Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    I'm still pretty sick--sinuses feel like they will explode and nose won't stop running. :sick: Miserable all day at work, then came home and napped for almost 4 hours. :yawn: Woke up to eat a little bit, and now it's back to bed for me. I will try to catch up on posts tomorrow.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi Everybody - I sure missed you! Back from vacation and had to make a trip to the pulmonologist this am for bronchitis - and now I'm on antibiotics. Just reading this page sounds like lots of people have colds, so hope we all get better!
    Jamaica was pure heaven on earth for this non-traveler, I was in awe of its beauty, the beaches and palm trees, birds and sunshine. The people are wonderful and we just had non-stop fun. I walked miles every day and only ate 2 meals a day. Plan on weighing myself tomorrow am, and hoping the damage is not significant.
    Will catch up on reading past pages and more comments tomorrow. I need to catch up on sleep!

    Welcome back Robin!! Your ears must have been burning because I was about to post "When's Robin back??" We've missed you, but you've trained folks so well and the thread has moved along. I've enjoyed going to various islands over the years and it's so nice to just kick back. Island life is so calm. Great fruit and just miles and miles of sandy beaches. Love the picture of you and your BF. You both look very happy even if you're a little doped up. LOL!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi guys-
    I'm still pretty sick--sinuses feel like they will explode and nose won't stop running. :sick: Miserable all day at work, then came home and napped for almost 4 hours. :yawn: Woke up to eat a little bit, and now it's back to bed for me. I will try to catch up on posts tomorrow.

    I've heard so many people not feeling well with sinus stuff. Rest is so important for healing. Good night!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I almost quit this morning. I almost let my profile just fade away, because after 3 months of being diligent with logging, eating better, and working out, I had seen no results in weight. I wanted to prove it to myself by stepping on the scale.

    And it said 269. !!!! I finally came off the plateau!! I haven't been under 270 in so long, it's strange for me to see those numbers. So I'm here to stay. Let's do this.

    I can totally relate. It took FOREVER to get under 270 and I finally got down to 262, but then it started to creep back up. I've had a job change and my exercise routine has been totally off. I'm trying not to make excuses, but I am and with the plateau I've hit it's been a bit frustrating. With that said, I've got to get back to my regular work outs. Eating has been OK, but just maintaining. Gains happened because the eating was crap, which I'm fixing. Hang in there!!! Like so many have said, we get it and just keep at it. You'll make it!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Demand: No wishing here, but I'm demanding that I get my butt back in gear. I keep saying this, but I'm not doing it. I'm doing everything in my power to just hang on. Logging is not the problem and eating is OK (for the most part), but I know it's because I'm not moving. This coming weekend I'm going to visit a new gym that's 24 hours and just a block away. I've got a couple very close so I want to check them all out. I'm definitely not going to one of the bigger ones because it's all about who looks good and a total meat market. Someone told me about a few smaller ones that I think I'll like better. Perhaps this new gym will get me motivated again. This is literally a battle every day. Still staying positive, but what a mental game.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome back Robin.
  • Freemyskinny
    Hello, late post for the day.. I know. But here I go. my wish for this week is... I want this broken heart to be healed. and also, stilll dreamin' about that 5lbs this week. haha. this will be a short one.. i am late on my work out and walk.. really late.

    See ya later Alligators.! :D
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a great mall walk today because it was raining really hard. Its been a fun week but we have to head home tomorrow. My wish is for good roads tomorrow.
    So sorry some of you are ill. That is not good. Welcome home, Robin. I'm glad that you had a good trip.
    Good night, Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    welcome back robin
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Robin, that sounds like a wonderful trip! Welcome back!

    Wednesday wish: today was an "I wanna be telekinetic!!" day. Got stuck behind a Volvo going about 32 mph in a 45 zone. One lane. Dear Universe, would it be so bad if I could just gently scoot these idiots out of the way of the sane drivers? Really?

    Did okay today until after work. I've been eating so badly that regular calorie intake leaves me hungry. But I logged it!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Robin, that sounds like a wonderful trip! Welcome back!

    Wednesday wish: today was an "I wanna be telekinetic!!" day. Got stuck behind a Volvo going about 32 mph in a 45 zone. One lane. Dear Universe, would it be so bad if I could just gently scoot these idiots out of the way of the sane drivers? Really?

