You Tube video of Katy Perry’s new song Roar – said he thought of me when he heard it. I’m not a huge fan of hers but this is a little darker. I loved it and loved what the lyrics say, so I wanted to share. I downloaded it from iTunes to my phone, of course – going to make a great workout song. Here is the link:

    AFM~Not much to report. I was so tired from Tuesday’s night of insomnia that I didn’t make it to the gym last night, napped most of the evening. Have session with my trainer tonight, he called yesterday and uttered “deadlifts.” Oh, dear! :noway:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~Elliptical. Not done. :yawn:
    Thursday~Elliptical or Arc Trainer
    Friday~Yoga or Walk on TM
    Saturday~HIIT on Elliptical/Running Drills
  • Well I didn't get to the gym yesterday nor did i get there this morning. My ex (still weird calling him that) called last night to chat with me and kept me up til 11. I decided 5.5 hours of sleep was not enough for me. I would have gone last night but my sister thought she had a meeting she had to go to for school but it turns out it is tonight so I will at least walk Deputy tonight if I can't get to the gym.

    Wednesday wish: Ok I am going to change this into a goal. To sit down and just figure out a good schedule for me.

    Have a good day

    Monday- Off- Done
    Tuesday- Gym -Not Done
    Wednesday - Gym or Walk with Deputy
    Thursday- Going to make this a Gym day
    Friday- Gym
    Saturday- Walk with Deputy
    Sunday- Gym