Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday I guess.....being we got about 11 inches of snow lastnight and this morning and it is still snowing. School was not cancelled or even delayed tho. I forgot my gym gear being I was in such a hurry to hit the highway on time in the snow mess highways hadn't even been plowed what a night mare.


    Wed- walk 23 mins on hill program level 4 in intervals of 3.0-3.2
    Thurs-walk 43 mins on hill program level 4 in intervals of 3.0-3.2- elliptical 5 mins @abt 3.5
    Friday-walk 23 mins on hill program level 4 in intervals of 3.0-3.2

    No weekend goals because I am having a hard time with school work fitting it in on the weekends.

    @Gorilla- I feel the same way about Engineering or Energy conferences they send us to.
    @Helena- Good luck with the food elimination
    @Susan- glad you could laugh about your table location at the conference
    @skinny- good luck with goals
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I'm adding a new goal for March: to strengthen my stomach muscles, so my lower back doesn't hurt.

    Yesterday, I spent all day from early morning until late at night babysitting and carrying a toddler and babies around. (From 23 lbs to 11 lbs.) I didn't think it was that much , but by last night I was in pain...I'll be babysitting a fair bit for the next few months, so I have to strengthen my back! The 6 week old is colicky and required a lot of jiggling, carrying, swaying, rocking, bouncing, whatever you can think of to sooth her!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    It was so gorgeous here yesterday that I just couldn’t bring myself to workout inside a gym, the high was 88 and not a cloud in the sky so I opted for a run instead – then iced my Achilles for the rest of the night, apparently I have angered it.

    @Karen~I recently started using the timer on my HRM to count my plank holds as well, felt like I needed an exact time so I had a baseline for building upon. Enjoy your “snow day” today and get some rest – sounds like a good day for you and Gunner to snuggle while you read a good book. :wink:
    @Vicki~Glad your follow-up went well! Yep, by July I’ll be wanting to switch climates too!:
    @Gorilla~Your engineering conference sounds fascinating! :laugh:
    @Rachael~Sounds like you had a rough afternoon. Did you ever find your car keys? I hope your daughter feels better soon.
    @Melancholy~One word - planks! They will help to strengthen your core, which will help alleviate back pain.

    March Challenge~I did not get my planks done yesterday, but it wasn’t a lack of effort – my arms are so sore from working out with my trainer on Sunday that I just couldn’t hold them. I suppose I should give myself credit for attempting them though. :tongue: I did get my water in though – 17 glasses yesterday!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Good Morning.

    It was so gorgeous here yesterday that I just couldn’t bring myself to workout inside a gym, the high was 88 and not a cloud in the sky so I opted for a run instead – then iced my Achilles for the rest of the night, apparently I have angered it.

    @Karen~I recently started using the timer on my HRM to count my plank holds as well, felt like I needed an exact time so I had a baseline for building upon. Enjoy your “snow day” today and get some rest – sounds like a good day for you and Gunner to snuggle while you read a good book. :wink:
    @Vicki~Glad your follow-up went well! Yep, by July I’ll be wanting to switch climates too!:
    @Gorilla~Your engineering conference sounds fascinating! :laugh:
    @Rachael~Sounds like you had a rough afternoon. Did you ever find your car keys? I hope your daughter feels better soon.
    @Melancholy~One word - planks! They will help to strengthen your core, which will help alleviate back pain.

    March Challenge~I did not get my planks done yesterday, but it wasn’t a lack of effort – my arms are so sore from working out with my trainer on Sunday that I just couldn’t hold them. I suppose I should give myself credit for attempting them though. :tongue: I did get my water in though – 17 glasses yesterday!

    thanks for the advice. I'm going to look into doing planks!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi all! So after my fiasco at work yesterday I finally had my mom bring me my spare key at 6:30 pm...2 1/2 hrs after I was supposed to leave Atlantic City..not the safest place at night. I never found my key :( My daughter is starting to feel better, but still a bit congested. I'm trying to nurse her back to health so she doesnt need to go to the doctor.

    Tuesday goals: Since I didnt get to the gym last night, I will be bringing it hardcore tonight..thats the plan anyway. I have no idea what to do the rest of the week yet.