    Did okay today until after work. I've been eating so badly that regular calorie intake leaves me hungry. But I logged it!

    There is nothing that bothers me more than drivers who drive like that. It is so annoying and frustrating.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @ robin - Welcome back to MFP land! Your group missed you! Glad your tip was so much fun, feel better soon!
    @jtconst - I do love me some hummus! how was it?
    @Lauriek70 a couple days off sounds like a good plan and rockcliming has to be a great workout and a lot of fun too! I would love to give it a try. There is a place by me where I had my youngests B-day party last year. Maybe I can check it out
    @skinnyjeanzbo - rest up.. lots of liquids... I suggest hot toddies.. LOL
    @ShrinkRapt451 There is a reason cars have bumpers!!! LOL Get out the way!!!

    Thursday... still sore from Tuesday's workout. Spin class was the regular instructor but Im not sure why but she went extra hard and was more personable.. much better workout. My legs are really dead this morning. Walking from that train to my office (3/4 a mile) was a battle today.

    Tonight is Workout A... I need to build up some energy through the day and drink lots of water to flush out my muscles.

    I do need to re-evaluate my workout plans and add in a rest day. This workout is too intense as it is. Thursday is my favorite night to lift though... and then early morning tomorrow is weigh in and cardio... but I will go light cardio and just do some elliptical. Then this weekend I don't want to do it, but i think i will abandon my run plan and lift one day and rest the other.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's Wish-
    That I could grow a back bone and stick up for myself to people when I have to verses waiting until they have pushed me over my limit.

    @robin- welcome back, like the pic and glad it was fun.
    @to all the are sick- get well soon
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I have to say I’m very glad today is my Friday, as of this morning I need a break from the idiots on the highway. My commute this week has been terrible, it will be nice to avoid heavy traffic for a few days. Had session with my trainer last night, the gym was super busy for some odd reason so he got frustrated – not the best workout and I didn’t get near the calorie burn I normally do, but better than nothing. I’ll see him again Sunday (usually our more intense session) and then we’re running on Monday (postponed from Friday). My plan was to not get out of my pj’s tomorrow, I just really need a lazy day – but I know I’ll find myself at the gym at some point and do some things around the house. I guess I’m not very good at being lazy! :laugh:

    @Susan~Not sure if you’ve looked into Lifetime Fitness (or if the one in Vegas is near you), but it’s more of a country club than a gym. There is one in Summerlin, it’s a platinum club so not sure of the cost; I belong to a gold club in Dallas and absolutely love it. They do cost more, but you don’t have to put up with the crap you do at some of the other places. They have great programs for kids too. Also, check out Planet Fitness if there is one near you – super cheap (I think ~$10/mo) and you won’t put up with lunkheads (they offer free training also).
    @Robin~Welcome back, sounds like you had a fabulous time! Hope the bronchitis is short-lived and you are back to 100% soon.
    @Shrinkrapt~LOL, you sound like me with these Texas drivers lately. Sometimes I wish I was driving a bulldozer! :laugh:
    @Laurie~We all need a rest every once in a while, sounds like you needed it. Glad your “snow day” wish came true!
    @Karen~I hope you are feeling better soon!
    @Gorilla~It always amazes me how noodle-like my legs are after I get off a spinning bike, the other bikes don’t do that. I think working in a rest day is a great idea, let those muscles relax a bit.

    Thursday Truth~I have been so busy this week that I haven’t been consistent with my logging, I know I’m within my macros, etc but it’s still not good. I have found myself catching up my log the next day – I really should do it the night before! I need to get more organized, etc. so I’m not crunched for time like I have been lately – something to work on while I’m off, along with some shopping. I must find jeans!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - sorry your condo bid didn't work out , but as you said, there's one perfect home out there waiting for you -

    Queen - when it comes to finding your backbone it usually helps to be backed up against a wall first, then you find it!

    Gorilla - I agree with you, it sounds like you need a rest day between work-outs. And congrats to the kids in their wrestling!

    Tom - great gesture shaving your head. No grass on a playground they say!

    Lin - hope your fibro gets under control. I hate to think of you in so much pain.

    Vickie - I'm glad your onc was happy with your visit!

    I'm adjusting my weight ticker. I'm up 3 lbs. UGH! Gotta be honest with myself. Its 3 lbs. I've been carrying around since BEFORE the vacation! Didn't gain an ounce while on vacation though, so proud of that!

    My MARCH CHALLENGE will be
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Good morning! I just got home from my morning work shift, now have a few hours before going back. Laundry is all done, and in the process of being put away, though I'm probably going to start another load just because. Gotta love the 12 seconds that laundry is all done.

    I've been reading posts and found a common theme. Get better, everyone! We're almost through cold and flu season!

    I'm almost through with cleaning house. Thinking I'll go to the gym and then finish up with the house. Need to vacuum the living room and clean up our bedroom and such.

    Thursday Truth: I know I've been crappy to some of my friends. Last night, I tried to get a hold of my friend to get together (hubby does not like me going to his house because he doesn't like this particular friend, even though I lived with him for 2 years and he's gay) and he completely blew up at me. How I've only wanted to see him when Rob is out of town, how he thinks I can't be there for him in a medical emergency, the list goes on and on. I know I've not been good to him, let alone some of my other friends, but lately I've been focusing on me and my life.

    Also, a girl that hosted a Pure Romance party for me in the past (I'm a consultant) added Pure Romance to her work on Facebook. And I know she didn't sign under me. I'm pretty upset about it. Like really?!

    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength + planks DONE
    Wednesday- c25k (will combine with strength today)
    Thursday- strength + planks
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Laurie- I agree with Robin there is a perfect place out there waiting for you. I looked at over 40 houses it took me from April 2012- Sept 2012 to find a house I loved within my budget where they accepted my offer. The funny thing is the lady who sold me her house also works for the same company as me.
  • Freemyskinny
    Hi everyone.! :D I am goin' to try this bein' happy thing again.. everyday is a fight. and today I was tellin' someone "i am ugly.." and I caught my own tongue and said "oops can't say that.. i mean, I am beautiful.!" so this March thing might be easier then I thought. hehe.

    Also, I have been lookin' at positive qoutes online and I found one that I will use all day today..

    "Today you are you, that is truer than true.. there is no one alive who is youer than you.." -Dr. Suess. ^-^

    My Thrusday Truth.. this is goin' to get juicy..
    I felt like I have been walkin' under my Ex since the break up and today he called me and snapp'd at me.. then i told him about my excitment to do Insanity in 27days and this is what he said.. "you know if you don't do the diet along with the work out it will not work and its way harder then p90x or what you are doin' now."(he knows I don't have the money to follow the diet to the T and why did he just try to say in a light way i can not do it..) ..then I thought to myself.. "wow.! I love this guy.?!" he did say sorry once he realized he hurt my feelings and offered to pay for a yoga mat. i declined his offer and played it off. Right now.. I don't feel like I am walkin' under him, I KNOW I am above. also he said he thinks this "workin' out and diet" is sexy af. yupp yuup.. I don't see myself goin' back to him. (:

    DIANA.! oh yes today is my day.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thursday Truth: So I decided to turn this into a cheat day and over did it. At first I was like "Yea so glad I did this" Then after i saw the calories I was like WTF??!! So I must work out so that I can Eat dinner. I figured I am having a small dinner and I'd rather not go over that much. Now I am feeling like "Why oh why did I eat so much!" At the beginning of the year I could have eaten it no problem and not felt so incredibly over full. Sigh Oh well. I will turn this day around and make tomorrow better! I have to admit I did need this as a cheat day, I love my salads but I don't think I could have eaten 2 of the same salads in one day.

    I wish I had someone here to work out with or even just hang out with... My sister always goes and runs before I get home because she has so much homework. I also have no friends here other than my boyfriend and I only get to see him on the weekends. I don't know why it is so hard for me to make friends. I am a really nice person with a good personality. I guess it's because all I do is go to work and go home.

    Have a good day.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    What rotten luck, I have caught some type of a cold. Started coming down with it yesterday and started my Thera flu, zicam and 2000mg of vitamin C. The good news is I'm not much worse but the bad news is that I'm not better either. Its at the point where thankfully I'm not in bed wishing for death but its bad enough that its an annoyance I can't ignore. My ears are getting all stuffy too, feels like I have been on an airplane. That being said my belated Wed wish for everyone is HEALTH!!

    Now confession time- I really really wish I didn't have to go to my daughter's music program tonight. I will go of course and be a good mom, the whole family is coming. She has memorized her part- she's in 2nd grade, but I would rather be sleeping, or at least at home in sweats with my bra off.