    Have a great day!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Monday check in -
    Oncologist check up today - she said things were looking good but took tests anyway, back again in July unless she finds something funky. Cool thing is that she was impressed with the weight loss & how I'm going about it.... yay!

    that's awesome!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Rachael~I think everyone needs to find their own niche when it comes to setting up exercise routines, try to change things up a bit periodically to keep your body guessing. I don’t do the same cardio two days in a row and I do full-body strength training at least twice a week. So maybe do the elliptical one day, the treadmill a couple times a week (working in the C25K program those days), and maybe a spinning class one day, then 2 days a week do strength training. On my strength training days, I do the entire body - its just what works into my schedule. Just remember that if you do full-body strength training to skip a day in between for the muscles to recover. If its easier for you to work in a little strength training every day, then follow Laurie's advice above - concentrating on different body parts each day. Then remember, do some core work each day and stretch/foam roll after each session - take advantage of the sauna if you have access to one, its great to reduce inflammation and aids in recovery (I use it 3x a week). FInally remember to take a day or 2 as "rest" days to give your body a break - they can be "active" rest days, maybe those days you take a walk around the neighborhood or play with the kids (I devote those days to housework and/or my Wii Fit).

    @Toots~How is your hubby? Has he recovered from his illness?
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Monday check in -
    Oncologist check up today - she said things were looking good but took tests anyway, back again in July unless she finds something funky. Cool thing is that she was impressed with the weight loss & how I'm going about it.... yay!

    that's awesome!

    I second that!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Monday check in -
    Oncologist check up today - she said things were looking good but took tests anyway, back again in July unless she finds something funky. Cool thing is that she was impressed with the weight loss & how I'm going about it.... yay!

    that's awesome!

    I second that!

    And A THIRD from here. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Tuesday goal-- I'm going to finish reading "The Virgin Diet" and then write up a plan as to how and when I shall begin. (There is pea protein to order, chia seeds to find and purchase, etc...) I talked to my husband yesterday about starting this. (Whether I mean to or not, this affects him because I cook our main meal, and while I will still make things I can't have for him, I still won't be cooking "normal"). He thinks it may be a good idea because of my iron issues. (Maybe "food intolerance" is keeping iron from being absorbed by my body....).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--kelley and laurie gave you some great options for routines. I tend to follow something closer to kelley's plan doing full body weights a couple days a week. I do it that way b/c I only get to the gym 2-3 days a week which has all of the equipment I need to lift. I also do some core strength work at home and I've just added light arm weights to that. I try to do some sort of cardio 5-6 days/week. Running is my mainstay, but I rotate in the stationary bike, elliptical, stairmaster, and (most recently) arc trainer. On my rest days I walk gunner.

    @kelley--I'm re-reading Wuthering Heights and Great Gatsby for work. I don't *love* WH, but Gatsby is my absolute favorite!

    @mel--I had been lifting weights about a year before my niece was born, and I was shocked at how much my back, shoulders, and arms ached after babysitting. Holding, bouncing, rocking babies takes a whole different type of strength than lifting! I agree with kelley about the planks. I also do some balance (yoga-type) moves that are great for balance and core strength. I'm going to look for the links so I can post them for you.

    @holly--they called our snow day last night--unheard of in my area! Usually, I'm up at 4am waiting for the phone call. Now it turns out our snow isn't coming until later this afternoon, so we probably could have had school today after all. :ohwell: Hope they get your roads cleared before the evening rush--drive carefully!

    @gorilla--sounds like your co-worker timed that vacation perfectly! :laugh: Sorry you have to sit through a conference.

    @helen--that elimination diet sounds hard, but if it helps you figure out what works best for you, then it will be worth it.

    @susan--that's too funny about the seating at your conference. :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals:
    My exercise plan calls for a run today, but my cold is at full force today. I'm going to make it a rest day, other than some shoveling later this afternoon. The timing of this snow day worked out perfectly. I really needed the extra sleep--was up coughing and blowing my nose all night long. Plus, I would have been miserable trying teach with my nose running constantly. Snow isn't bad yet, but we are in line for 8-10 inches. :noway:

    Goals for today:
    1. dishes DONE
    2. clean fish tank
    3. x/18 Gatsby journals
    4. laundry
    5. shovel
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @rachael – finding a routine can be all trial and error. But find what works for you. Right now, I’m alternating gym days (strength, elliptical) with running on my treadmill at home. This week, I’ll run 3 days, gym 4 days, next week run 4 days, gym 3 days. Once I build more distance to my running, I will have a rest day – just not sure what day that will be yet. Someday I will add a class or two on a gym day, but I’m just not ready for that yet. Zumba and spin class are most interesting to me.

    @skinnyjeanz – enjoy your snow day. I heard that some areas are getting a lot today. Thankfully, it doesn’t sound like it’s heading into Canada this time. Glad you are getting some extra time to recover – and you didn’t even have to call in sick!

    @helen – wow, the Virgin Diet sounds intense, hopefully you will find the answers you are seeking.

    @susan – what are the odds you’d be sitting with your old boss? At least your leaving was amicable; it would have been horrible if things had gone badly when you gave your notice!

    @kah – I can hardly wait for it to be nice enough to take my run outside. Still too much snow & ice here – but it’s supposed to be getting warmer the next few days and that should start the meltdown.

    @Mel – that’s exactly why I’ve included the ab work and planks for my March goal. Strong abs = strong back. I just wish I didn’t hate sit ups so much. Did find an app on iTunes – 0 – 200 sit ups. Kind of like a C25K for sit-ups, lol. Found one for 0 – 100 push ups too. I can’t do either well – yet……

    @ Holly – sounds like quite a mess of snow for your area. Hope it’s better going home.

    @Gorilla – enjoy that conference.

    @Laurie – yeesh, no heat in your classroom. Not sure where you are located, but it must have gotten quite chilly in there by the end of the day. Hope you either do or don’t get that snow – depends if you are hoping for a snow day or not.

    I don’t have any new goals. So far, I’ve done my planks, sit ups and push ups on my run days at home.

    March Challenges:
    1. MUST add in some ab work and push ups at least 3x/week.
    2. Keep on logging, posting and tracking.
    3. I find “tooting my own horn” very hard to do. But I will make an effort to stop the negative self-talk when it starts.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone hope the last couple of days have been good. I got clobbered by a cold on Sunday. I thought my allergies were just acting up but when I woke up on Sunday every part of me ached and I had all the fun symptoms of a head cold. I ended up at the Dr yesterday because my ears were killing me and yep double ear infection to go along with. So needless to say I have spent most of the last couple of days curled up reading or sleeping. I just wanted to check in real quick and let you all know I was thinking of you and I know you are all doing great. I will get back when I am feeling better.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--just checking in. Finished cleaning the fish tank--what a miserable job! Nose still won't quit and DH won't let me help shovel b/c I'm sick. I'm not too sad about that. :wink:

    Goals for today:
    1. dishes DONE
    2. clean fish tank DONE
    3. x/18 Gatsby journals
    4. laundry
  • Freemyskinny
    Hmm.. well, good Tuesday to ya guys.! I refuse to look down even though my life seems gloomy right now. My goal has to be.. I want to lose 5lbs by the end of this week if not more. Also I will not cry today.!! :D

    Always, Diana.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Hubs is at a work conference in Ohio until Thursday, so I'm feeling very lonesome. This is the first time we've been really apart since we were married. Just got home from work and having a hard time knowing he's sleeping somewhere else tonight :(

    Goals for this week:
    CLEAN THIS HOUSE (might take my mind off absent Hubby)
    Drink water.
    Read this book.

    Fitness goals:
    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength + planks (haven't started yet but will before bed)
    Wednesday- c25k
    Thursday- strength + planks
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ Kelley, Karen, Laurie and drojen: THANK YOU for the advice on a workout routine. I greatly appreciate it. I'm going to start thinking about it and come up with a better plan for next week. :) you guys are the best!

    @ebailey- I'm sorry it's difficult having him away, would you like to borrow my kids? They are great company! Lol sleep with a pillow behind ur back, not the same as having him there but a nice substitute.

    @ Diana- way to stay positive!! That's an awesome step in the right direction. See! You're changing already! You could have been miserable all day, but you pushed through it! I hope you are the weightlloss you're looking for this week :) keep us updated!!

    I'm 5/31 for my 2 march challenges of drinking more water and journalist something + about myself/achievements.

    I couldn't get to the gym bc Paige is still not well and I couldn't leave her in the kids club ( as they call it) like it that so I decided I hang out with my old pal Leslie sansone. We walked 5 miles tonight!!! This is only the 2nd time I've been able to do this. Its been awhile since I've done these DVDs and I feel the burn in my body!! Yaay!! Gonna be sore tomorrow hahaha

    Goodnight all and sleep well!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Drojen- I live and work in Maryland so our weather varies daily. Yesterday, the temperature in my room was 59 degree and never made it above 60 degrees. That is just to cold for the kids and I to focus. Today, the heat was back on and the temperature was in the 80's to hot to stay focused but they did work very hard today. We opened the windows which helped. The outside temp was near 50 today. Tomorrow, we are suppose to get some snow.

    I would love a snow day, but don't want to get my hopes up yet. Between the Chesapeake Bay, Atlantic Ocean and the Mountains plus a pesky jet stream that forecast can change we get nothing or get dumped. They are saying 3-6 inches but it will also include rain and possible sleet- the ice is the worse. I am making my wish early and that is for a snow day.

    Tuesday Goals-
    My exercise plans for the week:
    Saturday- Gym DONE
    Sunday- Walk with Friend (gym was to busy) DONE
    Monday- Gym DONE
    Tuesday-REST Day- I was very tired today DONE- Did socialize with a different group of people
    Wednesday- Gym or shoveling snow may meet with Trainer weather dependent
    Thursday-Gym with trainer
    Friday- Rock Climbing

    March challenges
    1. Water between 15-18 cups a day.
    2. Add mobility exercises back into my routine for back and shoulders at least 3 x's a week
    3. State the positives in my life, especially when I do better on a reoccurring activity.
    4. Add 3 days of core work as well.

    A fun positive today--Tonight I went out with a social group and one of the guys there I had met a few months ago. I really liked him but nothing happened. As we were talking tonight, he said something about how I should be mixing with all the other guys as young as I was (I did talk to many of them but nothing special.) He thinks I am younger than I actually am-he did not ask. Anyway, as I was preparing to leave, I had to ask him if he would go out with a girl if they came up to him and asked him out? His reply was I would need to think about it- I said that was my point exactly why push myself on a guy if they are not interested- his response- "playing hard to get",. Me- I am. Then I said I would like to go out with you but I will not beg or throw myself at you. Him- He thought that was interesting. He would think about it. I will see what happens. At least he did not blow me off.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We got in our walk late this afternoon along a walking by the Columbia River. It was raining and cold, but a good walk. Today I also went shopping at an amazing Asian store in Beaverton, OR. It was really fun and I got my years supply of curry.
    Good night. Kaye
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Just read through the last 4 pages or so. Morgori, good for you, donating for St. Baldricks! For those under the weather, feel better soon! And reading everybody's posts about exercise routines (and rewarding yourself) got me thinking about moving my coffee table out of the middle of my living room again. And getting a pedi for meeting my goals. And maybe seeing if I can afford a personal trainer again, since that will -- for SURE -- get me going to the gym regularly. :smile:

    This past weekend was my daughter's birthday (wretched calorie-wise, but a great time had by all anyway), and then we went up to Mt. Hood to visit the snow. (Apologies to those shoveling out driveways.... western Oregon tends not to get much, but it's only a 90-minute drive to go play in it.) I went tubing and woke up with sore everything yesterday. Just tells me how out of shape I am, but -- again -- it was great fun.

    Toots, I hope your hubby is doing okay these days. I've been reading an annotated Pride & Prejudice and really enjoying it the last couple of days. Fascinating to read the notes that put the little details of the novel into historical context. I was struck, yesterday, by how appalled Jane Austen would be upon meeting me. I possess none of the traits considered fashionable or appropriate for a well-bred lady of the early 1800s, and many of the ones (significant education and fierce independence in particular) that would have been abhorrent. Amazing what a couple hundred years and a cultural revolution or two will do....

    ETA: Kaye, where was that store? Gotta check that out!!